Lagoon Boy

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Lagoon Boy was created by Erik Larsen and Eric Battle in the pages of Aquaman in Aquaman #50 in 1998.

Lagoon Boy
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Aquaman #50 (1998)
Created by Eric Larsen
Eric Battle
character of
Abilities Puffer fish-like transformation, control of sea creatures

[edit] Physical appearance and powers

Lagoon Boy is an amphibious boy. He is small in stature, but stronger, quicker and more durable than an ordinary human. His body is covered in green scales and fins, as well as sharp claws and teeth.

When excited, Lagoon Boy also has the ability to blow up like a puffer fish, which makes him appear to be much larger and more intimidating, and develops quills that can cause great pain to other opponents who cross his path. He also possesses a conch horn which allows him to have contact with other beings of the ocean; at this point it is unclear just how much control he has over the beings he summons. He has the means to acquire wealth from sunken treasures to afford things from the surface world (as shown in Aquaman #54).

[edit] History

No writer has yet provided an origin story for Lagoon Boy. In Aquaman #50, despite the protests of many racist and elitist Atlanteans, Aquaman furthers his attempts to make Atlantis more open to citizens living beyond its undersea kingdom by allowing them citizenship as Atlanteans. Lagoon Boy comes to the ceremony also on the same day celebrating King Orin and Queen Mera's marriage. There he soon befriends Blubber, a gigantic whale with a genius IQ and his assistant, the beautiful Sheeva the Mermaid.

Aquaman #54 shows the three characters calling themselves "The Landlubbers". Blubber has created a device which allowed Atlanteans to view television from the surface world. The trio head up to the surface world to explore and compare it to impressions developed from watching television broadcasts while undersea. Their appearance creates a huge disturbance and the coast guard is quickly called in. Aquaman rescues the Landlubbers from persecution and sends them back to Atlantis.

[edit] Later appearances

After Larsen's run on Aquaman ended, the Landlubbers did not reappear in Aquaman. Lagoon Boy was used was shortly before the end of Eric Larsen's run by Chuck Dixon, who wrote the Young Justice Special #1 No Man's Land story. In the story, the boys of Young Justice - Superboy, Robin and Impulse, break into Gotham City and meet Lagoon Boy. They team up to stop the invasion of Kobra from invading the abandoned city.

Lagoon Boy also appears in the Young Justice:Sins of Youth story, in which he is aged to adulthood while Aquaman becomes a kid again. They face off against Klarion the Witchboy and Black Manta, helping the JSA, JLA, the Titans and Young Justice stop the mixture of science and magic causing the transformations of most of the characters in the story.

Lagoon Boy is in Young Justice #50, displaying the ability to command large humpback whales. He uses this ability to cause a riptide on the shores of the nation called Zandia, aiding Young Justice in the capture of its evil dictator.

In Robin #83 and #84, also written by Dixon, Lagoon Boy discovers a conch horn that allows him to call out to his pet Spotty, a monstrous animal from the undersea trench called the Devil's Deep. Unfortunately, he doesn't realise it also calls out to another monster which comes to the surface, wreaking havoc upon Gotham harbor. Robin and Lagoon Boy team up to stop the monster from hurting any citizens and force its return to the sea.

Lagoon Boy was last shown in Infinite Crisis #4. The Spectre wreaks havoc on the people of Atlantis and Lagoon Boy is shown fighting the Spectre along many colleagues who appeared to have died in the conflict. His fate is still unknown at this point.