Lady Elliot Island

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Lady Elliot Island as seen from the air.
Lady Elliot Island as seen from the air.

Lady Elliot Island is the southern-most coral cay of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The island lies 85 kilometres north-east of Bundaberg and covers an area of approximately 40 hectares. The island is home to a small resort and airstrip, which is serviced daily by flights from Gladstone, 1770, Bundaberg, Hervey Bay, Maroochydore, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Visitors to the resort can stay in a variety of accommodation, from suites to tent cabins. Activities on the island include reef walking, scuba diving, snorkelling and bird, turtle and whale watching.

Lady Elliot Island is one of only six island resorts on the Great Barrier Reef, and one of only three with direct flight access to the island airstrip. The island is located within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in the highest possible classification of Marine National Park Zone as designated by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Lady Elliot is an island teeming with life and live corals, famous for a resident population of 40 manta rays which form the iconic logo of the island's resort.


[edit] Fauna

[edit] Turtles

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most important sea turtle habitats in the world, with Lady Elliot Island being a key part of that habitat. Every year between November and March the green and loggerhead turtles lumber up the same beach on which they were born more than 50 years ago. These turtles nest on Lady Elliot Island up to nine times in a season, laying between 80 and 120 eggs per clutch. About eight weeks later, young hatchlings leave their nests and head towards the ocean (January to April).

[edit] Whales

Lady Elliot Island is just north of Hervey Bay, a popular Humpback Whale breeding ground. Whales are common in the waters around the island in the winter and early spring from June to October. Regular sightings occur on the flights to the island, and while snorkelling and diving from boats and from the island's beaches. Almost daily during the season, whale songs can be heard under the water while swimming around the island.

[edit] Seabirds

Lady Elliot Island is an important seabird nesting site. The cay is a haven for over fifty species of tropical seabirds and wading birds. Over 100,000 birds nest on Lady Elliot Island during summer breeding season.

Seabirds common to Lady Elliot Island include:

[edit] History

Lady Elliot Island first appeared above sea level around 1500BC as a coral rubble spit. It developed into a mature coral cay over the next 3000 years.

[edit] 1805: First commercial venture

In 1805 James Alckin began the first commercial venture on Lady Elliot Island—the collecting of Beche de Mer. These animals were removed from the shallow water, dried and then smoked before being exported to Asia and Malay communities for more than 180 pounds per tonne.

[edit] 1816: Official discovery

In 1816 the Island was officially discovered and named by Captain Thomas Stuart aboard the vessel "Lady Elliot". The "Lady Elliot" was a 353 tonne vessel that was built in Bengal and registered in Calcutta, India. The ship was named after the wife of Hugh Elliot the Colonial Governor of India. On the return journey from Sydney it was wrecked on a reef off Cardwell in North Queensland and that reef is called Lady Elliot Reef.

[edit] 1863: Mining for guano

In 1863 Mr. J Askunas won tender from the Queensland Government to mine the island for guano for 300 pounds per annum for 10 years. The lease was transferred to Dr. W.I. Crowther of Hobart on 23rd August, 1864. Dr. Crowther mined the island until the end of 1873. The guano was mined by Chinese and Malay workers and sent to Tasmania and New Zealand. Over this period virtually all the trees were removed, as well as 3 feet of top soil and guano. In 1874 the guano mining ceased, but the damage to the vegetation of the island was absolute. It was not until 1966 that a revegetation program was undertaken by lighthouse staff. Their efforts were quickly rewarded, with the island re-emerging as a haven for all types of seabirds.

[edit] 1873: Lighthouse

In 1873 a lighthouse was constructed. The lighthouse is on the National Heritage list because it is a timber framed construction with a cast iron cladding, which was pre made in England and shipped to the island in pieces. This lighthouse is 15m tall and shone out approximately 30km to sea. The old lighthouse was used continuously until 1995 but became too short for the surrounding vegetation, which was interrupting the beam of light. At this time the Australian Maritime Safety Authority built a new light tower. It is 34m tall and its 6 light beams shine 40km out to sea. It is solar powered, fully automated and runs continuously.

[edit] 1969: Airstrip

In 1969 Mr Don Adams built an airstrip and accomodation on the island, and was granted a tourist recreation lease by the Commonwealth. In 1977 Don Adams sold the lease to Barrier Reef Airways. In 1984 the Australian Government called for tenders to construct a low-key resort on that island. The first owner of the resort lease was John and Judy French, with the resort opening in 1985. In 1992 the resort lease changed hands and was sold to Bevan Whittaker.

In 2005 the original 20 year resort lease came up for renewal and was put to tender. The tender was won by 3 Gold Coast businessmen—Peter Gash (aviation entrepreneur and owner of SEAIR Pacific), Michael Kyle (a prominent commercial lawyer) and Grant Kenny (champion lifesaver and olympian). A new lease was granted for a 20 year period, with an option for a further 10 years.

[edit] External links

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