Lady Callia

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Lady Callia is a fictional character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

She is the consort of the Lord Stettin and appears to be a typical bimbo, except she is now getting on in age a little. Arkady Darell uses her to persuade Lord Stettin to allow Homir Munn access to the Mule's palace for research purposes. She does this by dropping hints to Lady Callia that Lord Settin may be in line to rule the galaxy. Lady Callia passes the information along.

Lady Callia then helps Arkady escape Lord Stettin who keep Homir hostage while he sets his plans in motion. Arkady initially thinks (rightly) based on Lady Callias information, that Lord Stettin may be interested in her as a new consort. Despite being only 14 at the time, a relationship with an established Foundation family might help Lord Stettin. So it appears that Lady Callia is just removing her as a rival. However, in the last seconds of their parting, Arkady realises there is a lot more to Lady Callia than meets the eye, and that she is in fact a member of the Second Foundation, and is subtly manipulating the power on Kalgan.