Laboratory of Integrated Physiology

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The LIP was created in 2002 with the support of the University of Houston and Department of Health and Human Performance. The LIP is designed to investigate fundamental questions related to healthy living and develop applied processes that promote healthy livestyles. The LIP is a fully equipped human performance/physiology/biochemistry laboratory capable of performing a wide variety of human performance testing, including exercise testing, muscle strength assessment, motor co-ordination/motor performance testing, learning/memory assessment and biochemical analysis of biological samples. The LIP is made up of three interconnected areas, a biochemical analysis laboratory (1400 sq. feet), a physiological/motor control testing laboratory (2400 sq. feet) and an exercise/strength testing laboratory with attached seminar/teaching area (2100 sq. feet). The LIP has a separate minor surgical procedure room (140 sq. feet) attached to the biochemical analysis laboratory that houses three phlebotomy stations and one minor surgical bed/station. The investigators working in the LIP have generated a multitude of research articles in a variety of scientific areas.

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