La serva padrona

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La serva padrona (The Servant Mistress) is an opera buffa by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (January 4, 1710March 16, 1736) on a libretto by Gennaro Antonio Federico, after the play by Jacopo Angello Nelli. It was originally part of Pergolesi's opera seria Il prigioniero superbo (The Proud Prisoner). The duo made their debut in 1733. It was the first opera to be staged after an earthquake in Naples had caused all theatrical performances to be banned, and celebrated the birthday of the Empress of Habsburg.

Il prigioniero was unsuccessful in its day and is not a recognized title in today’s opera repertoire. Eventually the two pieces were separated, and La serva padrona went on to enjoy fame throughout Europe for years after its premiere. The importance of this intermezzo can hardly be overlooked in the history of opera. It was appealing because of its presentation of characters that were relatable to any audience, namely the cunning maid and her aging master. La serva padrona is often seen as the quintessential piece that bridges the gap from the Baroque to the Classical period.

The story features Uberto Pandolphe, who is not sure if he wants to marry his maid, Serpina, or if he simply pities her. As a test, Serpina dresses up Vespone, Uberto's valet, as a soldier she plans to marry. The piece is for bass, soprano, and a "mute" actor.

Among the sopranos who have recorded the work are Virginia Zeani (opposite her husband Nicola Rossi-Lemeni, 1959), Renata Scotto (c1960), Anna Moffo (1962) and Julianne Baird (1989).