La Taha

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The hamlet of Atalbéitar in La Tahá, from the north
The hamlet of Atalbéitar in La Tahá, from the north

La Tahá, is a municipality in the Alpujarras region of the province of Granada, Spain. The modern municipality consists of three distinct villages, though several of the villages are themselves clusters of distinct settlements. It lies to the east of the villages of the Rio Poqueira gorge, and to the south and west of Trevélez.

The villages of La Taha are:

  • Pitres, with the smaller settlement of Capilerilla above it; this is the administrative centre, the largest of the three villages, and the only one on the through road
  • Mecina Fondales, which comprises Mecina, Mecinilla, and Fondales
  • Ferreirola, which is below the smaller village of Atalbéitar

In guide books and other sources, some other neighbouring villages are often included in La Taha, though they do not belong to the municipality. These include Pórtugos and Busquístar.

The name La Taha comes from Arabic meaning obedience. Under the Nasrid kings of Granada, the region was divided into a number of administrative districts called "tahas", each containing several settlements; for examples the villages of the Poquiera gorge formed "La Taha de Poqueira". Modern La Taha is the only one of these districts to have retained the name.

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edit Municipalities of Granada Flag of Granada

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