La Proie et l'ombre

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Yoko Tsuno
La Proie et l'ombre
La Proie et l'ombre cover
Comics by Roger Leloup
Released 1982
Publisher Dupuis
Genre Bande dessinée
Yoko Tsuno chronology
La Spirale du temps
La Proie et l'ombre
Les Archanges de Vinéa

La Proie et l'ombre (The Prey and the Shadow) is the twelfth book from Yoko Tsuno comic book series written by Roger Leloup and published in 1982. (ISBN 2-8001-0908-4)

[edit] Story

While working on a report in Scotland, Yoko and Pol literally run into Cecilia, a disturbed young woman who is held like a prisoner by her uncle and also stepfather, Sir William. The man invites Yoko and Pol to his castle. Once there, Yoko discovers a ploy laid by Sir William to kill Cecilia and thus inherit her fortune. With the help of a doppelgänger named Margaret and an unscrupulous doctor, Cecilia is meant to lose her sanity, both herself and to the eyes of outsiders. A three-dimensional animated hologram, representing Cecilia's deceased mother, Lady Mary (a beautiful but mentally unstable woman who died in a tragic accident when Cecilia was a baby), is used to lure the girl into the nearby ruins of an abbey, where Sir William plans her to fall to her death; Cecilia's death would be classified as a mere accident, and he'd become the heir of her fortune.

After some days, Yoko and Pol leave again, but they return with Vic to the abbey ruins to foil the attempted murder. McNab, a rejected suitor of Lady Mary who is believed to be mentally unbalanced, works with them to carry out his vows of revenge against Sir William. After two decades, McNab is still in love with the deceased Mary, to the point of having a mannequin representing her, dressed with the wedding gown that she wore when she was buried.

When Yoko confronts Margaret about being both Cecilia's double and the model for the Lady Mary hologram, she says she wants to help save Cecilia, since she's in the plan only because Sir William forced her to. Unfortunately, Yoko nearly falls victim to the machinations as well; she and Margaret are kidnapped, and Yoko is forced to watch how Cecilia falls in the trap. Unbeknownst to Sir William, Vic and Pol used a net to catch her mid-fall; the same technique is used to save Yoko after she's drugged and thrown down the same crevasse. As Yoko and Cecilia confront a surprised Sir William, who had come to check on the outcome of his plans only to find the Lady Mary mannequin instead of his daughter's lifeless body, McNab appears to stop William, but they both fall to their deaths, since Vic and Pol retired the net just moments before.

Yoko and Vic hurry back to the castle, where the doctor keeps Margaret hostage and intends to kill her with a lethal injection if she refuses to keep the masquerade. The two of them quickly overpower the doctor and free Margaret. Margaret and Yoko explain to a shocked Cecilia that Margaret was forced to pose as Cecilia's double after Sir William falsely framed her for stealing money from his company while she was working as his secretary. Cecilia forgives her doppelgänger and not only clears her criminal file, but also helps her travel back to her native Australia; Vic, Yoko and Pol stay by Cecilia's side as she recovers physically and mentally from her ordeal.

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