
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Good Morning,

I'm L-Cain, well at least that's my name here, because some Hirsel already took my usual name on the German Wikipedia.

Up till now I just translated some articles into German and added some things I know to the English Wikipedia. If you read my contributions and have the feeling I'm sydlexic - no I'm not. I'm just someone with big Fingers and a too small Keyboard. Some Pasges are saved before they are reerad corrected. So be patient and don't throw Cottonballs (I don't really know if there is that saying in English. Substitute something soft and fluffy you are realy scared of being thrown at with e.g. feathers or air)

That's all folks, have a nice day

My personal Sandbox:

User:L-Cain/Christo and Jeanne-Claude

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