Kydrivs Lipof

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a painter, romanticist Born : 1.4. 1880 in Bulgarian town of Kamen Brjag Parents: father - Virgas Lipof from Vilnius - a goldsmith and trader Mother - unknown, probably a housemaid Virgas never married her because he had already been married in Lithuania. Young Kydrivs was raised up by his father who initiated him into drawing and painting. Around the year 1892 Virgas was planning his homecoming to Lithuania and he set out ahead. Waiting for the departure Kydrivs soon received news about his father´s death. Kydrivs in his young age found himself alone and destitute.He wandered about the countryside near the Black Sea. He made a living through begging, drawing and working occasionally.. In 1899 he met Skorpil brothers, the founders of Bulgarian archaelogy. Kydrivs started to work for them as a digger and sketcher of archaeologic artefacts. the Skorpils immediately recognised his talent, took a liking to him and they eventually offered him hospitality in their hometown Vysoke Myto in Bohemia ( former Austro - Hungary) Lipof arrived in Vysoke Myto and he focused on painting and drawing only. After a short visit to Bulgaria in 1903 he returns to Vysoké Mýto and from that time on the fruitful period of his career started. He painted landscapes near ponds and the river Loučná where he also set some of mythological characters. His stay in Vysoke Myto was finished by unexpected news that probably fatally changed his life. His step-brothers and sisters, who he had never met, moved to America where they increased their father´s possessions. After much labour they found their step-brother Kydrivs and they were able to offer help. They invited him to America. Kydriv most likely lost his life in 1907 during the shipwreck of the liner Larchmont while he was travelling to America to start the new life .

His works: The pond of Zalsi, The pianist, A deceitful lover, The judgement of Paris, the Sirens

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