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Burial site of Multiple Royal Personages
Location East Valley of the Kings
Discovery Date Open in antiquity
Excavated by Harold Jones
Howard Carter
Otto Schaden
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Located in the Valley of the Kings, Tomb KV12 is an unusual tomb, used originally in the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, and then again in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties. It was probably used for multiple burials of royal family members, rather like KV5.

The builders of KV9 broke into KV12 whilst excavating that tomb.

[edit] References

  • Reeves, N & Wilkinson, R.H. The Complete Valley of the Kings, 1996, Thames and Hudson, London.
  • Siliotti, A. Guide to the Valley of the Kings and to the Theban Necropolises and Temples, 1996, A.A. Gaddis, Cairo.

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