Kurdish mythology

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The Kurdish culture

Kurdish mythology is the collective term for the beliefs and practices of the culturally, ethnically or linguistically related group of ancient peoples who inhabited the Kurdistan mountains of Taurus and Western Zagros in northern Mesopotamia.

In Kurdish mythology, Kurds are descended of people who fled to the mountains to save their lives from the oppression of a despotic king. It is believed that the people who fled and hid in the mountains over the course of history created a Kurdish ethnicity. (Bulloch and Morris. p50) Mountains, to this day, are still important geographical and symbolic figures in Kurdish life. The Mount Judi is the most important mountain in Kurdish folklore and along with Mount Ararat is one of the mountains that is thought to be the final resting place of Noah's Ark.

In Kurdish mythology Patriarch Abraham is considered to be a Kurd. He was from the present day of Kurdistan and his place of rest is located in historic Kurdish city of Ruha (Urfa). It is still one of the holiest places in Kurdistan and in Kurdish folklore [1].

Halmaaten: Halmaten is a game usually played by Kurdish children with strict rules and regulations. Halmaat:glass or stone marbles. The stone marbles are molded from rocks. A small round-headed hammer is used to mold a round marble. Stone marbles are called "Glor) Daskala: a favorite marble Bag: The first player to begin the game. Teel: The process of putting the marble in front of your fingers: The index finger on top of the middle finger, then release and hit the marble with the middle finger. Qirch: When the second player hits your marble without hitting the other marbles in the game.

Pash bag: The 2nd player Qra: The very last player in the game

Haj: Last marble to be hit in the game.

Saru haj, Badamyawa: When you hit the last marble along with that of the opponent.

qishkayee: When you hit the marble slowly, without raising it from the ground.

Gizy maka: Do not cheat

Kosta: Ending the game abruptly, each player runs for own marble and ending the game without a winner or loser.

Halawgerdayyee: Lifting the marble from the ground during the process of Teel