User talk:Kseferovic/Archive2

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THANK YOU, User:Kseferović


[edit] Montenegro map updates


Say, coould you update the following: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]? Would be great! —Nightstallion (?) 10:52, 14 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image:Dzamija_dubica.jpg

I just wanted to tell you, that I deleted the picture, because there was no source or license given. You have stated here that you don't know a thing about copyrights, so why do you wonder? --Flominator 15:46, 23 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Languages

Hi There! Can you translate my name in what language you know please, and then post it Here. I would be very grateful if you do (if you know another language apart from English and the ones on my userpage please feel free to post it on) P.S. all th translations are in alpahbetical order so when you add one please put it in alpahbetical order according to the language. Thanks!!! Abdullah Geelah 16:48, 5 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] [[I have read your view on Josip Broz]]

Do what i think your a hipacrit because Jozip Broz put my grandmother in Jail because her father and her two brother were in the Ustase Army, When they came back home they were taken and killed. Now ask yourself was it fair to do such a thing, Was it also fair that my own mother and my grandmother wern't able to have job because their family members were in the Ustase army and were laughed at by your stupid communist Yugoslavia. Another thing, was it fair that my Grandfather from my dad side who sereved in Tito's Partians army to be accuesed of being an Italian Spy even though he was in a Italian Conentration camp. You should shut up and be glad you wernt killed in the Yugoslav wars and dont try to get people to feel sorrow for you when you Know nothing about pain. --Marbus2 5 11:45, 31 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] User:Hahahihihoho


Bi li ti bio problem popričati malo sa User:Hahahihihoho? On ne shvaća da na Wikipediji ne možeš pisati ono što ti smatraš da je istina nego ono za šta imaš dokaze. Tako da uporno stavlja u članak o Sarajevu informaciju da Sarajevo ima 500.000 stanovnika, a po zadnjem popisu Sarajevo ima 308.558 stavnika. On tvrdi da je bio i u Sarajevu i u Zagrebu i da Sarajevo nije duplo manje od Zagreba, dakle Sarajevo mora imati 500.000. Za nas koji mu objašnjavamo da postoji nešto što se zove popis stanovništva i da je taj podatak relevantan on kaže da mrzimo Muslimane i da smo prokleti Hrvati koji vrše propagandu na Wikipediji. Bi li tebi, kao Bošnjaku bio problem ostaviti mu kakvu poruku na talk pageu i zamoliti ga da piše samo ono za šta ima dokaze? Jer, bojim se da će ga netko od admina blokirati, a to nebi bilo dobro jer će se onda on raspizdit pa će tek onda počet radit sranja po Wikipediji... --Dijxtra 07:36, 1 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] To user Marbus

Of course it was fair. They were in the ustasa which killed an extreme amount of yugoslavs.

[edit] To Kseferovic

Do you have MSN messenger or AIM?

Who is this? Why do you want my MSN messenger? Just tell me who you are and I will give you it. Greetings, Kseferovic 18:46, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

I run a website and want to talk to you. Ja sam isto iz bivse Jugoslavije. Hvala puno.

[edit] Help request

It would be really great if you can help with Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It's in a bit of a bad way, and needs expanding to make it equal in detail to the Republika Srpska article. Any thoughts on the Bosnian city populations issue (see here and here) are also welcome. Cordless Larry 16:50, 3 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Please help defend Srebrenica Massacre article

Kseferovic, would you please consider visiting the Srebrenica Massacre article often these days. We have a problem with a group of ultra-nationalist Serbs who have apparently decided to attack the article. If you have any wiki friends who are against ultra-nationalist Serb propaganda and would possibly like to help, it would be great if they could visit the site also. The article needs help but each time we finally have peace and quiet to actually work on improving the article -- make it more concise and balanced -- we get another onslaught of ultra-nationalists trying to cover up or distract from what happened in Srebrenica and then spend most of our time defending the site. Thank you for any help you can offer.

Thank you for your well researched and well written contribution to the Srebrenica Massacre article. Here is text of a message I left with two administrators. Fairview360 18:37, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
This is Fairview360. I work on the Srebrenica Massacre article. We have a problem with repeated disruptions at the article by editors who do not, I believe, want to improve the article but rather have an agenda of denial and obfuscation.
Every now and then, there is relative peace and then editors who do not all agree but have a common goal of improving the article begin constructive discussion and edits. If you look at topics #47 through #54 on the discussion page, you will see that indeed we do get down to constructive discussions when it is peaceful.
Currently, we have a problem with Bormalagurski and two of his associates Svetislav Jovanović and KOCOBO who are deleting sections of the article without good reason. This has happened before. Then we descend into an edit war. And then it takes a week to repair the damage and get back to constructive discussion.
The article definitely needs help, but we can't improve it when all of our time is spent thwarting users whose actual purpose is denial and obfuscation.
Given Bormalagurski's track record well researched by user:Kseferovic , would it be possible to block Bormalagurski editing the Srebrenica article? There is no place for his belligerence towards editors and outright denial of genocide. Nothing good will come from his being at the Srebrenica article.
Given the recent onslaught, my guess is that Bormalagurski, KOCOBO, Svetislav, and others of their ilk have decided to attack the article.
Can you help?
I welcome constructive disagreements but not false arguments that are only meant to distract people.
Thank you. Fairview360 18:28, 4 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Znači tako...

...I pored toga što ti nisam nikad ništa loše uradio, niti ikad nešto loše o tebi rekao, ti si mi pokazao zube i napao me na jedan tako neukusan način. Sramota. Neki bošnjak te zamolio da komentarišeš i ti za tren oka pretvorio si se u zver bez milosti. Šta sam ti ja učinio? Samo sam želeo da imamo prijatan odnos, bez obzira na politično mišljenje i stavove o nekim blesavim ratovima pre deset godina. A ti mene lično napadaš, bez ikakvog direktnog povoda. Pa čak i ako jesam bezbrazan prema nekim ljudima, da li sam bio bezobrazan prema tebi? Da li sam zaslužio takve krvničke napade koji su došli iz vedrog neba? Zar sam se ponašao ekstremistički prema tebi? Ovo ti neću oprostiti, žao mi je. --Serb talk 02:42, 5 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Language icons (ikone za jezik)

Pozdrav Kseferovicu... iz Ljubuškog sam, i na ovoj Wikipediji sam isključivo da dopunim podatke o svom gradu ili ljudima i događajima vezanim za Ljubuški, zasad nešto sitno i početnički, ali nadam se da ću s s vremenom više posvetiti ovome (studiranje ometa;). Pa sam tako osim na engleskoj, registriran i na hrvatskoj i bosanskoj Wikipediji, a planiram u nekom budućem vremenu nadopunjavati sadržaje na srpskoj i njemačkoj Wikipediji, te pokrenuti članke o Ljubuškom na francuskoj, talijanskoj i španjolskoj. Nego, sad kad sam se donekle predstavio, da prijeđem na stvar. Pregledavajući promjene koje su načinjene na članku o Ljubuškom, primjetio sam da ste vi na link službene ljubuške stranice ( stavili jezicnu ikonu (bs icon) da je to stranica na bosanskom jeziku. Neznam jeli to iz neznanja ili uobičajene nesnošljivosti karakteristične za Hercegovinu i Bosnu, ali eto samo sam vam htio dati na znanje da se radi o stranici na hrvatskom jeziku, pa sam stoga ispravio vašu promjenu. No, bez obzira na to, svaki vaš doprinos ljubuškom članku je dobrodošao... živjeli

--Brdo 20:00, 5 September 2006

[edit] Rights on Image:Iron Curtain (Correction-2).PNG

Please see Image talk:Iron Curtain (Correction-2).PNG—pick public domain (no copyright) or GFDL, but you can’t have both. —crism 02:40, 6 September 2006 (UTC)

Hi, great map of the "Iron curtain", have used it on the Norwegian Wikipedia article about the same. One question though, could it be made larger? I have it as a thumb, but I guess it could be useful to have a larger version also... Keep up the good work! Ulflarsen 05:20, 27 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Nije problem

Na srpskoj verziji piše samo Brod, al' pravo da ti kažem verovatno je tačnije to na engleskom. Meni je sasvim svejedno, nisam ni ja neki fanatik. Koliko ja mogu da vidim Srpski Brod je redirect na Bosanski Brod, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a ovo za Ilire moraćeš da mi daš poveznicu. Btw, jel' bi ti smetalo da pišem ćirilicom? Prosto mi je prijatnije. --estavisti 22:47, 7 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Mad???

Are you mad at me? --HolyRomanEmperor 19:45, 13 September 2006 (UTC)

No, not that (and yes, that :) It's just that I asked you a question long ago that I think you found offendive (no answer), so I gave you a looong break. :D Anyway, who has been threatening you? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:20, 13 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Tito

You are a stupid commi fuck who supports people to be poor and locked away in chains. By the way im sorry for your loss. --Marbus2 5 08:17, 14 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Posušje

I noticed that you added the Bosnian language tag at Posušje. While the websites don't specifically state their language, if I recall correctly the Posušje municipality is the second-most Croatian municipality in the country (behind Grude, both approaching 100%). These people would overwhelmingly declare their language as Croatian. Now we can do two things. We can either remove the Bosnian language tag (which would be the simplest and fairest solution). Or other websites (without expressly stated languages) from places with vast Bosniak majorities should be marked with the Croatian language tag as well, and vice versa. Regards. --Thewanderer 17:45, 15 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Odgovor

Nemam vremena za širu političko-etnografsku diskusiju oko BIH, pa ću se fokusirati na ovo što si napisao: "Bosnian (as referring to language) comes first alphabetically and there is a majority of Bosniaks in Bosnia, why should Serbian comes?"

Pre svega, BIH je po ustavu država tri ravnopravna naroda i srpski jezik u BIH vredi isto koliko i bosanski. Drugo pitanje je na koji način ćemo listati službene jezike BIH. Ti tvrdiš da bosanski dođe prvi po abecednom redu, ali nigde ne piše da moramo koristiti abecedni listing za ovo. Da niko ni u jednom delu BIH ne bi bio uvređen ovakvim listanjem, onda jezike kod članaka o gradovima treba listati tako da odražavaju jezičku strukturu samog grada, odnosno prvo ide onaj jezik kojim govori najveći deo stanovnika grada, pa onda ostali u zavisnosti od broja ljudi koji njime govore. Sledeće, ne vidim razlog za brisanje ćiriličnih naziva iz članaka o Palama i Bijeljini. I zadnje, ako si već koristio službeni sajt vlade RS u slučaju Bos. Kostajnice i Bos. Broda, zašto ga nisi koristio i u slučaju Kozarske Dubice? PANONIAN (talk) 23:53, 15 September 2006 (UTC)

E, vidiš postoji u celoj priči nešto što si prevideo: u BIH se dokumenti mogu izdati na bilo kom od tri službena jezika. Ti si tražio da ti se dokumenti izdaju na bosanskom i ime Bosanska Dubica/Kozarska Dubica se očigledno koristi u bosanskom jeziku kao zvanično ime grada. Da si tražio isprave na srpskom, tu bi verovatno pisalo samo Kozarska Dubica i to isključivo ćirilicom. Pošto je srpski jezik glavni jezik u gradu, onda za članak treba koristiti ono ime koje se koristi u srpskom jeziku. Daću ti jedan sličan primer: u Vojvodini se dokumenti takođe mogu izdati na više službenih jezika, i na osnovu toga, ime grada Zrenjanin će u dokumentima na mađarskom glasiti Nagybecskerek, u dokumentima na rumunskom Becicherecul Mare, itd, itd. Međutim, to ne znači da su ovo glavna imena za taj grad. PANONIAN (talk) 11:43, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
A isti slučaj je i ovde: Dakle, tu se opet radi o dokumentima na bosanskom, jer u dokumentima na srpskom latinično ime sigurno ne stoji prvo (ako tamo ime uopšte i piše latinicom). PANONIAN (talk) 12:05, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Correction

I feel I need to correct you - ever since the Communist Yugoslavia nationality and ethnicity has become synonimous here, and actually there is not much we can do 'bout it (except for inventing a time machine :)

Also, how did the Bosnian nation exist for over 1500 years? --HolyRomanEmperor 13:08, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] ...

Ja lomim svoje kosti za drugu državu, a? Pa ja bar živim u susednoj državi, za razliku od tebe koji si Amerikanac. Ako baš hoćeš da znaš, zabole me ona stvar kako se taj grad zove, samo ne volim kad neko kao ti hoće da progura ime koje se njemu više sviđa, a ne želi da utvrdi da li je to ime najprikladnije ili ne. Nemam uopšte više nameru da dalje diskutujem sa tobom o tome. Napiši koje god želiš ime za taj članak, ali jednom ćeš shvatiti da Vikipedija nije mesto za političku propagandu (oni koji odlučuju o političkim pitanjima ionako ne uzimaju podatke sa Vikipedije), već mesto gde treba stvari predstaviti onakvim kakve jesu. PANONIAN (talk) 20:15, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Re: BiH

First and foremost, as far as I known I'm cool with you? Right?

? What? What made you ask that?
Tvrtko was a Roman Catholic Christian Bosnian of German origin, who prided himself on his (partial) Serb origin. He was partly of Croat origin as well. What I meant is that the Yugoslav nation existd before - and that the Bosnian nation has been created in 1992, and finally formalized in 1995 - with still lacking a lot of shapes of a single, unified nation. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:17, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Re;

I know, I was just wondering what ever made you come to that conclusion... We don't have minor even minor disputes. HolyRomanEmperor 14:29, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] WikiProject Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hi there. I was wondering if you had any thoughts about setting up a WikiProject for Bosnia? I'm torn between thinking that it would be a good way of improving the quality of articles on Bosnia on the one had, and that it might just end up another place for the kind of arguments that regularly flare up around Bosnia articles on the other. Thoughts/suggestions/help would be appreciated. Hvala. Cordless Larry 14:27, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

I see you've set up the project. That's great. I'm rather busy with other things at the moment, but I'll try to contribute as much as possible when I get the time. Cordless Larry 08:54, 2 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Re:Changes in the sandbox

I dont mind changing out image tags for a more current version, the disclaimer at the top is more to keep people from editting the page like it was the actual World War II article. Thank you for your consideration though, I apreciate that. TomStar81 (Talk) 03:04, 29 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] BiH WikiProject

I am absolutely delighted that you formally invited me! Perhaps we could make a sister-project through Wikipedia:WikiProject Former Yugoslavia, like we have accross Wikipedia:WikiProject Serbia, Wikipedia:WikiProject Croatia and Wikipedia:WikiProject Montenegro? --PaxEquilibrium 09:21, 2 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Iron curtain image

Please can you have a look at the places where your recently created Image:Iron Curtain Final.svg is used in the English Wikipedia. The captions are currently poor because they do not explain the significance of the colors, for example they don't explain that blue is NATO, or explain the fact that the countries in light gray were also capitalist countries, considered to have been West of the iron curtain. It is a good image, but the captions could be better. I think the best first step would be to explain the colors in the image description page on Commons, and then this info can be used when the image is put in articles. My only criticism of the image itself is that I think Albania should be dark gray, the same as Yugoslavia, so that dark gray means communist but non-Warsaw-pact. Thanks. Arbitrary username 15:31, 2 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] odgovor

Treba ona sa entitetima kad su entiteti u pitanju, al' kad je neka opština u pitanju naravno treba ova koju si predložio. Ne zato što je svugde tako, nego zato što kad imaš 4 boja na mapi koja pokazuje opštine, to skroz zbunjuje strance. --estavisti 12:10, 5 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Zlatni Ljiljan

I suggest to you that you change the pictures on the wikipedia project to a "zlatni ljiljan" insteed of this pathetic european done coat of arms who doesnt represent the country on any way, and nobody accept that coat of arm. Thunderman 11:29, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Odgovor

Možemo još surađivati, al' neću da budem član projekta koji se do sada sveo na to da se svađamo oko simbola (koji su irelevantni, i najlakše bi bilo da ih izbrišemo) i da neki tip tebi sugeriše da mene treba izbacit jer sam Srbin. [6] Mislim, cenim što si se izvinio, znam da svi ponekad kažemo nešto što nije baš dobro shvaćeno, ili nismo tako mislili. No hard feelings, OK? E da, imaš li emesen? --estavisti 02:24, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

heh - he got a formal invitation and I didn't. :( --PaxEquilibrium 08:50, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] BiH Wikiproject

I don't mind rejoining. And don't worry, I realize he doesn't represent the BiH community (I myself am originally from BiH). If the BiH wikiproject is to survive, it has to accept that Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs live together in the country, whether they call themselves Bosnians or not. Nationalism aside, each group brings their own unique part to the country's culture, history, etc. Quite frankly, many articles about BiH are of low quality. We have to change that, instead of attacking each other. --Thewanderer 22:51, 19 October 2006 (UTC)


I was wandering if you can inlighten me on this subject. I was told once that Bosnjaks are mostly Serbs or Croats by origin. When the Turks came to BiH region they coverted those people into Muslims. Not just that new Muslim names were adopted too. Eg Ibrahimovic was once Croatian/Serb Himovic and the Turk insert is Ibra.

Is that just propaganda or what? I would think it has some truth as most last names in BiH are very long and although most have "ic" end most start with a Mulsim sounding begining. This goes for first mames too, Safet Emir etc...

Now keep in mind Serbs and Croats too were Slavinized when they came to Balkans in 7th Cent..but they have kept names intact from that early period. The Bosjaks on the other hand converted yet again in modern history when under Turkish rule.

In my view religion is the only difference...i think Serbs, Croats and Bosnians are the same people ...and if they were different they have sure mixed enough today to really be South Slavs.

Javi se

God Speed

Jagoda 1 05:11, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

I have asked about the subject before eg. Serbs will say Bosniaks are mostly Serb Muslims. Croats will say Bosniaks are mostly Croat Muslims. Bosnians will say they have no relation to Serbs or Croats.

I wander what the truth is? What is the unbias truth?

In my opinion Croats and Bosniaks share a greater bond than that with Serbia. This was proven in the rescent Balkan war. Now is that bond due to origin, i thought it was but your telling me different. When i spoke to Serbs i get even more confused as they say were all Serbs (Vuk Karadzic)

Very odd..

What do you think of Vuk???

Jagoda 1 05:56, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

Hey! I was just complaining that I didn't get the cute little coat-o'-arms!!! ;(

Thanks. ;) You know I was just rying to bring a little mood to the picture, right? Cheers, mate. --PaxEquilibrium 21:14, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Lost Friend

This user has finally submitted his passport to the authorities. He will be leaving to (possibly) never come back to be on the team.

Difficult times... My sincere regrets,

Bmaganti 00:59, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

So everyone else knows, it is userBmaganti who has stopped contributing, not me. Vseferović 04:32, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

I agree with the fact Vuk did one good thing language. Shame they couldn't do that with religion as i think that is the main reason people stand divided in the Balkans. In my opinion Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks are mixed with one another and share a common bond. All got Slavinized at the same time, all came to Balkans at the same time so travelled together. They "Probably" have the most common bond in the world. Interesting enough for Serbs and Croats its said they both came from Persia..odd how it's the same place yet people still say we're all different. You would think with being from the same place of origin and having the same time arrival in the Balkans ...people mixed ..

In the words of one Bosnian "Ako cu da umrem necu ni za Tudjmana ni Milosevica, ali ako treba birati onda cu za Tudjmana"...that sums it up for me.

I have nothing against anyone...but i find it very interesting how people are still so blind on our region. I see propaganda still at work which is sad. Jagoda 1 23:04, 22 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] thanks

What a surprise... I suspected as much, after he said: "I now formally request Estavisti be kicked out," when it was the other one who'd originally requested it. Thanks for the message. --estavisti 01:44, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

E, you might be interested that we're upgrading Serbian municipalities from Template:Infobox City Serbia3 to Template:Infobox Serbia, because Template:Bosnia and Herzegovina municipalities is basically exactly the same as the old Serbian one, with "Serbia" replaced by "BiH". Za onog ludaka, nemam pojma šta radi :-) --estavisti 01:58, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

Što gubiš vreme sa tim kretenom bre? --estavisti 03:12, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] What!?

Why are you accusing me of anti-Bosniak sentiment? I am one of the few Bosniaks on Wikipedia willing to co-operate with other editors, unlike such POV pushers like Thunderman. Now don't tell me I have done nothing good for wikipedia, when it is certain Bosniaks who like to twist history who are disrupting wikipedia. For your information, my edits consisted of removing huge POV from Bosniak related article, mostly put there by Thunderman; no one can consider that bad for wikipedia. - [rts_freak] | 5p34k 2 /\/\3 06:37, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Re: Thought you might want to know...

Yes, thank you. --PaxEquilibrium 12:45, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sorry

Kseferovic, I think you and I got off on the wrong foot. I mean, I was just frustrated because when I did my first edits to Bosniak related articles, Thunderman showed up and got really annoying; I know that's no excuse, so I'm appologising for any trouble, disruption or annoyance that I've caused you and fellow editors, and from now on, I'll discuss with you and good editors when it concerns major changes to articles. - [rts_freak] | 5p34k 2 /\/\3 05:52, 26 October 2006 (UTC)=

[edit] My view

In India you have 100 languages yet the people stay united as Indian. Many Indians have different origin , some from Persia etc...yet still stay united as Indian.

We have a lot to learn and we could learn from them.

The big difference Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks have is Religion. The people in my opinion have the same origin...yet we stand divided.weird...

We speak the same language and try to cement a far fetched theory that we're not linked in anyway. Serbs Croats and Bosniaks are very simular and as simular as you can get.

I don't agree that Bosniaks look any different to Serbs and Croats... I live in Australia and i too can always pick a X Yugo ...but never which part...good guess would be Croatian as the community is much larger than the rest...but still hard to say which part. Names are sometimes a giveaway but looks no...

Sorry to give my opinion and if you dislike's what i think and i think i have a strong point.

Why these 3 people stand divided is a mystery.

God Speed

Jagoda 1 05:55, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Adminship?

D'ever'ave a thought o' it? ;) --PaxEquilibrium 00:19, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Honestly - you're almost a oh-so-much good candidate for an admin; but I cannot guarantee that you have very high chances. Firstly, expect to be cut-down by Serbian (& perhaps Croatian) nationalists. Second of all, if Bosniacs appear, expect a national conflict, which is when you should say goodbye to your nomination. If that doesn't happen (and it will if you had bad experiences before, no matter who was right), that I'd say you stand good. The only issue is that you're a moderate nationalist, and when (most) westerners even hear the mention of a Balkan nation, they won't really like what they hear. Stereotypic and very strong is that feeling that you might also fear.

Other than that, there's the amount of your edits. Since all edit counters are malfunctioning, I can't see your contributions. --PaxEquilibrium 00:39, 27 October 2006 (UTC)
I'm not really interested in adminship, mainly because my health situation (my right hand) prevents me from dedicating full-time to Wikipedia.
I could still nominate you non-the-less... but I still maintain what I said before. --PaxEquilibrium 17:40, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Odgovor

Vidi, ja nemam pojma ko je User:Rts freak, niti znam nešto o njegovim editima, pa prema tome ne mogu ništa o tome ni reći. Ako imaš neki spor sa njim najbolje se obrati nekom adminu da to reši. Inače, hvala na pozivu da se priključim Viki projektu BIH, iako sam već uključen u projekat Former Yugoslavia (što uključuje BIH), ali mogu se priključiti i ovom drugom projektu. Inače, što se neutralnosti tiče, nešto bih te pitao u vezi toga: [7] Napisao si da ćeš "raditi za ujedinjenu BiH sa tvojim člancima". Da li to podrazumeva ukidanje RS i koliko je to neutralno kad se 90 posto stanovništva RS sa tim ne bi složilo? PANONIAN (talk) 12:46, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Thy edits

here you can see your total contribution to the Wikipedia. You have around 1,800 edits. --PaxEquilibrium 19:30, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Hello!

Hi Kseferovic. Thank you for accepting my apology. Yeah, and I'll always seek to get a consensus from now on before making any major changes to articles. Also, don'y worry about the long response time; it could happen to the best of us. About Bosnian, yeah I was born and raised in Australia and I still live there, so I only learned to speak English in my lifetime. When I was younger and learning how to speak, since my parents spoke Bosnian around me, I started speaking English mixed with some Bosnian, but when I started school I lost that and just spoke English. The curse of native English speakers is that it's hard to learn another language; I'd love to learn how speak languages such as Bosnian, French and Japanese to name a few. Well anyway, have a great day! - [rts_freak] | 5p34k 2 /\/\3 00:35, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ova rjecenica

bosancima (live Forever, Emx, Dado...) hrvatima (The wanderer, Luka Jacov...) i srbima (Estavisti, Pax, ...) Mnogi je mogu smatrati uvredljivom, ukljucujuci mene. Prvo, ocito u toj rjecenici ne smatras srbe i hrvate bosancima (iliti narodima Bosne i Hercegovine) i drugo: dok ti ja samo kazem da navodjenje mene u toj zagradi mene licno vrijedja (u tom kontekstu), nijesam siguran da ce i Luka Jacov biti nacisto s tim.

Eto, samo da ukazem na ovo... Ne mislim nista lose, vec te samo usmjeravam ka administratorstvu. Pozdrav! --PaxEquilibrium 11:59, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Odgovor

Pa ja se baš ne sećam da smo mi imali neke "velike" sukobe. Ako uporedim "sukobe" koje sam imao sa nekim drugim korisnicima, naš "sukob" je bio prilično mali. Jebi ga, ja nisam od onih što klimaju glavom i govore "da, da", već sam veoma tvrdoglav i uvek branim svoje mišljenje i ako zbog toga dođem u sukob sa nekim tu se ništa ne može. Naravno, nema razloga da bilo šta od onoga što sam ti pisao shvatiš lično, jer ja nemam ništa lično ni protiv koga ovde, samo zastupam svoje stavove. Naravno, mogu da sarađujem sa svakim ko je konstruktivan i prihvata validne argumente, jer i ja prihvatam validne argumente koje iznesu drugi. Što se Viki projekta tiče, učlaniću se čim nađem vremena za dan-dva, imam prvo neke druge stvari da završim. PANONIAN (talk) 14:45, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ma OK

Samo ti pomazem na putu do administratorstva. :) Pa, ako je ono sto pise u popisu stanovnistva o meni sto te zanima (a ne bi trebalo, to je licna informacija), jednom je pisalo "Jugoslaven"; jednom "Vlah" a jednom... no dobro to poslijednje je i previse neozbiljno (sala) da bih pominjao. :D Pozdrav! --PaxEquilibrium 19:05, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Looks

Neznam zasto to nemozes napisati.... Britannica pise.

Reci samo neke Sterotypes

Ajde molim te

ja cu izbrisat nakon dan kad procitam.

Jagoda 1 22:09, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] BH project

Merhaba Vernese! I'm originally from Bosnia (and do know quite a lot about it), although I'm also quite new to Wikipedia, but I nevertheless wanted to ask you whether I could join the BH project on WP you seem-to-be/are in charge of? I travel quite often out to Bosnia (and Herzegovina, mind you) and love doing stuff on a.) municipalities & places; b.) political parties. Let me know if I can help. Pozdrav iz Engleske, Denis (aka FreshBreeze 12:37, 2 November 2006 (UTC))

I just added a list of pre-war phonecodes in Bosnia! Fala na dobrodošlici, i želim nam uspješan rad :) Cheerio, Denis (my mind all set on my Chicago trip next week!)

[edit] Chicago

Kaze se da Chicago ima najvise Hrvata vani Zagreba. Kaze se da Chicago ima najvise Srba vani Beograda.

Pa jeli ovo istina? Imali bas puno ljudih iz bivse Yuge tamo? I koga vise?

Jagoda 1 21:55, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

MOZES SVOJE BRISAT...A NE TUDJE. a moze se nac na History ako bas nekog briga. Ja cistim da manje imam glupih topika. prica itd...

intersantan je grad Chicago, cuo sam prije da ima "nasih i vasih" tamo puno.

100 godina Bosnjaka, ima i vise, vjeruj meni, Bosnajci su odili sa brodon kao Hrvati 18tih i ranije...Nazalost tesko je pronac tacnu godinu jer nasi i vasi su koristili druga imena i prepadali drugin zemjama..neki si tamo dosli kao Taljani, neki Turci itd... Neki govore da si Hrvati bili sa Columbus, Polo itd...

Jagoda 1 02:12, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Bosnian cyrillic

Aren't you at least a little impressed and; aren't you at least a little interested? --PaxEquilibrium 19:43, 8 November 2006 (UTC)

P. S. Did you know that in 1990 Yugoslav were introduced into the political status of BH as the fourth nation (although in an inferior status)? --PaxEquilibrium 00:23, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

I was noting because you said you don't know Cyrillic, you will never learn it and that you're glad that you can't read Cyrillic.

P. S. Nothing. Just an addition to the Yugoslavs late introduced you mentioned some time ago. --PaxEquilibrium 17:14, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

I don't use Cyrillic, but that wasn't the point - point was you seemed vary glad that you cannot read the script (historically of much greater importance to Bosnia that the Latin, or perhaps even Arabic scripts). --PaxEquilibrium 17:47, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

Hmm... maybe. :) There's a lot more I need to learn - and "adoption" seemed a good way for it. Pozdrav! --PaxEquilibrium 23:12, 10 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] RS municipalities

You've messed up the RS municipality articles and I've provisionally returned the new infobox. I've done this because, firstly, Wikiproject Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have the right to ride roughshod over articles it doesn't like. Secondly, Wikipedia is not a democracy and even if it were, it is generally considered that you should inform people of a vote. The proper place to have started a discussion is at the template's talk page, where people like myself would have noticed it. I've laid out some thoughts there, and I hope we can discuss this instead of attempting to ram things through with ethnically/politically based voting. Looking forward to hearing from you. // Еstavisti 12:36, 24 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Bosniakophobia

Kseferovicu, Bosniakophobia je izmisljena rijec onoliko koliko je Srpofobija. Vrlo dobro znas da ta rijec nije postojala dok je Srbi nisu umetnuli da Wikipediju, a onda je se pojavila na hiljadama drugih stranica koje prenose sadrzaj wikipedije. Stoga se ne slazem sa sobom sto ne podrzavas projekat otvaranja clanka pod nazivom Bosniakophobia. Ako Srbi mogu takvo nesto da urade, mozemo i mi. Stoga trazim tvoju podrsku za projekat Bosniakophobia. Hvala. Bosniak 06:50, 26 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Serb nationalists on the go, again!

Please help, there's problems with the article List of Serb war criminals, serbs are calling it POV just because it lists! And are voting for deletion because they obviously want to hide the crimes. Ancient Land of Bosoni

Hi, well they (the nationalist terrorists) are voting about it now - arent't there any Bosnian users on wikipedia that can vote for the article. Or perhaps we could mark the voting as unreasonable, because it is only a list. In any case, I don't know how to do it - never thought english users and other real europeans would allow the serbs to delete a list which can't be pov. Ancient Land of Bosoni

Ahem, Kseferovic - the article said that anyone is bound to come across a war criminal if he walks any Serb-inhabited city of Bosnia.... you say that it's neutral and not POV? --PaxEquilibrium 21:01, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

The article was purged of all the nationalistic inflammations that previously stood. You might've probably not seen this, but this stood before it was removed: for this, among other reasons, the number of unsentenced war criminals is overwhealming and it is not unusual for locals to spot possible war criminals walking free on the streets in the Serb dominated parts of Bosnia. Do you still stand by your statement? ;)

The list includes many people that can't be really called war criminals: Draza Mihailovic for instance... then again, we need to choose what really a "war criminal" is, or we'll lose the list. The list also attracts the Lists of Croat and Bosniac wars to be created (which someone will, probably) and then, you can imagine what'll happen. --PaxEquilibrium 21:17, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

I repeat - what makes someone a war criminal? Are Slobodan Milosevic and Franjo Tudjman (and perhaps if at all, Alija Izetbegovic) not war criminals, just because death saved them? Then again I ask - why is Draza Mihailovic a war criminal. Also, only a part of the people on the list was accused by ICTY. This is all ambiguous, and what precisely is a War Criminal should be much more precise. --PaxEquilibrium 22:13, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
Besides, the article has to be deleted, because it violates WP:POINT. You may create it - or someone else, but plain fact is that Ancient Land of Bosoni created it to prove that one ethnic group is more evil than the others - and that's why it simply has to be deleted. If you think the article should stay, please do remake it after its deletion. --PaxEquilibrium 22:20, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

The matter is not whether fascism is bad or good (can't see how could it be good), but question is, was he a fascist at all? --PaxEquilibrium 23:00, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

Chetniks most surely didn't agree with fascist ideologies - they collaborated only with the Italians (and only with them openly). Then again, this is the reason why Serbs have survived in northern Dalmatia (up to 1995) - because it was the soil of Italy. Italy protected the Jews, Serbs, Romas - all the "non-aryan" troops - and gave them food & shelter (to thousands and thousands of refugees). I think that this pretty much justifies collaboration with them. There was not a single Italian internment camp - and all on the soil of territory occupied by them were manned mostly by Croats. The collaboration of some (excluding the majority) circles of Chetniks with the Serbian Nazi collaborators was mainly due to "national interests" (Milan Nedic was in a way, forced into collaboration and did "more good" than "bad") and the minority that negotiated with the Montenegrin fascists and Croatian Ustashas in the end never realized their alliance. As for direct collaboration with the Big dude - there was no such thing. It is interesting that the Partisans have made joint battles with the German Nazis ("collaboration"?) against the Chetniks quite a number of times - so the notion of vice versa gets a little silly. In any record - according to "atrocities", Chetniks take the third place after the Ustashas and then Partisans in the "civil war" that raged. Aside from that, Draza Mihailovic was never really accused of war crimes - but he received his penalty under the accusation of treason - he betrayed his country by leading a (hmm, terrorist?) Army that disobeyed the supreme government. Anyway - Draza Mihailovic was/is considered an Allied War hero amongst the many faces such as De Gaulle, and only the Communist countries considered him a "bad guy" (I suppose mainly because he was a Communist). But Yugo is no longer a communist state - so he's no longer "enemy of the people". ;) --PaxEquilibrium 19:35, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

I'm not defending anyone - I'm just open-minded. ;) I won't forget that Balia that saved my mother's sister-by-aunt by smuggling her from the concentration camp - and I also won't forget that he was a good kid - and in the end executed. I'm not a panYugoslavist, nor a Croatian, patriot naither a Serbian nationalist. I like to keep neutrality and objectivity. The fact that he was a Cetnik doesn't tell much - especially if we take into granted what I wrote to the up about the Chetniks. Working against Yugo - well, he indeed fought to liberate it in 1941-1943 and afterwards thought that he was still doing that. Of course Yugo wasn't a horrible country (heck, I thought the Chetniks fought for it) - what do you mean by removing freedom? I mostly think that the national freedom that Tito created was the actual cause of the neo1990 nationalisms (if he perhaps removed that freedom - I'm sure we wouldn't have problems we have today with all the "Serbs", "Croats", "Bosniacs", "Muslims by nationality", "Montenegrins", "Bunyevs", "Ianyevs", "Shokci", etc... no people on earth bears so many different names). --PaxEquilibrium 22:30, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Halo

Alo... frajeru! Šta ti smeta karta na stranici Ugljevika? Nije valjda da ti je smetalo što je Republika Srpska bila prikazana?

[edit] Reply

Calm down man. Does this look OK? It would look the same for the whole country.--Еstavisti 23:32, 9 December 2006 (UTC)

Why didn't you say that was the problem? I've changed it now. --Еstavisti 23:49, 9 December 2006 (UTC)

I know. If you want to change all the municipalities and not just the FBiH municipalities, then be my guest. Also, having two separate templates keep user error to a minimum - no misspellings of Republika Srpska or different some using the full name and some the abbreviation FBiH. Also, the Cyrillic name is first for RS, while the Latin is first for FBiH. Finally, the explanation under the map in entity dependent. It can all be worked around, but there's no point when you can show the user the same thing with half the effort.--Еstavisti 00:17, 10 December 2006 (UTC)