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Ksar-el-Kebir (Arabic, القصر الكبير) is a city in Morocco also known as Al Qasr al Kabir or Alcazarquivir in Spanish or Alcácer-Quibir in Portuguese. The name traslates as The big castle in English. The population of the city is 107,380 (2004 census).

The city is of historical significance as the site of the Battle of Alcácer Quibir. On August 4, 1578, King Sebastião of Portugal suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Moors which ended Portugal's ambitions in the Maghreb. Both King Sebastião and Abd al-Malik, the ruler of Morocco died during the battle. The death of King Sebastião started the events which led to the temporary Union of Portugal and Spain under Philip II of Spain.

The city experienced a substantial growth with the settling of an important Spanish garrison in 1911 as a part of the Spanish Morocco Protectorate in Morocco. After Morocco's independence and the building of the Makhazine reservoir (one of the biggest in Morocco) to manage the Loukkos' river regime, the city has turned into an important regional agricultural distribution center.

[[1]] Page in Spanish about Alcazarquivir's Geography, History. With pictures.