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Fossil range: Late Triassic
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Sauropsida
Order: Ornithischia?
Family: Incertae Sedis
Genus: Krzyzanowskisaurus
Binomial name
Krzyzanowskisaurus hunti
(Heckert, 2002)

Krzyzanowskisaurus is the name given to a genus of dinosaur from the Late Triassic. The generic name honours Stan Krzyzanowski. It is a tooth taxon, based on fossils only of teeth. These teeth have been found in the U.S. states of Arizona (including the type locality) and New Mexico. The original report described it as a "probable ornithischian". Heckert (2005) suggests that Kyzyzanowskisaurus teeth have biostratigraphic utility as an index fossil of the St. Johnsian sub-lvf (land-vertebrate faunachron).

The type species, Krzyzanowskisaurus hunti, was reevaluated by Heckert in 2005, after previously being described by him as Revueltosaurus hunti in 2002. The name was changed when it was discovered that the type species of Revueltosaurus, R. callenderi, was a pseudosuchian rather than an ornithischian dinosaur (Parker et al. 2005). "R." hunti, however, displays an orithischian-like feature not present in R. callenderi (teeth possessing a cingulum), suggesting to Heckert (2005) that it represents a new genus of early ornithischian.

[edit] References