Krymsky Bridge

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Krymskiy most (2004), Tretyakov Gallery of XX century contemporary art is visible on behind
Krymskiy most (2004), Tretyakov Gallery of XX century contemporary art is visible on behind

Coordinates: 55°44′02″N, 37°35′56″E Krymsky Bridge or Crimean Bridge (Russian: Крымский мост) is a steel suspension bridge spanning Moskva River in downtown Moscow, Russia, carrying Garden Ring traffic 1.8 kilometers south-west from Moscow Kremlin. Existing bridge was completed May 1, 1938 by engineer V. P. Konstantinov, architect A. V. Vlasov, it is a fourth known bridge on this site and the only suspension bridge in Moscow[1].

Connects Crimean square with Krymskiy Val street. Located between Park Kultury and Oktyabrskaya undeground stations.

The adjective Крымский (Crimean) has different explanations, all referring to Crimean Tatars or Crimean peninsula.

Krymskiy most is also a name of Russian publishing house [1] and a company.


[edit] Krymsky Bridge (1786, demolished)

The first, wooden, pontoon Krymsky Bridge was built in 1786. Subsequently, it was rebuilt as a fixed wooden causeway with a 15-meter central span for barges. These bridges were frequently damaged by ice and floods, and had to be continuously rebuilt[2].

[edit] Krymsky Bridge (1873, demolished)

Steel bridge, built in 1873 by Amand Struve to the design of V. K. Speyer, consisted of two 64-meter truss boxes, supported by a central pillar. Traffic moved inside the truss, congested and unsafe. Tram companies issued a rule that only one tram can be on a bridge at any time, to prevent traffic deadlocks[2].

In 1935, a new bridge was authorized. The old bridge had to operate until completion of a new one, the city could not afford interruption of service (this was a time when all downtown bridges were being rebuilt or scheduled for demolition). 21-26 May, 1936, the old bridge was moved 50 meters from it's site on temporary pillars. For the first time in soviet history a 4000-ton, 128-meter structure was relocates successfully and operated until completion of new bridge on May 1, 1938[3].

[edit] Krymsky Bridge (1938)

Total width with approach ramps - 668 meters (bridge itself 262.5 meters, spans 47.25 + 168.0 + 47.25 meters). Full width 38.4 meters, including 24 meter road (6 lanes) and two 5-meter pedestrian lanes. As of 1938 was in Top 6 European bridges.

Eyebar chains were made of ODS steel (ОДС, Palace of Soviets Ordinary) rolled by NKMZ works, each link consisted of 4 centimeter thick, 93 centimeter wide strips. Chains are carrying two girders (each over 300 meters long), their ends anchored to massive concrete counterweights. Girders are crossed with 50-centimeter I-beams, spaced by 1.6 meters; these beams are covered with a concrete deck.

The bridge was subject of Soviet postage stamps twice - March, 1939 and December, 1948. Visually unique (at least, in Moscow), Krymsky Bridge is one of the least effective in terms of material costs. It consumed nearly 10000 tons of steel, or 1 metric ton per square meter of deck (itself having a very low ratio of area usage, 24 to 38.4)[4].

Bridge deck was replaced in 2001. During repairs, traffic was restricted, but never closed completely.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Russian: Энциклопедия "Москва", M, 1997 (Encyclopedia of Moscow, Moscow, 1997)
  2. ^ a b Russian: Носарев В.А., Скрябина, Т.А., "Мосты Москвы", М, "Вече", 2004, стр.122 (Bridges of Moscow, 2004, p.122) ISBN 5-9533-0183-9
  3. ^ Bridges of Moscow, 2004, p.124
  4. ^ Bridges of Moscow, 2004, p.125

[edit] See also

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