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The Simpsons character
Krusty The Clown
Age 58
Gender Male
Hair color Green tufty hair
Job Congressman, Television Clown and Entertainer
Relatives Father: Rabbi Krustofski
Half-Brother: Luke Perry
Sister: Unnamed
Daughter: Sophie
Nephew: Josh
Ex Wife: Mia Farrow (shown in Lisa's Sax)
First appearance Tracey Ullman shorts short "The Krusty the Klown Show"
Voice actor Dan Castellaneta

Herschel Shmoikel Pinkus Yerucham Krustofski (Hebrew: הרשל שמויקל פינקוס ירוחם קרסטופסקי, born c.1950s ), more commonly known as Krusty the Clown, is a fictional character on The Simpsons (His name was originally Herschel Schmoikel Krustofski, but it has changed since the episode "Today I Am a Clown". The spelling of the first and last name has been confirmed in "Bart the Fink"). He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta. Krusty is the long-time clown host of Bart and Lisa's favorite TV show. The TV show is a combination of kiddie variety-television hijinks with a sidekick, and cartoons (including the Tom and Jerry parody Itchy and Scratchy). One Krusty trademark is changing the spelling of many words that begin with C to instead begin with K, as evidenced by the original spelling of his name, Krusty the Klown, and with such events as the unfortunately-named Krusty's Komedy Klassics (KKK). To his great surprise, Krusty was performing his Komedy Klassics at the Apollo, a cultural theater for African Americans.


[edit] Inspirations

The character was partially inspired by real-life clown "Rusty Nails" whom Simpsons creator Matt Groening watched as a child while growing up in Portland, Oregon. In one episode, Bart references this inspiration ("Rusty the Clown? Springfield gets the lamest balloons"). Castellaneta based his voice characterization on Chicago television legend Bob Bell who portrayed WGN-TV's Bozo the Clown from 1960-1984. Krusty, with his 'Krusty Burger' chain, is also a parody of Ronald McDonald, the famous fast-food clown of the McDonald's burger chain. Krusty's off-camera personality, particularly his treatment of his show staff was reportedly modelled after David Letterman by ex-Late Night writers who went on to write for The Simpsons. Homer Simpson himself was in an inspiration for creating Krusty, as said in DVD commentary, "Krusty is pretty much Homer in clown make-up." This is proven in the episode, "Homie the Clown", where Homer becomes a clown and looks nearly identical to Krusty, often being mistaken as him. Krusty's offscreen demeanor is said to have been inspired by that of Jerry Lewis- for example, in "Round Springfield", he has alluded to a Percodan addiction, the likes of which Lewis has once suffered.

[edit] Biography

A common argument in this biography of Krusty is his age, there are many different references to his age but in the episode "Day of the Jackanapes", Krusty announces, again, the end of his entertainment career, which he says has lasted 61 years, these years added to the approximate age at which he would have started would lead people to believe he is aged around the late 70's.

The episode "Like Father, Like Clown" (based on the film The Jazz Singer), first released on October 24, 1991, expanded on his origin. According to it, he was born Herschel Schmoeckel Krustofski and is of Jewish heritage. Krusty is a third generation American. In 1902, Krusty's grandfather Zeev Krustofski left Imperial Russia for the United States and gained entry through Ellis Island.[1] His son Hyman Krustofski became an Orthodox rabbi and a leader of his community, whose wise counsel (such as if it is right to buy a Chrysler) is continually sought. Rabbi Krustofski, voiced by Jackie Mason, hoped that his son would follow in his footsteps (he brags that Herschel is at top of his yeshiva class). However, Herschel wanted to become a clown because he wanted to make people laugh. Consequently, the Rabbi disowned him. Decades later, Krusty memorably reconciled with his father with the assistance of Bart and Lisa.

It was later revealed Krusty did not have a Bar Mitzvah service, because Hyman feared he would violate the sanctity of the rites by "acting up." Krusty had two adult Bar Mitzvah ceremonies: a Hollywood gala, then a simple ceremony intended to reconnect with his father.

After leaving the Lower East Side of Springfield, Krusty started his 50-year show biz career as a street mime in Tupelo, Mississippi. He then appeared on a variety of Laugh-In style variety shows, but in the 1950s was banned from television for 10 years after saying "pants" on the air, which was not allowed at the time. In the 1960s he finally got his own television show, The Krusty the Klown Show, which featured Krusty discussing current events with serious guests (an episode of the show dated February 6, 1961 featured AFL-CIO president George Meany and a discussion of the "labor crisis in America"). The interview format began to increase in wackiness from that point on — while interviewing Robert Frost, he dumped a load of snow on the poet. Much of this loss of prestige may have been due to Krusty's substance abuse problems: he was clearly stoned when Ravi Shankar played on the show less than a decade after Meany's appearance, and he once exclaimed "what was I on?" while watching a clip of himself howling a drugged-out version of The Doors' "Break on Through (to the Other Side)." By the 1980s the show had devolved into a children's entertainment show.

Although he came back to Springfield to live and produce his show, Krusty was still a very prominent celebrity, making friends with stars ranging from Johnny Carson to Hugh Hefner to Bette Midler (with whom he owned a racehorse named "Krudler"), Alfred Hitchcock, the Beatles and Elizabeth Taylor, and being related to TV star Luke Perry, much to his chagrin. He also had the displeasure of having Ray Jay Johnson as his co-host for a week.

Krusty quickly became a multi-millionaire, mostly by licensing his name and image to a variety of suspect products and services (many of which are owned by Bart). In the Simpsons' world, there are everything from Krusty alarm clocks, to his own brand of legal documents, to Krusty dolls, to Krusty eye wash and Krusty's Clown College, which Homer attended. The more dangerous ones include: the Krusty home pregnancy test, which "may cause birth defects"; Krusty's brand of bubble gum, which contains spider eggs (which they knew about) and hantavirus (which they didn't know about); Krusty Kologne, which may cause "severe chemical burns"; and Krusty's brand of cereal, which in one episode boasted a jagged metal Krusty-O in each box, at first, and then flesh-eating bacteria in each box. One of many lawsuits regarding these products was launched by Bart, who ate a jagged metal Krusty-O and had to have his appendix removed. It was suggested at the end of the episode that he would sue Krusty again after he ingested the flesh-eating bacteria that was put into the cereal. Other lawsuits have resulted from defective products, such as a number of parents suing Krusty for one of his defective balloons exploding and taking out the eyes of "every kid in the room", Krusty's sexual harassment of any number of women, accusations that his theme park is a "death trap", and for illegally selling Tonya Harding's honeymoon video. Krusty avoided further trouble over Kamp Krusty by personally taking the campers to the "happiest place on earth" - Tijuana.

The "Krusty Korporation", the company responsible for Krusty's licensing, has also launched a series of disastrous promotions and business ventures: Sponsoring the 1984 Summer Olympics with a rigged promotion that backfired when the Soviet Union boycotted the games, causing Krusty to personally lose $44 million; building a series of Krusty Burger outlets on unmanned oil rigs, leading Krusty himself to observe "I'm taking a bath on this"; and recording "We're Sending Our Love Down the Well", a "We Are The World"-type charity song meant to raise funds for a little boy that was supposedly trapped down a well. When the boy being trapped down a well was exposed as one of Bart Simpson's pranks, the song instantly plunged from #1 down to #97 on the music charts. Given that Krusty mentioned that they would need to pay for "promotion, shipping and distribution", and the limos used to transport the celebrities that contributed to the recording, it stands to reason that Krusty lost a fortune in producing an album that suffered from miserably low sales.

At one time, he had his own brand of pork products (somewhat ironic, considering his Jewish heritage); this might have led to his almost-fatal on-the-air heart attack and subsequent pacemaker. Krusty operates his own television production company, Krustylu Productions (a pun on Lucille Ball and her husband Desi Arnaz's Desilu Productions).

His much-abused sidekick Sideshow Bob framed him for armed robbery, which resulted in Krusty's brief incarceration. In the interim, Bob ran the show, but was fired when Bart identified him as the real culprit.

Krusty is a hard-living entertainment veteran who has been down and out several times (always being rescued by the Simpson children) and remains addicted to gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, Pepto, and Xanax (and, in one episode, Percodan). He instantly becomes depressed as soon as the cameras stop rolling. He seems to suffer from bipolar disorder; in a Soupy Sales parody, asked children to send him spare lithium from their parent's medicine cabinets after every employer in town cut off their prescription drug plans. In "The Heartbroke Kid" he says that his tolerance levels are so high from years of excess he has to smoke ground-up moon rocks just to feel normal.

Krusty's vices have affected American foreign policy. In the episode "Insane Clown Poppy", it was revealed that he prevented Saddam Hussein's assassination by US forces during the Gulf War. After meeting a beautiful soldier during his USO tour, he sleeps with her ("Maybe it was the anthrax in the air," he said). Awaking the next morning, she panics because she is late for her mission and pushes off Krusty who wants her to stay and "get down with the clown". When he finds out she is planning on killing Saddam with a missile launcher, he tackles her and knocks the explosives off course. Saddam was a great source of his comedic material, he claims. Since then she's hated him despite them having a daughter, Sophie (voiced by Drew Barrymore). Her home is filled with a variety of artwork depicting clowns being killed.

His show was briefly cancelled after the debut of Gabbo the ventriloquist dummy, who was so popular that Krusty was subsequently driven out of business. Bart tried to get the Gabbo show cancelled when he sneaked into the studio and switched on the camera during what was supposed to be a commercial break, revealing the ventriloquist Arthur Crandall saying "That oughtta hold the little S.O.B.s," referring to his audience, through Gabbo, a reference to a famous radio urban legend about Uncle Don. Krusty then returns to the air with an Elvis-style comeback special in which his many celebrity friends appear and reignite his career.

In 1996, after an IRS bust for tax "avoision", (sic), according to Kent Brockman, which resulted in his bankruptcy, Krusty faked his death and lived briefly as sailor Rory B. Bellows. Krusty insured Bellows's life in his own name and then staged an accident to "kill" Bellows, collecting the money to rebuild his life. Krusty otherwises wastes money almost as fast as he earns it: lighting his cigarettes with hundred-dollar bills, pearl necklaces and priceless copies of Action Comics; eating condor-egg omelets; hiring Kenny G to play for him in his elevator; sending a thousand roses to Bea Arthur's grave, even though she is still alive; buying clean houses to replace his dirty ones; settling plagiarism lawsuits with other comedians (see below); spending huge sums on pornographic magazines (which Apu says kept him in business his first year); losing a fortune gambling on everything from horse races to operas to the Washington Generals; and buying a ruby-studded clown nose.

He seems to retire from and then get back into showbiz repeatedly throughout his career. His last retirement (a parody of Johnny Carson's final show) was almost permanent because of recently-paroled Sideshow Bob's latest scheme – wiring plastique explosives to a hypnotized Bart and sending him up on stage (a parody of The Manchurian Candidate). A last minute change of heart at Krusty's touching mention of him in a speech (as well as a last-minute rescue by Krusty's chain smoking chimp, Mr. Teeny) stopped Bob's plan. Bob and Krusty later reconciled, with Krusty exclaiming that Bob's attempts at Krusty's life make his ratings shoot through the roof.

Krusty – minus his trademark clown-hair, pale "facepaint" and red nose – bears an uncanny physical resemblance to Homer Simpson. There are some differences, such as his cow-skull birthmark, his superfluous third nipple, and his small feet. In addition, in the episode "Bart the Fink", he was seen sans clown makeup, but in a bizarre twist, while swimming, yellow face paint washed off, revealing his trademark clown features, indicating that the look is indeed permanent. This would seem to confirm a remark he once made to Homer Simpson, in which he noted the after effects of his heart attack and pacemaker implant by pointing to his face and saying, "This ain't make-up!". Krusty's physical similarity to Homer was discussed in an interview with Matt Groening, who explained that he wanted Krusty (who Bart idolises) to demonstrate a close resemblance to Bart's own father (who he doesn't).

Krusty shares a number of parallels with certain real-life celebrities. His addiction to Percodan mirrors that of Jerry Lewis. Like Lewis, he also holds children's telethons (raising funds for motion sickness), and easily believed that the French government would award him the Legion of Honor (actually a trick invented by Bart and Lisa in an attempt to reconcile him with his estranged father). Krusty also shares Sean Penn's tendency to punch members of the paparazzi. His third nipple seems to be based off of Fransico Scaramanga, the fictional James Bond villian in The Man with the Golden Gun.

Krusty's show is patterned after the Tonight Shows of Johnny Carson and Steve Allen; it has both the opening monologue and conversations with guests made famous by Carson and the madcap stunts popularized by Allen, even going so far as to directly plagiarize some of Allen's jokes. Krusty has mentioned how, like Carson, many other people have come after him in an attempt to become the number-one children's show in America, but that he buried them all, including "hobos, sea captains, Joey Bishop" (Bishop was one of many would-be usurpers to Carson's throne, all of whom Carson thwarted without difficulty) and "slaughtered" the Special Olympics. Krusty has been threatened with lawsuits by other entertainers, such as George Carlin and Steve Martin, for stealing their material, which Krusty resolves with $10,000 payments to each.

To his credit, after his show was harshly criticized by educators and parents for its "mindless TV mayhem", Krusty responded by supporting child literacy through his show, encouraging children to read books. Some of Krusty's guests have included biologists who bring wild animals onto the show (including timberwolves and condors), and he even paused during one broadcast when he learned that the Falklands War had begun, stopping to give the viewers a brief overview of the disputed islands-something that Krusty later forgot when he used that particular 1980s episode as a rerun over a decade later.

[edit] Recent history

It was revealed that Krusty was illiterate in "Krusty Gets Busted" (first released on April 29, 1990). He has since been seen reading with varying ability (many fans have noted that in the episode "Lisa's First Word", he is shown reading a wire service article in 1983). Also in a Treehouse of Horror episode he is seen reading a cue card (" Today I'm going to suck...your blood") Since, many years before, Krusty's rabbi father praised his apparently genuinely good performance in Yeshiva school, it seems highly unlikely that Krusty never learned to read in his youth. Possibly his modern "illiteracy" stemmed from temporary brain damage from his long years of overindulgence after achieving show business success.

Through his unnamed mother, Krusty is supposedly an older half-brother to actor Luke Perry. His only other known relatives are his father, his grandfather, his nephew (briefly appeared in Homer to the Max), and his illegitimate daughter Sophie, (voiced by actress Drew Barrymore), the result of an affair between Krusty and a U.S soldier during the Gulf War. Krusty may well have other illegitimate children from his various sexual escapades, as at least one woman has been trying to show him their son. He also has an unseen sister who has at times dated Sideshow Mel. This has probably been retconned by Mel later being married, unless his wife is Krusty's sister.

Krusty's profligate spending has resulted in encounters with the local Mafia, not to mention schemes such as running a clown college to turn out proxy Krustys to appear at birthday parties, and running a concentration camp-like summer camp called "Kamp Krusty". He willingly sells out to commercial interests to sell all manner of second-rate goods – he even has a generic spoken endorsement: "I heartily endorse this event or product!" His lack of care towards the quality of his merchandising is evidenced by the little attention he pays to the names of events he stars in: his Christmas show, "Krusty Kinda Khristmas"; his TV special, "Krusty Komedy Klassics"; and a tennis tournament he sponsored, the "Krusty Kharity Klassic" all use the unfortunate acronym "KKK." The only instance of this he notices is the TV special, and that was only because the initials are shown behind him. Due to a poorly thought-out booking decision, Krusty was live at the Apollo Theater at the time. He also owns a toy factory in China that manufactures Krusty-brand toys, where a huge painting of him stares down at the workers, and a recorded message from him — "Laziness is counter-revolutionary!" and "Questions are decadent!" — is played repeatedly to encourage the employees to work harder.

It is implied that Krusty is hardly an Orthodox Jew, owing to the fact that he endorses pork products (which cannot be eaten under Jewish religious law), has a sandwich dedicated to him at Izzy's Deli made up of non-kosher foods, and even openly stated that "I don't do the Jewish stuff on the air!", and even openly self-identified as a "self-hating Jew", which attracted the attention of Rainier Wolfcastle.

In 2003, Krusty was elected to the United States House of Representatives as a Republican (though he once joked of voting for Bill Clinton in 1992 whilst campaigning for the GOP). A year later, he served on a House committee to investigate Ziffcorp – run by one Artie Ziff until he lost 98% of the company to Homer – for corporate malfeasance. Apparently back in showbiz (despite having retired several times), he balances a political career with his local cable shenanigans. However, on the FOX Sports website, Krusty was asked to give prediction on a week of NFL contests, then seemed shocked to learn that he was no longer a Congressman, though this is not necessarily canon.

Krusty's humor is primarily aimed at children, and thus involves a great deal of slapstick and physical abuse of Sideshow Mel. That said, he also briefly enjoyed some success as an alternative stand up comic, after Bart persuaded Jay Leno to put him on the bill for a charity comedy night, which also featured Bobcat Goldthwait, Steven Wright and Janeane Garofalo. Krusty's routine (involving a revolving bow tie and an outdated racist impersonation of a Chinese person) bombed badly, sparking his decision to retire from showbusiness. Unexpectedly, his angry condemnation of modern trends at his retirement press conference caused great mirth from the gatherered journalists. Seizing the opportunity to reinvent his career, Krusty tied his hair back in a ponytail and appeared at Moe's Tavern, quickly becoming an anti establishment, furious stand up comic, along the lines of George Carlin and Bill Hicks. Unfortunately, the lure of free merchandise in exchange for blatant promotion of a product proved too much for Krusty to resist. Offered a "Canyonero" SUV in return for promoting it in his act, Krusty was soon bottled off the stage and returned to his avaricious, cynical old self.

Recently, in the episode "Jazzy and the Pussycats", Krusty said that he had to go to the bathroom to throw up because of his weight, which can imply that he is bulimic.

[edit] In the comic books

In Simpsons Comics #113, Krusty is revealed to have four illegitimate sons who are all at the orphanage. These kids have yet to appear in an animated episode.

[edit] Krusty products

Krusty has endorsed many products and places that are named after him. Here is a partial list:

  • Krusty Brand Seal of Approval (on everything that meets the "high personal standards" of Krusty the Clown); "It's not just good, it's good enough!"
  • Krusty the Clown Show
  • Krusty Handguns
  • Krusty-Brand Home Pregnancy test ("May cause birth defects")
  • Krusty-Brand Cereal (aka "Krusty-O's", which contain "flesh-eating bacteria in every box", and was described by Krusty himself as poison) (Notably, Krusty is seen buying his own cereal in the supermarket, upon which Mr Burns inquires as to the location of the "Burns-O's")
  • Krusty-Brand Bubble Gum (later announced to contain Hantavirus and spider-eggs, also shattered and cut Milhouse's cheek in a "Treehouse of Horror" episode)
  • Krusty-Brand Imitation Gruel (9 out of 10 orphans can't tell the difference)
  • Chocolate Frosted Frosty Flakes ("Only sugar has more sugar!")
  • Krusty-Brand Lo-Cal TV Dinner ("Slender Vittles")
  • Krusty greeting cards ("Hey there, ten-year old! I couldn't get you a guitar for your how about a nice set of bongos?", with the picture of a large-breasted woman)
  • Krusty's Famous Sauce
  • Krusty-Brand Low Income Housing
  • Kamp Krusty ("The Krustyest place on earth!")
  • Krusty's Clown College
  • Krusty Land (Home to the "Krustyland House of Knives", which was accused of decapitating multiple tourists, and was described in general as a "deathtrap" but Krusty claims that those people were decapitated before they entered)
  • Euro Krusty Land (Later blew up)
  • Mount Splashmore (Krusty filmed his show there in one episode)
  • Krusty's Non-Narkotik Kough Syrup (secret ingredient of "Flaming Homer/Flaming Moe")
  • Krusty Brain & Nerve Tonic (causes gigantism to drinkers)
  • Krusty-Brand Vitamins (caused an irregular heartbeat in Bart)
  • Krusty Doll (which has a pull-string, that when pulled says, "I'm anatomically correct. Go ahead, take a look!")
  • Krusty the Klown Alarm Clock (Gets extremely hot when plugged in)
  • Krusty Calculator (Bart's lacked a 7 or an 8 button)
  • Krusty Phone
  • Krusty Wallclock
  • Krusty Lamp
  • Krusty Pencil Tops
  • Krusty Lunchboxes
  • Krusty Giant Toy Drum
  • Krusty's Sulfuric Acid
  • Krusty Trash Basket
  • Krusty T-Shirts
  • Krusty Monopoly (applications for a patent were denied, possibly in reference to the real-life lawsuits over the game)
  • Krusty Posters
  • Krusty Non-Toxic Kologne
  • Krusty's Autobiography (Ghostwritten by John Updike, described by Bart as "self-serving with many glaring omissions")
  • Krusty's Crowd Control Barrier (they read "Krusty Sez 'Get Back'")
  • Krusty Slippers
  • Lady Krusty Mustache Removal (which makes the upper lip of the spokesmodel bleed, was endorsed by Johnny Unitas, possibly in reference to a lawsuit launched against him for another celebrity endorsement he made in the 1970s)
  • Krusty Electric Toothbrush (which has a tendency to short-circuit)
  • Krusty Mini-Basketball Hoops
  • Krusty Knife Doll
  • Krusty Fried Chicken
  • Krusty Eye wash
  • Krusty Geiger Counter (Shown in the episode where Homer builds a small nuclear reactor. Lisa holds the Krusty Geiger Counter up to it, and the counter promptly says something along the lines of "Whoah! That things gonna blow! Drop this toy and run!")
  • Krusty Home Depot (hardware store)
  • Krusty Partially Gelatinated Non-Dairy Gum-Based Beverages (milkshakes)
  • Krusty Personal Swabs
  • Krusty Kosher Ham (paradox)
  • Krusty Burger (a McDonald's-like place that has once sold the "Ribwich," which is made not from pig, cattle, or whale, but from something far smaller with way more legs, and the "Whachamacarcass sandwich", which Krusty says is made of "non-diseased meat from diseased animals". Also known for making Krusty Burgers out of roadkill), and among other products "Fill-y Fudge Sticks, Breakfast Balls, Bacon Bombs, and Whatchama-chicken"

Krusty also endorses endorsement contracts. (Hey, hey! They're binding!)

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Episode 3F12

[edit] External link

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