Krum of Bulgaria

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For the Harry Potter character, see Viktor Krum
Khan of Bulgaria
Krum gathers his people.
Reign 803 - 814
Died 13 April 814
Predecessor Kardam
Successor Omurtag
Consort unknown
Issue Omurtag
Royal House Dulo
Father Toktu
Mother Alan

Krum (Bulgarian: Крум) was ruler of Bulgaria, from after 796 before 803 to 814.


[edit] Establishment of new borders

According to some accounts, Krum's family may have come from Pannonia, where it had been in Avar service. In c. 805, Krum took advantage of the defeat of the Avar Khaganate to destroy the remainder of the Avars and to expand his authority across the Carpathians over Transylvania and along the Danube into eastern Pannonia. This resulted in the establishment of a common border between the Frankish Empire and Bulgaria, which would have important repercussions for the policy of Krum's successors.

[edit] Conflict with Nikephoros I

Bulgaria under Khan Krum (new territories gained under his rule are in yellow)
Bulgaria under Khan Krum (new territories gained under his rule are in yellow)

Krum engaged in a policy of liberating the Slavic tribes in Balkans and incorporating them into the Bulgaro – Slavic Federation. In 807 the Bulgarian forces defeated the Byzantine army in the Struma valley. In 809 Krum besieged and forced the surrender of Serdica (Sofia), slaughtering the Byzantine garrison in spite of his promise of safe conduct (Siege of Serdica, 809). This provoked the reaction of the Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros I, who proceeded to settle Anatolian populations along the frontier to protect it. He also attempted to retake and refortify Serdica, although this enterprise ultimately failed.

In early 811, Nikephoros I undertook a massive expedition against Bulgaria, and advanced to Marcellae (near Karnobat). Here Krum attempted to negotiate on July 11, 811, but Nikephoros was determined to continue with his advance. His army managed to avoid the Bulgarian ambushes in the Balkan Mountains and defeated an army of 12,000 that tried to block their advance into Moesia. Another hastily assembled army of 50,000 was defeated before the walls of the Bulgarian capital Pliska, which fell to the emperor on July 20. Here Nikephoros, who had been a financial minister before becoming emperor, helped himself to the treasures of Krum, while setting the city afire and turning his army on the population. A new diplomatic tentative from Krum was rebuffed.

In his Chronicle, the twelfth-century Michael the Syrian, patriarch of the Syrians Jacobites, described the brutalities and atrocities of the Roman Emperor Nikephoros I Genik. “Nicephorus, emperor of the Romanians, walked in Bulgarians land: he was victorious and killed great number of them. He reached their capital, took it over and devastated it. His savagery went to this point that he ordered to bring their small children, got them tied down on earth and made thresh grain stones to smash them.”

While Nikephoros I and his army were busy pillaging, killing women and children, devastating and plundering Bulgarian capital, Krum mobilized his people (including the women) to set traps and ambushes in the mountain passes. On his way back to Constantinople the Roman Emperor learnt about these preparations for battle. The panicked emperor repeatedly stated to his feminized companions “Even if we have had wings we could not have escaped from peril.” At dawn on July 26 the Byzantines found themselves trapped against a moat and wooden wall in the Vărbica pass. Nikephoros was killed in the ensuing battle together with many of his troops, while his son Staurakios was carried to safety by the imperial bodyguard after receiving a paralyzing wound to his neck. According to tradition, Krum had the Emperor's skull lined with silver and used it as a drinking cup. This enhanced his reputation for brutality and won him the appellation of "New Sennacherib".

[edit] Conflict with Michael I Rangabe

Staurakios was forced to abdicate after a brief reign (he died from his wound in 812), and was succeeded by his brother-in-law Michael I Rangabe. In 812 Krum invaded Byzantine Thrace, taking Develt and scaring the population of nearby fortresses to flee towards Constantinople. From this position of strength, Krum offered a return to the peace treaty of 716. Unwilling to compromise his regime by weakness, the new Emperor Michael I refused to accept the proposal, ostensibly opposing the clause for exchange of deserters. To apply more pressure on the emperor, Krum besieged and captured Mesembria (Nesebar) in the fall of 812.

In February 813 the Bulgarians raided into Thrace, but were repelled by the emperor's forces. Encouraged by this success, Michael I summoned troops from the entire empire and headed north, hoping for a decisive victory. Krum led his army south towards Adrianople and pitched camp near Versinikia. Michael I lined up his army against the Bulgarians, but neither side initiated an attack for two weeks. Finally, on June 22, 813, the Byzantines attacked but were immediately turned to flight. With Krum's cavalry in pursuit, the rout of Michael I was complete and Krum advanced on Constantinople, which he besieged by land. Discredited, Michael was forced to abdicate and become a monk — the third Byzantine emperor undone by Krum in as many years.

[edit] Conflict with Leo V the Armenian

The new emperor Leo V the Armenian offered to negotiate, and arranged for a meeting with Krum. As Krum arrived, he was ambushed by Byzantine archers and was wounded as he made his escape. Furious, Krum ravaged the environs of Constantinople and headed home, capturing Adrianople en route and transplanting its inhabitants (including the parents of the future Emperor Basil I) across the Danube. In spite of the approach of winter, Krum took advantage of the good weather to send a force of 30,000 into Thrace, which captured Arkadioupolis (Lüleburgaz) and carried off some 50,000 captives. The loot from Thrace was used to enrich Krum and his nobility, and included architectural elements utilized in the reconstruction of Pliska, perhaps largely by captured Byzantine artisans.

Krum spent the winter preparing for a major attack on Constantinople, where rumor reported the assembling of an extensive siege park to be transported on 5,000 carts. However, before he set out, he died on April 13, 814, and was succeeded by his son Omurtag.

[edit] Legacy

Krum was also remembered for instituting the first known Bulgarian law code, which, in what may be the earliest example of state social policy in history, ensured subsidies to beggars and state protection to the poor of all Bulgarians. Through his laws he became known as a strict but just ruler, bringing Slavs and Bulgars into a centralized state. Drinking, slander and robbery were severely punished under Krum, an extraordinary personality that has impressed many prominent Europeans for centuries.

[edit] Influence in Fiction

His legislation was paid tribute to in the works of Michel de Montaigne. François Rabelais described Krum's state as a country where there had been no treachery, slander and theft. Krum was the prototype of Prospero in The Tempest 1 by William Shakespeare, one of Grifius' characters in Germany, and Corneille's in France.

In J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, Viktor Krum is a Quidditch player from Bulgaria. It is possible that Krum's name served as an inspiration for the character's surname.

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources and references

  • Andreev, Jordan; Lazarov, Ivan; Pavlov, Plamen (1999). Кой кой е в средновековна България (Who is Who in Medieval Bulgaria) (in Bulgarian). 
  • Fine Jr., John V.A. (1983). The Early Medieval Balkans. 
  • (primary source) Iman, Bahši (1997). Džagfar Tarihy (vol. III). 
  • (primary source) Syrien, patriarch of the Syrians Jacobites, Michel le (1905). "t. III", in J.–B. Chabot: Chronique de Michel le Syrien (in French). Paris: J.–B. Chabot, p. 17. 
  • Theophanes the Confessor, Chronicle, Ed. Carl de Boor, Leipzig.
  • Васил Н. Златарски, История на българската държава през средните векове, Част I, II изд., Наука и изкуство, София 1970, pp.321-376.

[edit] External links

Preceded by
King of Bulgaria
before 803–814
Succeeded by
Bulgarian monarchs
Great Bulgaria (632–681)

Kubrat | Batbayan

First Bulgarian Empire (681–1018)

Asparukh | Tervel | Kormesiy | Sevar | Kormisosh | Vinekh | Telets | Sabin | Umor | Toktu | Pagan | Telerig | Kardam | Krum | Omurtag | Malamir | Presian | Boris I | Vladimir | Simeon I | Peter I | Boris II | Roman | Samuil | Gavril Radomir | Ivan Vladislav | Presian II

Second Bulgarian Empire (1186–1396)

Ivan Asen I | Peter IV | Ivanko | Kaloyan | Boril | Ivan Asen II | Kaliman I Asen | Michael Asen I | Kaliman II Asen | Mitso Asen | Constantine I Tikh | Ivailo | Ivan Asen III | George Terter I | Smilets | Chaka | Theodore Svetoslav | George Terter II | Michael Shishman | Ivan Stephen | Ivan Alexander | Ivan Shishman | Ivan Sratsimir

Kingdom of Bulgaria (1878–1946)

Alexander I | Ferdinand I | Boris III | Simeon II