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Krematorij (Крематорий) is a Russian rock group. The group’s front man (and main song writer) is Armen Grigoryan (Армен Григорян).

Country USSR, Russia
Years active 1983–present
Genres Rock
Members Armen Grigoryan (vocal, guitar), Vyacheslav Bukharov (violin, keyboards), Andrey Sarayev (drums), Vyacheslav Burkhel (guitar), Sergey Tretyakov (bass)


[edit] History

The group was formed in 1983 by Armen Grigoryan (Армен Григорян) and Viktor Troyegubov (Виктор Троегубов)) and quickly grew in popularity [1] in the rock circles of Moscow. After the release of Illusionary World (Иллюзорный мир) in 1985, the group gained a reputation [2] throughout the former Soviet Union and begin to perform at concerts all over the country. However, Troyegubov left as a result of discord between the two leaders and formed a new project called Smoke (Дым). Krematorij continued to increase in popularity[citation needed] until several group members left again after the release of Coma (Кома) in 1988. Grigoryan succeeded in drawing new musicians to the band. The line-up has otherwise been unchanged to this day.

Troyegubov temporarily returned to the group in 1993 as both a musician and the director of the group. In 1994, the group worked on the film Tatsu (Тацу); however, the film was not a success and was never brought to rental, though clips from the film are frequently used in Krematorij’s music videos. After another quarrel, Troyegubov left the group for a second and final time. He later wrote a book entitled Life in Krematorij and Outside It in which he makes many accusations against Grigoryan. He returned to Smoke which quickly dissipated.

Meanwhile, Krematorij continued its creative life, releasing several more albums and performing on tours all over the world [3]. Krematorij contributed greatly to the development of the Russian rock music genre[citation needed]. Grigoryan composes multifaceted lyrics that frequently deal with the themes of life and death in various religious contexts. The use of the violin serves to give Krematorij an individuality that has been essential to the group’s continued popularity.

[edit] Discography

Dates will vary depending on the source.

1983 - Винные мемуары / Wine Memoirs

1984 - Крематорий / Crematorium

1985 - Иллюзорный мир / Illusionary Earth

1988 - Кома / Coma

1989 - Клубника со льдом / Strawberries and Ice

1991 - Зомби / Zombie

1994 - Танго на облаке / Tango in the Clouds

1995 - Текиловые сны / Tequila Dreams

1996 - Гигантомания / Gigantomania

1996 - Микронезия / Micronesia

1997 - Ботаника / Botany

2000 - Три источника / Three Springs

2000 - Фан-том / Phantom

2001 - Реквием Для Всадника Без Головы / Requiem for the Headless Rider

2002 - Мифология / Mythology

2004 - Юбилейный / Anniversary

[edit] External links

[edit] Sources

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