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The Korea Power Engineering Company (KOPEC)was established in 1975. KOPEC has made remarkable progress over the past 30 years. KOPEC have joined the ranks of world-class nuclear power companies, by designing and building a total of 14 nuclear power plants using their own technology, including the development of APR1400 next-generation nuclear power plant. Fossil power plant is another area where KOPEC have made substantial contributions, and KOPEC has designed and built over 40 coal power plants and combined cycle & cogeneration plants. The Poryong and Taean Thermal Power Plants KOPEC built had the honor of being selected as the world's best power plants by Electric Power International in 1996. Not only in contractual work have KOPEC made achievements, but KOPEC have come a long way in making contributions towards environmental protection by becoming the world's first business to develop the low-temperature DeNOx catalyst.