KongKong Online

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KongKong Online
Developer(s) Mega Enterprise
Publisher(s) Poporu, GaiaX, AsiaSoft Online
Release date(s) South Korea 2005
Japan December 2005
(SEA) August 3, 2006
(Europe) February 1, 2007
Genre(s) Masively Multi-Player Online Racing Game
Platform(s) Windows
System requirements OS Win98/2000/ME/XP
CPU Pentium III 500 MHz / 1 GHz Memory 64MB / 256MB nVidia - Geforce 2 / ATI - Radeon 7000 / nVidia - Geforce 3 / ATI - Radeon 9200 Hard Drive 100MB & above DirectX 9.0 & above

KongKong Online is a free to play unique on-line race game which a player runs about a course. “KongKong” means hopping in Korean. The game is developed by Mega Enterprise.co.ltd which is based in Korea.

Currently KongKong Online is available for Korean players, South-East Asia players, and European players. KongKong Online Japan is published by GaiaX was launched late 2005, however it was closed by mid 2006. The South-East Asia version of KongKong Online is published by AsiaSoft and was released in Open Beta on August 3, 2006 , while the official launch was on 19th December 2006.The European version of KongKong Online is published by Game Media Networks and has been released in Open Beta on February 1, 2007.

Season 2 is only available to Korea KongKong Online.


[edit] Story

(referenced from KongKongSEA.com)

Welcome to the pleasant world of KongKong! A toy world filled with music and laughter, where the hearts of children are filled with happiness and dreams.

One day, the source of happiness, crystal "Toz", suddenly disappears. This important treasure connects the heart of the toys and the children. Without the crstal "Toz", the toys will be unable to move. Happiness and dreams will forever be stolen from the hearts of the children.

If the crystal "Toz" falls into the hands of the evil Kick Kick, the world will be in danger. A venture party was formed after 3 days and 3 nights to recover the stolenn crystal. The brave toys cross through the fantasy land of toy factory and head towards the star of Kick kick

The toys fought bravely against Kick kick but is it possible to regain "Toz"? Will happiness and dreams be returned to the children?


[edit] Game Features

[edit] Theme

The persistive theme in KongKong Online is that of a "toy wonderland", which usually indicates a light-hearted mood not unlike Gunbound. Some of the maps in KongKong Online, are derived from fairytales from the Brothers Grimm, amongst others (the appearance of a wolf in "Path" as an obstacle, being a notable reference to Little Red Riding Hood).

[edit] Toz

The in-game currency of KongKong Online, it is usually earned via racing in any of the three game modes, but sometimes it can also be earned from achieving a Gold standard, while doing Challenge mode on either Speed or Crazy mode.

The amount of Toz a player has is actually indicated when a player views his/her profile, and this invariably causes discomfort in some players. There is currently no method to hide Toz information.

[edit] Game Items

A general inclusion of all the items used in any race. However, some weapons such as Missile Can and Shield can only be used in Battle Mode, whereas in Crazy Mode no items are offered to players at all.

[edit] Map Panels

Referred to as "floor pads" extensively in this article, such panels are indicated with a variety of colors that dictate the effects on the Kanga when they bounce upon one.

Blue Map Panels give Kangas a forward boost in the direction indicated on the pad.

Green Map Panels give Kangas a higher bounce in the direction indicated on the pad, but a slightly slower speed of forward movement.

Purple "Question Mark" Panels give Kangas a higher bounce like Green Map Panels, except that the effects are random.

Yellow "Question Mark" Panels behave similarly to Purple Panels, the only difference being giving Kangas a forward boost.

Grey "Weight" Panels slow down a Kanga's bounce, and generates a slow-down, blurry effect on the player's screen for that bounce.

Yellow/Red Solid Circle "Medium Bounce" Panels give Kangas a medium, vertical bounce, without penalising the Kangas like a Green Map Panel.

Yellow/Red Outline Circle "High Bounce" Panels give Kangas the highest bounce in the game, allowing players to reach very high places, indications of which might suggest an intentional, crucial juncture in a race that any player can take advantage of.

In Battle Mode and Speed Mode, all Map Panels other than Blue Panels pointing straight ahead are usually obstructive to a player's progress.

In Crazy Mode, however, a player must chain bounces on green pads in order to fill up a speed meter which, when activated, will boost the players at different speeds, depending on the number of lights the meter has lighted up.

[edit] Kanga

A Kanga is a bouncing ride controlled by the player. Kangas are usually fashioned out of toys, thereby keeping a persistive element of cuteness in KongKong Online. There is no limit to the number of Kangas any player can own, although some are limited by time, and some by real cash converted to virtual currency, and sometimes both.

The latter two types of Kangas usually provide players with added advantages against other Kangas, such as more speed or more bounce.

The two starting Kangas are Poong and Wing.

[edit] Game Mechanics

A feature unique to KongKong Online is that unlike other online racing games, KongKong Online features bouncing Kangas which bounce all the way, from start to finish. This brings about the unique scenario where the leader of a race may not be able to touch down on the finish line panels before the chase pack does.

Weapons are notably unique, with the exception of Speed Shoes.

[edit] Characters

The characters featured in KongKong Online are stereotypical idiosyncrasies, either derived from children's tales, or pop culture. Like the Kangas, some of these characters are only available in time-limited and real-cash limited variants, and provide the players with additional experience and Toz under certain conditions.

The four starting characters are Chief, Huey, Milly and Weeny.

[edit] Avatars

These avatars are sometimes directly applied on the Kanga itself (such as Pinwheels). However, often the avatars are applied on the characters. Notably, some avatars do give characters very exaggerated, funny appearances.

[edit] Game Items

(from kong-hq.com) Items indicated with an asterisk are only available in Battle Race. Items are not available in Crazy Race.

[edit] Regular Items

These items can be gained normally by jumping on the blue panels with "!" marks.

[edit] *Spider Web

Appearance: A spider web, with a ball-like figure in the middle, sporting a smirk.

Type: Offensive disruptor

Targets: Multiple

Casts a Web somewhere straight ahead of player, blocking the path with a sticky web. Kangas will stick to the net upon contact. Recommended for trapping to catch up with other players, or to block other players' progress on narrow pathways.

Because it renders other players immobile, Spider Web can be used in conjunction with other items such as Missile Can or Launching Bat to pull away from the opposition.

Disappears after a while, releasing everybody.

[edit] *Mud Wall

Appearance: A stacked-up pile of poop.

Type: Offensive disruptor

Targets: Multiple

Creates an image of a poop directly behind player. Anybody who passes through will have their vision blocked for a while, and the severity of vantage obstruction is somewhat dependent on how much of the Kanga passed through the Mud Wall.

Useful on advanced maps where visibility is an important factor. Effects disappear after a short while. The avatar Diving Goggles prevents Mud Wall from obstructing one's view.

[edit] *Launching Bat

Appearance: A ball-shaped figure holding a bat.

Type: Offensive stunner

Targets: Single

Hits a single player with a Bat, stunning him for a moment. Useful to catch up with other players. Prevented by the avatar item Turtlebacks.

It also helps to get rid of the "canning" effect from the Missile Can if another player uses Launching Bat on a player affected by Missile Can.

[edit] *Missile Can

Appearance: Hammer

Type: Offensive stunner/disruptor

Targets: Single

Stuns a player for a while much like the effects of a Launching Bat, after which it turns opposition into a crumpled can that causes very little bounce. This does not necessarily slow one's movement, but does severely reduce any bounce the affected Kanga might gain from a floor pad.

Useful to catch up with people with in general, or to negate the effect of any floor pads on the oppositions' Kanga, causing opponents to fall off map boundaries.

Players affected by Missile Can should exercise caution when approaching identifiable danger-zones in the map.

[edit] Storm

Appearance: Thundercloud with rain

Type: Offensive disruptor

Targets: Leading Player (Single)

Slows down the leading player severely, creating a diminishing effect on a player's bounce, not dissimilar to Missile Can, but does not stun. Prevented by the avatar item Pinwheels.

[edit] Speed Shoes

Appearance: Blue shoes with white stripes

Type: Neutral

Targets: Self

Increase a player's forward speed for awhile. Recommended for overtaking opposition Kangas.

Timing of item usage is generally important (and at times, extremely crucial).

Bouncing on a blue floor pad gives more bounce in that particular than a normal bounce on the same pad.

[edit] *Froggy

Appearance: A bloated frog.

Type: Offensive disruptor

Targets: Multiple (all opponents in individual, rival team in team mode)

Turns other players into frogs (opposing team if in team mode), reversing the directional keys required to manouever the Kanga. One of the items that provide most damaging affliction to the opposition (especially inexperienced players), it usually allows the unaffected parties to go ahead while the victims cope with the effects.

Useful in narrow passageways where one can fall easily, or places where a critical bounce is important to any progress.

[edit] *Anti-Frog

Appearance: A circle-and-slash sign in front of a bloated frog.

Type: Defensive effect-cancel

Targets: Self/Team

Cancels the effects of the Froggy item from self/player's entire team.

Recommended for activation when player (and the entire team, in team mode) is/are turned into a frog/frogs, as it is the only item that mitigates the Froggy's effect. However, most experienced gamers prefer to activate this item and use it up during non-frog situations and avoid using it during the Froggy status, as a sudden change in frog status does not allow other teammates to react properly.

Useless against other Offensive items.

[edit] *Shield

Appearance: A shield with blue and grey panels.

Type: Defensive attack-cancel/effect-cancel

Targets: Self

A shield that can be activated to block a mud wall/prevent attacks. Highly recommended to use when attempting to defend an opponent's effect, or to pass Mud Wall without fear of any obstruction to vision.

Passing the Mud Wall with the Shield item activated causes the Shield's effect to disappear, so caution is advised on usage. Duration of shield's effects can be extended by avatars, such as Bear Paws and Gloves.

Useless in defending against Froggy.

[edit] *Reflective Mirror

Appearance: A mirror with purple rays reflecting upon the surface

Type: Defensive Counter

Targets: Self

Reflects an attack to a single attacker. Highly recommended to use when attempting to defend and, subsequently, return the opposition's attack.

Useless in defending against Froggy.

[edit] *Ghost

Appearance: A ghostly figure in bedsheet

Type: Defensive attack-disruptor

Targets: Self/Team

Prevents player (in individual mode) or the player and his/her entire team (in team mode) from getting locked-on, by rendering player/the entire team invisible to the oppositions' lock-on mechanism. Players will not become invisible, technically speaking, but will appear translucent in the duration of the item's effect, their outlines being the only visible indicator.

It is highly recommended to activate this item at a crucial area of the map (eg closing in on the finish line, or a critical jump to clear).

Useless in defending against Froggy, and any single-target items activated before Ghost's effect is enabled.

[edit] Special Items

These items can only be gained by having a certain item equipped

[edit] Ice Gun

Appearance: A blue coloured gun

Type: Offensive stunner

Targets: Single

Item required: Cabbage Butterfly (Wings)

Stuns your target by freezing them.

Ice Gun masks over the Storm item.

Can be avoided by equipping either the Swallowtail Butterfly (Wings) or the Yellow Butterfly (Wings) item.

[edit] Manhole Cover




Item required:

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[edit] Game Modes

There are primarily three game modes in KongKong Online - Battle Mode Race, Speed Mode Race, and Crazy Mode Race. However, Practice Mode and Challenge Mode are available to first-timers and time-attackers respectively.

With the exception of Practice and Challenge modes (i.e. in all head-to-head races), players must finish the race within 15 seconds of the first player. During this time, the background music will abruptly change into a higher tempo, and a countdown will flash in the screens of racers who have yet to reach the finish line.

[edit] Practice

Containing two modes that teaches players how to play KongKong Online, it is designed as an introductory section for players unfamiliar with its game mechanics. The first two tutorials teaches a player how to bounce on floor pads, while the third tutorial teaches a player on how to use the Launching Bat.

[edit] Challenge

Essentially "Time Attack" on the various maps, only Speed and Crazy modes are available. Additionally, only Speed Shoes are available in Speed Challenges, and the maps differ slightly from the Speed Race's variants.

[edit] Battle Race

All weapons listed above are available for use in Battle Race mode. Consequently, the focus of Battle Mode Races are not on speed, but on calculated, careful usage of items.

[edit] Speed Race

Only Storm and Speed Shoes are available for use. This mode provides for a heavier focus on timing and speed, as the leading player will be the only player affected by Storm.

[edit] Crazy Race

Green floor pads dot the maps, requiring players to utilise their skills to chain bounces and fill up the Bounce Meter. The more a player chains his/her bounces, the more gain on the meter the player gets, and this increase is noticeably exponential.

This is also the only mode where Level 2 and 3 Speed Shoes are available. Both types of Speed Shoes give much more bounce than the standard Speed Shoes in Speed Race and Battle Race, allowing for many variations of shortcuts. However, the sheer boost given by the more powerful Speed Shoes' variants, can sometimes be a bane for players unfamiliar with the map, therefore Crazy Race is a test of players' skill in controlling their Kanga.

A notable fact is that Crazy Races can be completed much faster than Speed or Battle Races. For the unskilled, perpetual inability to complete Crazy Races can be discouraging.

[edit] Individual or Team

For Speed Mode Race, Battle Mode Race and Crazy Mode Race, gamers can choose to race as an individual or as part of a team.

[edit] Individual

In Individual mode,players are on their own as they bounce their way towards the finishing line.They can use their items on anyone at will.

When they reach the end, they will earn EXP and Toz depending on what their placings are(The first placing gets the biggest EXP and Toz, while the last placing gets very little EXP and Toz.)

[edit] Team

In Team mode,players co-operate with their team members to win the race.

Placing achieved by members of the team contribute to the total score which is then compared to the score by the opposing team, to determine the overall victorious team. Each finisher gets points which are from 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. If both sides get the same score, the team which has the 1st placing member wins the race.

EXP and Toz earned in this mode is the same to all team-players(If Team A has the first 3 coming in, and the last team member just reaches the finishing line,EXP and Toz will be the same to all the teammates regardless).

In both modes,if you don't get to the finishing line 15 seconds after you reach the finishing line,you will get even lower EXP and Toz then the last player/team.

[edit] Links

Official game websites

Informational fansites

  • KongKong Headquaters - A fansite which contain guides, information on game items, an active community and plenty of events for the game.
  • KongKong QMUD - Information about KongKong Online Korea.