Kolahun District

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Location of Kolahun District in Lofa County
Location of Kolahun District in Lofa County

Kolahun District is the largest administrative district of Lofa County in Liberia. It has an estimated population (July, 2004) of 26,827. Kolahun was the scene of heavy fighting between government troops and rebels during Liberia's second civil war, causing massive shifts in population and destruction of property.

Districts of Liberia Flag of Liberia
Bomi County: Dewoin | Klay | Mecca | Senjeh
Bong County: Fuamah | Jorquelleh | Kokoyah | Panta-Kpa | Salala | Sanayea | Suakoko | Zota
Gbarpolu County: Belleh | Bopolu | Bokomu | Kongba | Gbarma
Grand Bassa County: District #1 | District #2 | District #3 | District #4 | Owensgrove | St. John River
Grand Cape Mount County: Commonwealth | Garwula | Gola Konneh | Porkpa | Tewor
Grand Gedeh County: Gbarzon | Konobo | Tchien
Grand Kru County: Buah | Lower Kru Coast | Sasstown | Upper Kru Coast
Lofa County: Foya | Kolahun | Salayea | Vahun | Voinjama | Zorzor
Margibi County: Firestone | Gibi | Kakata | Mambah-Kaba
Maryland County: Barrobo | Pleebo/Sodeken
Montserrado County: Careysburg | Greater Monrovia | St. Paul River | Todee
Nimba County: Gbehlageh | Saclepea | Sanniquelleh-Mahn | Tappita | Yarwein-Mehnsohnneh | Zoegeh
River Cess County: Morweh | Timbo
River Gee County: Gbeapo | Webbo
Sinoe County: Butaw | Dugbe River | Greenville | Jaedae Jaedepo | Juarzon | Kpayan | Pyneston
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