Koeberg Alert

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Koeberg Alert formed in 1983 and started out as a local campaign against South Africa's nuclear programme, in particular the construction of Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. Koeberg Alert is possibly the country's first activist green movement, apart from Nan Rice's Dolphin Action and Awareness Group. For years it was allied to the broader democratic and anti-apartheid movement. It is currently a forum for various anti-nuclear awareness campaigns and part of the wider anti-war and peace movements.


[edit] Broad alliance of anti-nuclear organisations

Koeberg alert is part of a global campaign against nuclear power and has established links with organisations such as Earthlife Africa, Campaign Against Nuclear Energy (CANE) and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

[edit] Campaigns

Various campaigns within the forum exist:

[edit] Notable people

Some notable people active in the organisation:

  • Mike Kantey former secretary

[edit] 1982 Koeberg Event

On the 70th anniversary of the formation of the ANC, on January 8, 1982, Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the ANC attacked Koeberg nuclear power plant, by firing SAM 7 missiles into the enclosure. Koeberg Alert does not support violence or the use of force in any of its campaigns.

[edit] 2002 Greenpeace action against the Koeberg nuclear power station

In August 2002 Greenpeace the international environmental organisation, hung an anti-nuclear protest banner from the power plant, resulting in 12 members being arrested and fined. [1]. Koeberg Alert supports the non-violent and peaceful activity of organisations such as Greenpeace.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links


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