Talk:Knights Templar Seal
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[edit] Issues
- Format: Sometimes it is difficult to know which picture corresponds to which text.
- POV: Some assertions about non-Christian religions should be attributed to some authority. In addition, the use of the crescent in seals is identified as representing the Mother Goddess, when it just as likely is a use of a common heraldic device, or perhaps a symbol of Mary. It seems that there is an agenda in this identification.
An Abrasax/Abraxas amulet appears as a Templar seal on this page [[1]] . No information on its provenance is given; the same image is displayed on the Wiki for Abraxas, with the legend, "Medieval Seal representing Abraxas" [[2]]. Is this, authenticably, a Templar seal? This would indeed be fodder for those who believe the Templars to've been secret practitioners of magic and/or a Gnostic survival. Or is it a plant by such persons? Mikalra 13:22, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
This sentence does not follow: "However, in Heidelberg Germany, The Knights Templar Commandery of Heidelberg will destroy the Prince Hall Lodge # 140. The will of the Triumvirate shall be carried out." Does it need to be clarified, or merely removed? DLM 00:45, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Image:Templarsign.jpg
This image is not shown and described but it should. -- Scriberius 10:42, 10 December 2005 (UTC)The two riders