Talk:Knee cartilage replacement therapy

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knee Cartilage replacement therapy: I was involved in a rear-end auto accident the end of 2004 in which both of my knees rammed into the dashboard which is only about an inch and half from my knees when in the seat belt. The auto was on a down hill slope at a stop sign. I did not know my knees were injured untill they turned black and blue and swoll up and began hurting. I was told by doctor this was just soft tissue injury and would probably heal by theirselves. The pain got worse and worst until I went to emergency and got an MRI on both knees which showed the injuries.

I finally got diaganosed with bad tears in meniscus on left (the worst so I was told) and tears on right and damage too right knee cap.  I had surgery in July of 05 on both knees (orthoscopic repair).  I have been in pt therapy since and the left knee remained stiff and painful and the right knee swells below the knee cap on the inside, and above the knee cap on the upper outside.  The swelling above the knee cap has pretty much stayed the same before and after the surgery. now a year and half later it it is very painful to walk or bend knees.  The doctors say I am too young for a knee replacement as I just turned 60.  I cannot swim, ride a bike, walk, or sit without constant pain.  I have always worked and led an active life.  so far the doctors have said because I have no damage to my bones yet and even though my medial meniscus is missing on the left side and tears have not healed they will not replace my knees until I'm in screaming pain and actually in a wheel chair.  I need to work an live, just like everyone else.  Why would a doctor want me to try to live like this, when knee replacements could possibly give me back some quality of life?  I don't think any doctor would want to live in constant pain or be resigned to a wheel chair to get around, if there was another choice... what do you think?