Kiviuq (moon)

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Kiviuq - Saturn XXIV
Discovery [1]
Discovered by Brett J. Gladman
Discovered in 2000
Mean Orbital elements [2]
Epoch 2000 Feb. 26.00
Semi-major axis 11.111 Gm
Eccentricity 0.3288
Inclination 45.71° *
Orbital period 449.22 d
(1.23 yr)
Physical characteristics
Mean diameter 16 km[3] **
Rotation period  ?
Albedo 0.04 [3] assumed
Color light red B-V=0.87
Spectral type D [5]

*to the ecliptic **based on the albedo

Kiviuq (kee'-vee-oek or kiv'-ee-ook, IPA: [ˈkiːviɔʊk], IPA: [ˈkɪviʊk]) is a prograde irregular satellite of Saturn. It was discovered by Brett J. Gladman in 2000, and given the temporary designation S/2000 S 5.

It is named after a "giant" of Inuit mythology. Kiviuq (also spelled Keeveeok, Qiviuq or Kivioq) is a legendary and heroic Inuk, a sort of Inuit Odysseus. He has lived very long (or has had several lives), has wandered and journeyed, living all sorts of adventures whose details depend on the story-teller's local tradition.

Kiviuq is about 16 kilometres in diameter, and orbits Saturn at an average distance of 11.1 Gm in 450 days. It is a member of the Inuit group of irregular satellites.

Kiviuq displays light-red colours and the infrared spectrum very similar to Siarnaq and Paaliaq, further supporting the thesis of a possible common origin of the Inuit group in the break-up of a larger body[6] [5].

Kiviuq is believed to be in Kozai resonance i.e. cyclically reducing the orbital inclination while increasing the eccentricity and vice versa[7].

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Discovery Circumstances (JPL)
  2. ^ Mean orbital parameters from JPL
  3. ^ a b Scott Sheppard pages
  4. ^ T. Grav, M. Holman, B. Gladman, K. Aksnes Photometric survey of the irregular satellites, Icarus, 166 (2003), pp. 33-45. Preprint
  5. ^ a b c Tommy Grav and James Bauer A deeper look at the colors of Saturnian irregular satellites, Preprint
  6. ^ B. Gladman, P. Nicholson, Burns, JJ Kavelaars, Brian G. Marsden, Holman, Grav T. et al. Discovery of 12 satellites of Saturn exhibiting orbital clustering., Nature, 412 (2001), p. 163
  7. ^ Ćuk, Matija; Burns, Joseph A. On the Secular Behavior of Irregular Satellites, The Astronomical Journal, 128 (2004), pp. 2518-2541 Preprint
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