Kitano Tenman-gū

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Kitano Tenman-gū (北野天満宮?) is a Shinto shrine in Kyoto, dedicated to Tenjin-san, the kami of scholarship. It was built in 947, to appease the angry spirit of scholar and poet Sugawara no Michizane, who had been exiled as a result of political maneuvers of his enemies in the Fujiwara clan. The shrine was dedicated to him, and in 986, he was deified and conferred the title of Tenjin (Heavenly Deity).

The grounds are filled with Sugawara's favorite tree, the ume, and during the blooming season of the ume blossoms the shrine is often very crowded. Kitano-tenmangu is popular with students praying for success in exams. On the 25th of every month, the shrine plays host to a flea market, similar to that of Tō-ji temple. A Kyoto proverb proclaims, "Fair weather at Toji market means rainy weather at Tenjin market," calling to mind Kyoto's fickle weather.

[edit] External links

Kitano Tenman-gū Official web page (In English)

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