Kit Berry
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Kit Berry is the author of the Stonewylde series of five books, the first being Magus of Stonewylde, published by Moongazy Publishing in October 2005. The second, Moondance of Stonewylde, was published in November 2006. Kit lived in Weymouth in Dorset for many years, where she studied for her first degree in English and Media Studies at Weymouth College. She then trained to be a teacher, and taught at local schools. Whilst teaching she studied for her Master of Arts in Education with the Open University and brought up her three sons, who all attended The Thomas Hardye School in Dorchester.
Kit's interests include studying local history, walking in the fields and woods around her home on the Jurassic Coast and learning crafts such as stone carving at Tout Quarry on Portland. Now her sons have grown up and left home, Kit has left her teaching career at the Special Needs school, and has moved to Reading, Berkshire where she lives with her partner and two Burmese cats. She is working full time now as an author and writing the fifth and final book in the Stonewylde series. The Official Stonewylde site