Kissy Face

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Kissy Face is a game that is similar but also quit different from the game of Wink. And Kissy Face is sometimes called Kissing Rugby which is also sometimes used as a name for Wink by some American Quakers. Kissy face is generally played by high-school and college-aged people. Play is generally loud and vigorous, and if played out side near a rowdy or street, games can attract a group of spectators who watch in utter amazement.

[edit] Rules

To play Kissy Face you need, 2 teams. The 1st team giving each of it’s members a different Number. The 2nd team giving each of it’s members a different letter. Then the two teams line up leaving a big space in the middle to play. Then a member from one team (lets say letter A) sits down in that space and calls a number and a letter lets say (B, 4). Then the letters defend the letters. The defender (B) tries to kiss 4 on the cheek and 4 tries to kiss A on the cheek who ever kisses first gets to sit and call the next 2 people.

[edit] Notes

  1. Facebook on Kissy Face
  2. A web page on rugby that includes a description of the game “Kissing Rugby”

[edit] See also