Kisarazu Cat's Eye

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Kisarazu Cat's Eye (Japanese: 木更津キャッツアイ) is the name of a Japanese television show and movie.

The TV show consisted of nine episodes that aired from January 18 to March 15 2002. It was one of the more different programmes in recent times and was told in a unique style, with hilarious and wacky scenes. For the most part the series is a comedy, which makes it very enjoyable to many viewers.

The story of this series follows a young man at the age of 21 named Kohei played by Okada Junichi. The setting of the story is in Kisarazu (hence the title of the drama series), which is a city in Chiba, Japan. He is diagnosed with cancer and has been told that he has a total of 6 months to live. Instead of being depressed, Kohei decides to do something else, something daring and unique.

The show focuses mainly on Kohei and four of his close friends. The five grew up together as they were all on the same high school baseball team. Bambi (Sakurai Shou), Masta (Sato Ryuta), Ani (Tsukamoto Takashi), and Ucchie (Okada Yoshinori). Kohei, known as Bussan to his close friends, forms the group Kisarazu Cat's Eye.

To date, there have been two Kisarazu Cat's Eye movies. The first, Kisarazu Cat's Eye Nihon Series, was released in 2003 and the second, Kisarazu Cat's Eye World Series, was released in 2006.

The whole theme for the group is based on a manga (Japanese comic) called Cat's Eye or キャッツ アイ. Cat's Eye follows the story of three sisters who lead a double life in which they appear normal during the day and become skilled thieves at night--hence the theme of Kisarazu Cat's Eye. Kohei's group of friends, however, play baseball during the day while getting into mischief, other troubles, and wacky situations. During the night they steal or solve their own life's crisis. Mainly, though, they just solve their own hilarious crises.

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