Kirtland's Warbler

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Kirtland's Warbler

Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Parulidae
Genus: Dendroica
Species: D. kirtlandii
Binomial name
Dendroica kirtlandii
(Baird, 1852)

The Kirtland's Warbler, Dendroica kirtlandii, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family.

These birds have bluish-grey upper parts with dark streaks on the back and yellow underparts with streaked flanks. They have thin wing bars, dark legs and a broken white eye ring. Females and juveniles are browner on the back. Like the Palm Warbler and Prairie Warbler, they wag their tails frequently. Their song is a loud chip-chip-chip-too-too-weet-weet often given from the top of a pine.

Their breeding habitat is young Jack Pine woods in a very limited area in the north of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan; they have also been seen in Ontario and Wisconsin but do not breed there regularly. The nest is an open cup on sandy soil near a pine tree.

Kirtland's Warblers forage in the lower parts of trees, sometimes hovering or searching on the ground. These birds eat insects and some berries, also eating fruit in winter. In winter, they migrate to pine forests in the Bahamas.

The numbers and range of this bird have decreased since the early 20th century due to loss of suitable breeding habitat. Since Jack Pines only seed after significant disturbances, such as forest fires and clear cuts, this bird's habitat is being preserved by controlled burns and staggered timber harvests in its limited breeding range. Since this habitat management regime was begun in the 1970s, the birds numbers have steadily risen, though they are still at dangerously low levels. People have also intervened to protect this bird against nest parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds, to which these birds are highly susceptible.

This bird was named after Jared P. Kirtland, an Ohio doctor and amateur naturalist.

In June 2006 three male Kirtland's Warblers were seen at CFB Petawawa. On July 6th one of these birds was captured, banded, and released by the Canadian Wildlife Service.


[edit] References

  • BirdLife International (2005). Dendroica kirtlandii. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on 11 May 2006. Database entry includes a range map and justification for why this species is near threatened
  • Harold Mayfield: The Kirtland's Warbler, Cranbrook Institute of Science Bulletin no. 40, 1960.

[edit] External links

[edit] Further reading

[edit] Book

  • Mayfield, Harold F. 1992. Kirtland’s Warbler. In The Birds of North America, No. 19 (A. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. Gill, Eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, DC: The American Ornithologists’ Union.

[edit] Thesis

  • Bocetti CI. Ph.D. (1994). Density, demography, and mating success of Kirtland's warblers in managed and natural habitats. The Ohio State University, United States -- Ohio.
  • Deloria CM. M.S. (2000). Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) diet and its relationship to warbler age, sex, and jack pine stand characteristics. Michigan State University, United States -- Michigan.

[edit] Articles

  • Anderson WL & Storer RW. (1976). Factors Influencing Kirtlands Warbler Nesting Success. Jack Pine Warbler. vol 54, no 3. p. 105-115.
  • Anonymous. (2004). Lights out policy saves migrating birds. Biodiversity. vol 5, no 3. p. 38-39.
  • Anonymous. (2005). 100 Years ago in the American ornithologists' union. Auk. vol 122, no 3. p. 1024-1025.
  • Bart J, Kepler C, Sykes P & Bocetti C. (1999). Evaluation of mist-net sampling as an index to productivity in Kirtland's Warblers. Auk. vol 116, no 4. p. 1147-1151.
  • Berger AJ. (1968). Appendicular Myology of Kirtlands Warbler. Auk. vol 85, no 4. p. 594-616.
  • Berger AJ. (1968). Behavior of Hand Raised Kirtlands Warblers Dendroica-Kirtlandii. Living Bird. vol 7, p. 103-116.
  • Bocetti CI. (1993). Hatching year Kirtland's warbler captured in unusual habitat. Wilson Bulletin. vol 105, no 3. p. 532-533.
  • Botkin DB, Woodby DA & Nisbet RA. (1991). KIRTLANDS WARBLER HABITATS - A POSSIBLE EARLY INDICATOR OF CLIMATIC WARMING. Biological Conservation. vol 56, no 1. p. 63-78.
  • Botkin DB, Woodby DA & Nisbet RA. (1991). Kirtland's Warbler Habitats a Possible Early Indicator of Climatic Warming. Biological Conservation. vol 56, no 1. p. 63-78.
  • Brewer AD. (1990). Additions to the Bird List of Wellington County Ontario Canada. Ontario Birds. vol 8, no 3. p. 87-91.
  • Brewer R & Morris KR. (1984). Cross-Fostering as a Management Tool for the Kirtlands Warbler Dendroica-Kirtlandii. Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 48, no 3. p. 1041-1045.
  • Buech RR. (1980). Vegetation of a Kirtlands Warbler Dendroica-Kirtlandii Breeding Area and 10 Nest Sites. Jack Pine Warbler. vol 58, no 2. p. 59-72.
  • Burgoyne GEJ & Ryel LA. (1978). Kirtlands Warbler Dendroica-Kirtlandii Numbers and Colonies 1977. Jack Pine Warbler. vol 56, no 4. p. 185-190.
  • Clench MH. (1973). The Fall Migration Route of Kirtlands Warbler. Wilson Bulletin. vol 85, no 4. p. 417-428.
  • Currie D, Wunderle JM, Ewert DN, Anderson MR, Davis A & Turner J. (2005). Habitat distribution of birds wintering in Central Andros, The Bahamas: Implications for management. Caribbean Journal of Science. vol 41, no 1. p. 75-87.
  • Currie D, Wunderle JM, Jr., Ewert DN, Davis A & McKenzie Z. (2005). Winter avian distribution and relative abundance in six terrestrial habitats on southern Eleuthera, The Bahamas. Caribbean Journal of Science. vol 41, no 1. p. 88-100.
  • Currie D, Wunderle Jr JM & Ewert DN. (2006). The response of wintering Kirtland's Warblers to food patch dynamics in The Bahamas and its implications for conservation on the wintering grounds. Journal of Ornithology. p. 98-99.
  • Dalton R. (2005). Ornithology: A wing and a prayer. Nature. vol 437, no 7056. p. 188-190.
  • De Groot KL & Smith JNM. (2001). Community-wide impacts of a generalist brood parasite, the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). Ecology. vol 82, no 3. p. 868-881.
  • Deloria-Sheffield CM, Millenbah KF, Bocetti CI, Sykes PW, Jr. & Kepler CB. (2001). Kirtland's Warbler diet as determined through fecal analysis. Wilson Bulletin. vol 113, no 4. p. 384-387.
  • Dennis B, Munholland PL & Scott JM. (1991). Estimation of Growth and Extinction Parameters for Endangered Species. Ecological Monographs. vol 61, no 2. p. 115-144.
  • Dow DD. (1978). A Test of Significance for Mayfields Method of Calculating Nest Success. Wilson Bulletin. vol 90, no 2. p. 291-295.
  • Ellison K, Sykes PW, Jr. & Bocetti CI. (2002). Re-evaluating the Bay-breasted Warbler breeding range: Nine years of presence in Lower Michigan. Wilson Bulletin. vol 114, no 3. p. 415-416.
  • Faanes CA & Haney JC. (1989). First Record of Kirtland's Warbler from the Dominican Republic West Indies and Additional Bird Observations. Caribbean Journal of Science. vol 25, no 1-2. p. 30-35.
  • Fitzmaurice RL & Case DJ. (1995). Making communications work for wildlife conservation: A Kirtland's warbler case study. Wildlife Society Bulletin. vol 23, no 4. p. 796-798.
  • Frank MC. (1998). Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandi). The Auk. vol 115, no 4. p. 1096.
  • Haney JC, Lee DS & Walsh-Mcgehee M. (1998). A quantitative analysis of winter distribution and habitats of Kirtland's warblers in the Bahamas. Condor. vol 100, no 2. p. 201-217.
  • Hayes JP, Probst JR & Rakstad D. (1986). Effect of Mating Status and Time of Day on Kirtland's Warbler Dendroica-Kirtlandii Song Rates. Condor. vol 88, no 3. p. 386-388.
  • Houseman GR & Anderson RC. (2002). Effects of jack pine plantation management on barrens flora and potential Kirtland's warbler nest habitat. Restoration Ecology. vol 10, no 1. p. 27-36.
  • Hundley MH. (1967). Recent Wintering Records of the Kirtlands Warbler. Auk. vol 84, no 3. p. 425-426.
  • Hunter MLJ. (1992). Paleoecology Landscape Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Migrant Passerines in Boreal Forests. In Hagan, J M Iii and D W Johnston (Ed) Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds; Symposium, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, December 6-9, 1989 Xiii+609p Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC, USA; London, England, Uk Illus Maps 511-523, 1992.
  • Kappes PJ & Stutchbury BJM. (2005). Brooding behavior in an adult male American Redstart. Northeastern Naturalist. vol 12, no 1. p. 119-121.
  • Kashian DM & Barnes BV. (2000). Landscape influence on the spatial and temporal distribution of the Kirtland's warbler at the Bald Hill burn, northern Lower Michigan, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. vol 30, no 12. p. 1895-1904.
  • Kashian DM, Barnes BV & Walker WS. (2003). Ecological species groups of landform-level ecosystems dominated by jack pine in northern Lower Michigan, USA. Plant Ecology. vol 166, no 1. p. 75-91.
  • Kashian DM, Barnes BV & Walker WS. (2003). Landscape ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan and the occurrence and management of the Kirtland's warbler. Forest Science. vol 49, no 1. p. 140-159.
  • Kelly ST & Decapta ME. (1982). Cowbird Molothrus-Ater Control and Its Effect on Kirtlands Warbler Dendroica-Kirtlandii Reproductive Success. Wilson Bulletin. vol 94, no 3. p. 363-365.
  • Kepler CB, Irvine GW, Decapita ME & Weinrich J. (1996). The conservation management of Kirtland's warbler Dendroica kirtlandii. Bird Conservation International. vol 6, no 1. p. 11-22.
  • King TL, Eackles MS, Henderson AP, Bocetti CI, Currie D & Wunderle JM. (2005). Microsatellite DNA markers for delineating population structure and kinship among the endangered Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii). Molecular Ecology Notes. vol 5, no 3. p. 569-571.
  • Latta SC & Parkes KC. (2001). A possible Dendroica kirtlandii hybrid from hispaniola. Wilson Bulletin. vol 113, no 4. p. 378-383.
  • Levy S. (2004). Native incursions: Avian range expansions imperil threatened species. Bioscience. vol 54, no 2. p. 94-98.
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  • Marshall E, Haight R & Homans FR. (1998). Incorporating environmental uncertainty into species management decisions: Kirtland's Warbler habitat management as a case study. Conservation Biology. vol 12, no 5. p. 975-985.
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  • Mayfield HF. (1972). 3rd Decennial Census of Kirtlands Warbler. Auk. vol 89, no 2.
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