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So who is she? Nicole Gentleman is a 17 year old girl who lives in Andover Hampshire in England. Shes fairly short but has longish legs which she covers with obsecure holey and brightly coloured tights. She isn't at all famous yet, but vows that one day she will take over the world.

She travels round with a group of amazing friends all of which worship her, who she calls her accomplices and she loves them to bits for calling her Count Olaf.

Her best assests are her pretty brown eyes and her bright blonde hair and her crazy obssesion with Ray Davies from The Kinks. She is actually in love with this man and has hopes that one day he will meet her and might like her too? She'll never love another man anyway. Her hobbies are reading books by really eccentric old fashioned authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Oscar Wilde, Robert Louis Stevenson, etc etc. She has a vast vocabularly, which she only really uses on weekends. She feels like she lives in the wrong era and should have been born in the 1920's.

Her other mad obsession is with Noel Coward who has the best god damn lyrics you could ever ask for and refers to him as "the master". You may see her wandering around the bowls of Winchester in a military Jacket looking particularly fervid and fatigued, you may wish to fuck her, she is amazingly fit, but I warn you she only really likes men in their late 40's who wear suits and have jobs.

She considers herself a well known autohagiographer and adoxographer who parades around algerining, helplessly wanting alphamegamia and regularly practicing autolatry. which she loves saying, because it sounds like she actually “does” something important.


Some of her best known quotes are: The business of “college” seems to take an interesting and worthwhile subject, like History and English for example, and then turn it on its head shake all the juice and goodness out of it and lets it become as dull as dishwater.

I wish I could live my life alone with many cats in an immense house with a lifetime supply of lasagne and tea and have a large spacious and suspicous library with a writing desk and a really attractive and well bound notepad and a lovely pen. I’d be set for life.

I actually have no regrets, because if I made a mistake in my life, I know that even if I went back and did it again, I’d still make the same mistake, because I believe things happen for a reason, and if I’m supposed to get kicked out of college or whatever then I’m supposed too and also because I’m an arrogant, selfish autolateral bastard.

You have some major decisions to make in your life, if you actually seem to portray a particular talent. You can let the education system subtlety take over your talent and then let perfect strangers expose it, trample all over it, try to build it up again and then try to give it an “acceptable structure”. Or you can be unemployed.

Invisible rules seem to hold together all parts of our social order and most major societies. To question these rules is deemed revolutionary, to break them criminal and to abide by them, just ordinary.

A high form of intelligence is deemed to be insanity, and now there is extremely high competition in intelligence, I have to intelligently take my insanity to a higher level.

My dim-witted obsession of being different made me a mathematician in a library and a rather eccentric bard in a maths class, I stood out for sure, but I failed everything.