User:King steven

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[edit] Early Childhood

I was born in Hertfordshire, UK in 1979, a true Thatcher baby. There were a good few months of going it alone (about 22), then I was joined by a brother. He was a good chap and my best mate to be honest.

[edit] The Teenage Years

Pretty easy going actually. Didn't really go in for all that awkwardness and rebellion. Too busy reading and trying to get my guitar to make decent sounds.

[edit] Student Life

One of the best things I ever did. If I hadn't gopt out the parental home then I probably never would have! I studied Physics at The University Of Sussex at Falmer just outside Brighton. Big fan of the coast and I spent an extra year after studies working in an Off-Licence in Hove and spending free time reading on the beach or relaxing with friends.

[edit] Working Life

So here we are; Adulthood. I'm a Broadcast System Specialist. I Support/Maintain digital broadcasting systems. But also keep some of the analog kit running, when I can...