King Solomon (Prague)

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King Solomon is the oldest kosher restaurant [1] in Prague, Czech Republic. It is located on Široká Street (Široká ulice in Czech) "among the houses of the Old Jewish Town" and across the street from the Pinkas synagogue in Josefov, part of Prague 1 district. King Solomon offers also kosher wines and other alcohol.

According to, "The traditional middle European Jewish food is rich in oil and you should be prepared for such a specialities as Wienner snitzel, holishkes, roasted duck, gefilte fish etc. The sephardic style meals lovers will not be probably satisfied in any of the two kohser Prague restaurants." [2] (sic) (the other Kosher restaurant is Shalom Restaurant)

Kosher information and level of King Solomon restaurant: Shochet: Rabbi Weiser from Vienna Meat kashruth level: kosher Le Mehadrin, Chassidishe [3]

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Official Site
  2. ^ King Solomon kosher restaurant
  3. ^ Kosher restaurants in Prague
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