KING Products and Solutions Inc.

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KING Products and Solutions Inc. is provider of solutions for multimedia interactive kiosks with touch screen technology. KING is unique in that it can provide both kiosk hardware and kiosk software offering. KING products is wholly owened Urmet Group, a supplier to the telecommunication market, specializies in public telephony and multimedia terminal equipment and systems.


[edit] KING Kiosk Hardware Products

The PLYNTH(tm) kiosk is a floor-standing Internet kiosk terminal designed for use in any indoor public place including prestige areas.

The PLYNTH(tm) G6 kiosk is the most versatile kiosk, a direct evolution of the Plynth with added peripherals and capabilities. Its compact profile allows for easy installation and relocation, while its small footprint is advantageous where space is at a premium.

The Dual Screen option on the plynth product line allows multiple messages to be displayed and users to be attracted from a distance. Advertising on the secondary display provides additional revenue opportunities while users simultaneously interact with the freestanding Plynth.

[edit] KINGnet Kiosk Software

KINGnet Kiosk Software is a kiosk platform that supports multiple solutions and applications. This platform can work in stand alone or in networked environments. KINGnet kiosk software provides a customizable, graphical user interface, designed for touch screen interaction in public spaces. The KINGnet kiosk software is designed for unattended 24/7 operation

[edit] MyKioskEditor is an online portal to the KINGnet Content Editor Server. Via this portal, you have access to a suite of customizable templates and tools that will allow you to easily manage and maintain your kiosk content. Once logged in, you will be able to edit, update, preview, and schedule content to be uploaded to your kiosks.

Any content stored on the KINGnet Content Server is displayed utilizing the KINGnet Kiosk Software platform installed on each kioskBy way of KING is able to provide simple and intuitive web-based kiosk content editing tools.

[edit] Clients

Clients and partners in more than 20 countries that have deployed KING kiosks. they include: Bell Canada, Incomm, Telmex, Czech Telecom, Malta Telecom, British Telecom, Canadian Payphone Corporation, AT&T, Mauritius Telecom, MTNL, Singtel, Argentina Telecom, Stone Telecom, Telebeam, Deloitte & Touche, Bloomingdales, EDS, Great West Life Insurance, KPMG and many others

[edit] See also

[edit] External links