Kimberley Process Certification Scheme

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The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) is a process designed to certify the origin of diamonds from sources which are free of conflict.[1] The process was established in 2003 to prevent rebel groups and their rivals from financing their war aims from diamond sales. The certification scheme aims at preventing these "blood diamonds" from entering the mainstream rough diamond market. It was set up to try to assure consumers that by purchasing diamonds they were not financing war and human rights abuses.

The KPCS originated from a meeting of Southern African diamond producing states in Kimberley, South Africa in May 2000. In order for a country to be a participant, it must ensure

  1. that any diamond originating from the country does not finance a rebel group or other entity seeking to overthrow a UN-recognized government.
  2. that every diamond export be accompanied by a Kimberley Process certificate proving (1).
  3. that no diamond is imported from, or exported to, a non-member of the scheme.

This three-step plan is a simple description of the steps taken to ensure a "chain" of countries that deal exclusively with non-conflict diamonds. Details can be found in the official KPCS document linked in the external links section below.

The KPCS is essentially self-enforced. Supervision of the Process is done by the Chair, elected on an annual basis at a plenary meeting. A Working Group on Monitoring monitors each participant to ensure that it is implementing the scheme correctly. The Working Group reports to the Chair. Other working groups include the Technical Working Group (or Working Group of Diamond Experts) which reports on difficulties in implementation and proposed solutions, and the Statistics Working Group, which reports diamond trading data. The Participation Committee reports to the Chair on its recommendations on proposed members hoping to join the KPCS. The Selection Committee reports on its recommendations on who should be the next Vice-Chair. After a year of being Vice-Chair, the successful candidate becomes the Chair.

In 2004, Congo (Brazzaville) was removed from the scheme because it was found unable to prove the origin of its gems. For countries economically dependent on diamond exports, this can be a substantial punishment, as it disallows trade with much of the rest of the world.

Whilst the Process has been broadly welcomed by groups aiming to improve human rights in countries previously affected by conflict diamonds, such as Angola, some say it does not go far enough. For instance, Amnesty International says "[We] welcome the Kimberley Process as an important step to dealing with the problem of conflict diamonds. But until the diamond trade is subject to mandatory, impartial monitoring, there is still no effective guarantee that all conflict diamonds will be identified and removed from the market." Canadian aid group One Sky (funded in part by the Canadian government) concurs with Amnesty's view saying "If effectively implemented, the Kimberley Process will ensure that diamonds cannot be used to finance war and atrocities...However, without a system of expert, independent and periodic reviews of all countries, the overall process remains open to abuse." An example of abuse would be smuggling conflict diamonds into a certified facility or country. The German group medico international started together with other European NGOs the campaign Fatal Transactions on the financing of African conflicts through diamonds.

Another form of criticism is whether the Kimberley process is realistically enforceable. There are many factors that can jeopardize the "Officialdom of certificates and paperwork" [2] from lack of enforcement on the ground to the secrecy in the diamond trading centers such as Antwerp.

[edit] Nations participating in the scheme

  1. Angola
  2. Armenia
  3. Australia
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Belarus
  6. Botswana
  7. Brazil
  8. Canada
  9. Central African Republic
  10. People's Republic of China
  11. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  12. Côte d'Ivoire
  13. Croatia
  14. The 27 member states of the European Union
  15. Ghana
  16. Guinea
  17. Guyana
  18. India
  19. Indonesia
  20. Israel
  21. Japan
  22. Republic of Korea
  23. Lao People's Democratic Republic
  24. Lebanon
  25. Lesotho
  26. Malaysia
  27. Mauritius
  28. Namibia
  29. Norway
  30. New Zealand
  31. Russian Federation
  32. Singapore
  33. Sierra Leone
  34. South Africa
  35. Sri Lanka
  36. Switzerland
  37. Tanzania
  38. Thailand
  39. Togo
  40. Ukraine
  41. United Arab Emirates
  42. United States of America
  43. Venezuela
  44. Vietnam
  45. Zimbabwe

NOTE: The rough diamond-trading entity of Taiwan has also met the minimum requirements of the KPCS.[citation needed]

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Kimberley Process World Diamond Council Website -, accessed November 6, 2006
  2. ^ National Geographic documentary on blood diamonds, accessed December 19, and also "Kimberley Process: appeasement in the diamond trade by leading gemological experts

[edit] External links