Kim Clement

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Kim Clement is a Christian evangelist, musician, and self-described prophet closely associated with the Word of Faith movement within the pentecostal Christian church. Clement has appeared on the Trinity Broadcasting Network multiple times and has personally visited the White House at the request of U.S. President George W. Bush.


[edit] Proven prophecies

On February 27, 2003 in Dallas, Texas Clement delivered a word of prophecy that Baghdad would come down in 21 days.

"... Surrender yourselves to Me says the Lord. For tonight even as I speak forth in the beginning stages of a battle in this Nation, yet I still hear the heart of a child. I still hear the rejoicing of a child. And therefore the Lord says, believe me tonight. The Prince of Persia, the principalities of Persia have once again stood up and said we will not allow you to entrance into our territory. But God says because of the prayers of the saints of the Most High God, I will surely stop it's voice once again. And it shall take less than 21 days this time. God says I will wipe Him out with one shout from the people's voice and I shall do it with my sword says the Lord..."

This prophetic word was not only fulfilled, but was even confirmed by national news sources such as Time Magazine and National Geographic.[citation needed]

[edit] Failed Prophecies

in September of 2001 on the Praise The Lord Program on TBN Kim Clement claimed that there will be a huge conversion of Islamic believers in the year 2002.

Kim Clement also said that God told him by the year 2002, there’s going to be a cure for AIDS.

On his website on March 19, 2003 Kim prophesied that no Americans would be killed in the Iraq War.

[edit] Trivia

In 1974, Kim completed his first major motion picture film score for A Winters Tale, a Sheppard/Farmer film of Australia.

In 1996, Kim performed at Washington for Jesus on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, where over 200,000 people were gathered.

Kim has received various invitations to open sessions of The House of Representatives as the guest minister in Washington D.C.

In 2005, Kim released Secrets of the Prophetic, a biographical book of his life and the phenomenon of the prophet.

Kim has produced scores of live performance audiotapes, CDs, and DVDs documenting his moments of musical worship and prophetic communion.

In 1993, Kim received an Honorary Citizen Award from the Mayor of Houston, Texas, and a Recognition Award for continued ministry in the city. In 1995, Kim also received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity.

Since 1995, Kim has traveled to Detroit, Michigan on a monthly basis to help establish The Warriors of the New Millennium for those who have been wounded by present day religion and its trappings.

[edit] Life

In 1974, Kim Clement lay dying on the streets of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

A talented musician, the 18 year old had studied classical music through Trinity College months before he had been a finalist in the South African National Yamaha Music Competition, and had just completed a major motion film score.

That night, his life drained from a knife wound to his chest. After scores passed by, a stranger picked him up, carried him to his car, and drove him to a hospital. The stranger was a Christian.

"I was in a nightclub and someone walked up to me and stabbed me in the chest. In my confusion, I staggered out into the street and collapsed. I remembered then what an Anglican minister had said to me when I was 9 years old. He said, “Jesus walks the streets still today. One day you will need him, just call on him and he will touch you.” (Kim Clement)

Months later, Kim went to the house of a man he had met at an Afrikaans church. We began to pray aloud, and suddenly a tidal wave of a powerful presence washed over me. It was as if I had been immersed in fire and rain at the same time. (Kim Clement)

Through his journey of theology and music, Kim’s travels have carried him to schools and clinics, storefront churches and country chapels. He has sought to break the cycle of hurt and shame that come in the solitary trial of life.

Today, Kim’s mission is to present Christ in a way that is appealing to all people. “I bring the message of God to entrepreneurs, entertainers, politicians, scientists, blue collar, white collar, dog collar, and children alike by communicating the thoughts and words of God to them by means of “the gift” given to me from the Spirit.” (Kim Clement)

Kim's gatherings are filled with intense energy and beautiful, spontaneous music. He creates a moment of communion and evocation that breaks down barriers of cynicism and doubt and thrusts the hearer into the reality of their destiny.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links