Kill Monty

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Kill Monty
Image:Kill Monty.png
Developer(s) Freeverse Software
Publisher(s) Freeverse Software
Latest version 1.0.5
Release date(s) 2005
Genre(s) Shoot 'em Up
Mode(s) Single player
Platform(s) Mac OS X
Media Download, CD-ROM
Input Keyboard, Mouse

Kill Monty is actually a revamped version of uDevGames' Kill Dr. Coté, created by Justin Ficarrotta. Both games get their influences from Robotron: 2084' and Smash TV, all of which feature a top-down view of the main character who, depending on the game type, progresses through a series of stages shooting everything that moves.


[edit] Basics

Kill Monty's Kill Bill-like title screen
Kill Monty's Kill Bill-like title screen

While the name of the game is taken from Kill Dr. Coté, it is originally a play on the title of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill. Even the title screen resembles the cover of the Kill Bill films.

Each weapon that can be picked up is upgradable with the exception of the Armageddon "X" Laser and the bombs.

Nearly all enemies attack by dashing into the player. The two exceptions are Specter Units and Bosses, which can shoot.

[edit] Game Modes

The "Carnage" Bar is at its Maximum 5x Multiplier
The "Carnage" Bar is at its Maximum 5x Multiplier

[edit] Normal Mode

In this mode, the player starts with 3 lives and has to progress through 6 different levels, each level containing 3 stages. At the end of each stage, a boss appears, capable of shooting multiple yellow-colored balls.

The scoring is based on the unit which is killed and the "Carnage" Meter. The carnage meter works by multiplying the base score of a unit by the current multiplier of the meter. The faster enemies are killed, the faster the meter fills, to a possible maximum of 5.

[edit] Survival Mode

This mode gives the player the option of getting any weapon in the game to start with, with the exception of the Armageddon "X" Laser. Here, the "Carnage" meter is irrelevant and the only goal of the mode is to live for as long as possible, while more and more enemies come out of the doors.

[edit] Practice Mode

Identical to Normal Mode except the player has unlimited lives and there is no scoring.

[edit] Levels

The First Boss, Jared, is in the Top Left Corner
The First Boss, Jared, is in the Top Left Corner
Level Enemies Boss
The Contruct Agent Monkeys Jared Smith
Dr. Cotés Lab Zombie Monkeys Dr. Coté
Wonderland Slightly Psychotic Playing Cards The Red Queen
The Game Grid TRON Zombies BumperCar
The Dojo Green Monkeys Niloc Nai Narruc
Snowy Showdown Ninjas Monty in a Flying Craft

[edit] Weaponry

The various assortments of weapons in the game
The various assortments of weapons in the game
  • Pistol - No upgrades
  • Spreadshot - 3 shots initially, each upgrade adds an additional shot
  • Machine Gun - Upgrades increases speed and power of the weapon
  • Laser - Upgrades increase width and power of the laser
  • Flamethrower - Upgrade increases the distance at which the flame travels
  • Rail Gun - Upgrade increases the speed at which the gun can be fired
  • Grenades - Upgrade increases the speed at which the grenades can be thrown (only available in 'Excessive' difficulty)
  • Bombs - Can not be upgraded, the land mines are laid until they run out
  • Armageddon "X" Laser - An incredibly powerful weapon that annihilates huge groups of enemies who stand in the way, however it only lasts for a few seconds.

[edit] Units

Basic Units (100 points) These tend to swarm in groups and their only means of attack is to lunge at the player

Exploding Units (250 points): These units explode on contact, blowing up anything in its radius. These enemies are always a red hue.

Specter Units (500 points): These units can instantly teleport on top of the player, causing sudden death. These enemies are always a blue hue.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Unlockables

[edit] Nothing in Particular

This appears at random intervals when nothing during gameplay was unlocked.

[edit] Level 11 Volume

Level 11 volume for both sound and music is achieved by setting both volumes to "Max" and start a game. When the game is finished, the confirmation screen will appear that the setting is unlocked. This is an homage to a memorable scene in the cult classic mockumentary "This is Spinal Tap", in which a member of the fake band displays an amp of his which can "go up to eleven."

[edit] Levels

Each new level is unlocked when the player reaches Wave 3 in Normal Mode on each previous level. Therefore, reaching Wonderland - 3 will allow access to The Game Grid.

[edit] Insane and Excessive Difficulties

  • Insane Difficulty - acquired when a score of 1 million points is achieved in Normal Mode on the Hard Difficulty setting
  • Excessive Difficulty - acquired when a score of 3 million points is achieved in Normal Mode on the Insane Difficulty setting. All weapons default to maximum power in Excessive Difficulty, grenades refresh much faster, and the basic gun is more powerful.

[edit] Secret characters

The secret characters are gained when a time of 1 minute is achieved on the character's respective level and difficulty in Survival Mode.

Character Level Difficulty
Resident Jen Dr. Cotes Lab Easy
Alice Jen Wonderland Normal
Jen-O-Tron The Game Grid Hard
Kyoto Jen The Dojo Insane
Jen Lee Snowy Showdown Excessive

There is also a seventh character, "Super Saiyan Jen" which is unlocked by achieving a score of 10 million points after all other secrets have been unlocked.

Once you have unlocked the Excessive difficulty, you can also go back and unlock any missing secret character by playing 'Survivor Mode' for 1 minute at any level. A good trick for Excessive is to pick up the Flamethrower, stay in the center of the ring, and simply spin around constantly for the duration. Throwing bombs occasionally is nice, but not necessary.

[edit] External links