Kids Against Combs
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Kids Against Combs are a Brooklyn-based band who have been described as "indie agit-popsters" whose songs include "Capitalism Is Going To Break Your Heart" and "Fuck This, I'm Moving to Canada". The band is fronted by "Degal", a graduate student in political science at St. John's University.
Their album Sean Hannity (631) 673-8003 was due to be released on July 21, 2005 from 10-34 Records. The album was named for conservative Fox News Channel commentator Sean Hannity and his home phone number. This attracted legal threats from Hannity's attorneys, and Hannity got a new, unlisted phone number. The band renamed the album The Album Formerly Known As Sean Hannity's Phone Number ... Currently Sean Hannity Is a Democracy Subverting Douche Bag. [1]