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In the Eberron campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Khorvaire is one of the larger continents of the world.

The material plane of Eberron contains four major continents, of which Khorvaire is arguably the most known. The others are Argonnessen (to the south east), Xen'drik (to the south west) and Sarlona (in the far east). The island continent of Aerenal lies just south east of Khorvaire, and to the north lies the frozen and barren continent of Frostfell.


[edit] Countries

The landmass features a number of countries:

[edit] Aundair

A country of craftsmen and academics. House Lyrandar and House Orien operate mainly from Aundair.

[edit] Breland

Breland prides itself on personal freedom, which translates to a high crime rate, diversity and fun. The capital of Breland is Wroat, and Breland is home to the largest city on Khorvaire, Sharn, known as the City of Towers.

[edit] Darguun

The land of the goblins is perceived by civilised people as a necessary evil, for the moment at least. It has hardly any exports, although it has a deal with House Deneith to supply mercenaries.

Darguun was once land owned by the nation of Cyre, and was appropriated by goblinoid mercenaries, who served during the Last War, during a mass coup that occurred around 29 years ago. The coup involved the uniting of numerous goblin bands, scattered throughout the armies of all five warring nations in a massed assault and conquest of southern Cyre.

This event was largely orchestrated by a young hobgoblin, named Haruuc, who has since named himself Lhesh Haruuc Shaarat'kor, or the High Warlord Haruuc of the Scarlet Blade. It is he to whom the Ghaal'dar tribe owe allegiance, and his rule has been marked by both cunning and tact, as he his capacity for diplomacy aided the recognition of Darguun as an individual entity at the Treaty of Thronehold (which ended the Last War 2 years ago).

The Ghaal'dar, as a whole, have the most developed relations with foreign realms, trading goods and the services of well-trained goblinoid mercenaries with Breland and Thrane. The survivors of Cyre have little regard for the goblins, given their occupation of Cyre land and general bitterness at the loss of their own home. Two other goblin clans exist (consisting of numerous tribes each) - the Dhakaani clans (Kech Volaar and Kech Shaarat), which reside in the western Seawall Mountains within ancient Dhakaani fortresses, and the Marguls, which are tribes of the Northern Seawalls (mostly their highlands) and are primarily composed of bugbears.

The Marguls are fearsome and the most barbaric of the clans, sharing few interactions with the outside world and only passing relations with Lhesh Haruuc and the Ghall'dar. The Kech seek the rebuilding of the ancient Dhakanni empire, and are guardians of lore and techniques of the fallen kingdom, often seeking out ancient artifacts and stories of the past.

[edit] Demon Wastes

Humans and orcs fight here to keep demons out of the rest of Khorvaire.

[edit] Droaam

Before the Last War, Droaam was a part of Breland, but it proved too difficult to protect all civilised inhabitants while fighting a war. Now it is inhabited by mostly goblins, ogres, hags and gnolls.

[edit] Eldeen Reaches

Most of the land is taken up by forest, out of which most druids operate. The country was a part of Aundair before the Last War, but when troops were withdrawn out of the Eldeen Reaches to help protect the main cities of Aundair, the inhabitants of the Eldeen Reaches claimed independence. House Vadalis operates from the nation.

[edit] Karrnath

The dictatorship of Karrnath has good ties with the Mror Holds. House Jorasco and House Deneith operate out of Karrnath. Notably, Karrnath supplemented its fighting force with undead creatures.

[edit] Lhazaar Principalities

Pirates and other nautical forces live here. The principalities consist of a number of islands. Anyone with power controls not only a flagship, but also some land.

[edit] Mournland

Cyre was a strategic battleground in the Last War, and was host to some of the largest battles of that war. In the last years of the Last War, Cyre was suddenly, and inexplicably, destroyed. A not-quite-dead wasteland remains where Cyre lay, surrounded by a thick gray fog. It appears that Mournland is literally an open grave, where the bodies of deceased soldiers refuse to decay. A few survivors from Cyre have settled a village in Breland, dubbed New Cyre. The village has expanded to a population size of about 5000.[1]

[edit] Mror Holds

This dwarven nation is an important economic power in Khorvaire. House Kundarak operates a powerful banking emporium from here. The dwarves have built imprenetrable forts here.

[edit] Q'barra

A country of colonists and idealists, Q'barra is an empty rainforest. The country was founded, far from everything, to maintain the ideals of King Galifar I, and consists of a few cities and small villages spread throughout the jungle. Q'barra mines and exports Eberron Dragonshards. No House operates out of Q'barra, although House Tharashk's Finders Guild is involved in the search for Dragonshards. Conflicts have arisen between the lizardfolk who are native to the region and the new Human settlers.

[edit] Shadow Marches

The Shadow Marches are home to most half-orcs. The country is home to mostly orcs and human families, with a few half-orcs. The families are part of clans, made up of both humans and orcs. House Tharashk operates from here, and consists of a fairly loose group of humans and half-orcs. Eberron Dragonshards are found in the Shadow Marches.

[edit] Talenta Plains

Halflings, who learned to work together during the Last War, live a mostly nomadic lifestyle here. They are hunters and herders, and have little industry. House Ghallanda operated out of the Talenta Plains.

[edit] Thrane

Formally, Thrane is a monarchy ruled by Queen Diani ir'Wynarn, descendant of King Galifar I. In reality, however, the royal family serves only as a figurehead. Thrane is a fundamentalist theocracy and the real power resides with the Church of the Silver Flame. Below the mighty Council of Cardinals, the archbishops of the Silver Flame act as governors and mayors throughout the realm. Religious design and artwork dominate most of the architecture, giving the urban areas a unique look that doesn't exist anywhere else in Khorvaire. There are few people in Thrane who follow any other faith than the Silver Flame, but those who do and do it openly can expect to be met with suspicion and hostility.

[edit] Valenar

Originally a colony of elves from the island continent of Aerenal. The elves that live here live a very militaristic lifestyle and regularly raid Q'barra. Humans, mostly farmers, live here too and produce food for the elves in a sort of symbiosis. House Lyrandar is one the few Houses with any sort of influence here, as it can control the weather.

[edit] Zilargo

The gnomes have lived here for thousands of years, managing to keep their independence through diplomacy. When King Galifar I built his kingdom, the gnomes surrendered, to maintain their independence. They export diplomatic expertise and produce the Korranberg Chronicle, a widely read newspaper. House Kundarak and House Sivis operate out of Zilargo.

[edit] References

  1. ^