Khojastehzad, Elly

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Elnaz Khojastehzad (b. 1982 in Tehran, Iran) is an American model noted for her light-hearted humor and inspiring good looks. Though unable as of yet to break into mainstream publication, with minimal promotion Elly has been able to establish a considerable fanbase, especially via the internet, due to the universal appeal of her mesmorizing physical frame coupled with her modest and mildly sarcastic demeanor. Elly is also noted for the high level of academic success she achieved while at the University of Southern Maine where she graduated with numerous high honors and near the top of her class.

[edit] Early Career

While still a child her family emigrated to Portland, Maine. Elly was enormously successful in local beauty pageants as a young child and as her lucious body began to fill out she this sucess as a stepping stone to national competitions, particularly swim-suit competitions. As was expected, she easily carried first prize in several intensely competitive events, notably the Miss Hawaiian Tropic and Miss Australian Summer Girl contests. The Miss Hawaiian contest is particularly memorable as Elly's mere presence on stage induced a mild stroke in one of the male judges. Indeed, the sheer power that emminates from her divine stature and the inability of men to physically handle such a Goddess has produced fits of madness in many of her male fans, several of whom eventually required treatment in psychiatric facilities.

[edit] Room Raiders

After graduating from the University of Maine with a degree in Political Science and Sociology Elly took up residency in Marrieta, Georgia. This opened the door for Elly to take part in MTV's "Hotlanta" series of Room Raiders, her monumental performance on that show being her first exposure to a national audience. [sidenote: It is debatable whether her move to the Atlanta area shortly before MTV was to begin filming was a sheer coincidence since many would note that her move to the area was in fact what inspired MTV to do an entire series there]