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THIS PAGE IS BEING HEAVILY VANDALISED AS I POSTED KHATRI KSATRIYA LINKAGE AND IT WAS REMOVED! i have also refuted against khatri being labelled sudra below yet no one has refuted or counter-citated before re-labelling ksatriya sudra! MODERATOR - ARE YOU THE VANDAL???

Earlier discussion

Older discussion can be seen here.

--Vikramsingh 05:30, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

But the talk does not contain any sound argument against manushmritis citings.Try to refute citation or cite some source of khatri's kshatriyalinkage.Holywarrior 11:16, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

The Khatri are not Sudra

MODERATOR: I have already refuted the Manusmriti citation, yet you still claim Ksatriya as Sudra. Counter citate or provide other evidence. Until then, caste should be left blank until someone successfully citates otherwise. Here is my original post against the Manusmriti citation:

"The nepalise warriors are called 'Chetri' (in fact, Chetri redirects to Ksatriya in Wikipedia) which is linguistically just as close as 'Ksshatri'. Hence there is a contradiction in the logic behind the citation (Manushmritis citation) that is heavily based on the linguistics of "Ksshatri", rendering it invalid. Let alone, a whole community being spawned by a very vague and RARE occurance of events; probabilistically and statistically approximately 0, as this event would have to occur over thousands of times. Here 'event' refers to the event that results in a Ksshatri, as defined previously to be a situation where a Ksatriya female mates with a Sudra male, their child becoming a 'Ksshatri'. Can anyone here provide any solid historical evidence of these events occurring thousands and thousands of times?

Thus although it may or may not be valid to refer to Khatri as Ksatriya, it is certainly not valid to refer to them as Sudra." - IP 60.... etc

Khatri Origin and Caste status

MODERATOR: I have already refuted the Manusmriti citation, yet you still claim Ksatriya as Sudra. Counter citate or provide other evidence. Until then, caste should be left blank until someone successfully citates otherwise. Here is my original post against the Manusmriti citation:

"The nepalise warriors are called 'Chetri' (in fact, Chetri redirects to Ksatriya in Wikipedia) which is linguistically just as close as 'Ksshatri'. Hence there is a contradiction in the logic behind the citation (Manushmritis citation) that is heavily based on the linguistics of "Ksshatri", rendering it invalid. Let alone, a whole community being spawned by a very vague and RARE occurance of events; probabilistically and statistically approximately 0, as this event would have to occur over thousands of times. Here 'event' refers to the event that results in a Ksshatri, as defined previously to be a situation where a Ksatriya female mates with a Sudra male, their child becoming a 'Ksshatri'. Can anyone here provide any solid historical evidence of these events occurring thousands and thousands of times?

Thus although it may or may not be valid to refer to Khatri as Ksatriya, it is certainly not valid to refer to them as Sudra." - IP 60.... etc

From a Sudra are born an Ayogava, a Kshattri, and a Kandala, the lowest of men, by Vaisya, Kshatriya, and Brahmana) females, (sons who owe their origin to) a confusion of the castes.Quoted from Manusmriti.In this way a Kshattri(now called Khatri)are born from sudra father and Kshatriya mother.according to accepted principle for a varnasankara(hybrid) caste status was decided on the principle--Lower than father and higher than mother's.But since Man marrying a woman of higher caste was not acceptable such kind of people were referred to as outcastes like chandal or kandal.Holywarrior 06:25, 28 May 2006 (UTC)

user has erased my [citation needed] from caste status in line.Are you sure Khatri are Kshatriya????Plz cite reasons for contention against arguments offered by me here.Such an act is against accepted principles of editing the wikipedia.Holywarrior 12:22, 29 May 2006 (UTC)

De frequent vandals ISKapoor and Vikramsingh should stop vanalizing this page. I already contacted Jimmy Wales to have them permanently banned.

Khatris are found outside state of punjab too and out of India too. Punjabi Khatris are a sub-class of Khatris.


Lighten up, Mohit. They are only trying to be helpful. What's your beef ? I don't see any vandalizing on their part.

Punjabi Baniyas think they are warriors

The khatris or Punjabi Baniyas think they are warriors and can challenge us Rajputs. If they want war we will gladly exterminate them. Rajesh Chauhan.

Moderator, how can you allow Rajesh Chauhan to post such a remark, and yet you delete mine in response to his? whats up with that son???

Sanjay Mohan and Rajesh Chauhan

I have been watching this page for quite sometime now. I fail to realise what is it that has lead to such vandalism here. No other page related to a caste group has suffered as much as this one has.

Especially these two gentlemen. I saw yesterday's extreme remark by somebody in response to the bile belched out by Mr. Chauhan.

I am a Punjabi Khatri myself. I advise my Khatri brethren not to squirm at such remarks. Let me explain why.

First of all, Chauhan calls us 'Punjabi Baniyas'. It is apparent that like most non-Punjabis, he is highly ignorant about the Punjab, its history, culture, society, castes and religions.

But people, even if he calls us 'Baniyas', why should we cringe? Simple reason being that even today as it was in centuries past, it is economics and finance that rule the roost. A nation's profile on the world stage gets raised if it is economically strong and not free vis-a-vis the society or the polity(take for an example today's China).

An ordinary human being's survival depends on what s/he earns for a living, which in turn is inextricably linked to the economy.

From times immemorial, people have migrated for trade from their native lands to others. Ancients(Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Chinese, pre-Islamic Arabs, Egyptians and us Indians), Medievals(Why did the Europeans colonise the world? primary motivation:trade. 'War', 'Conquest' and killing people came later on. Why did the Portuguese, Dutch, French and English come to our country in the first place? trade.) and Modern people have always traded with each other. Thus, there is nothing abominable about trade as Chauhan makes it out to be.

We might be 'petty shopkeepers/traders/Baniyas.' But it is people like us Punjabi Khatris and people from other mercantile castes and communities like Laxmi Mittal(Marwari), the Birlas(Marwaris), the Tatas(Parsis), the Godrejs(Parsis), Naresh Goyal(Bania), Rahul Bajaj(Sindhi), The Ambanis(Gujaratis), Sabeer Bhatia(Bhatia), Memons, Bohras, Khojas....I can go on and on, who are responsible for the boom that this country is experiencing today as well as raising its profile abroad.

As for Mr. Mohan(who thinks that all Punjabis are Khatris. Sir, please read the Punjabi people page on this site and find out about the different castes and religions of our province. Remember, we are not a monolithic, homogenous community. By your surname, I even mistook you for a Punjabi since 'Mohan' is one among seven clans of a Punjabi Brahmin caste called Mohyals) calling us the descendants of 'Asuras' and therefore 'Sudras', let me respond that with all the hullabaloo that caste is causing these days(you all know what I am referring to), it is better to be a "low" caste in this country. 'Higher' castes have been betrayed by their own leaders like V.P. Singh and Arjun Singh. Today, it is the Laloos, the Mayawatis and the Mulayams that call the shots in this nation. Hence, there is profit rather than loss in being labelled as 'lower'. You can yourself imagine why.

Lastly, whoever wants to delete my remarks may keep an old Chinese saying in mind: "He who raises his hand first, has run out of words." The basis of a democracy is civilised debate. Especially at a place like Wikipedia. This is a neutral encyclopaedia and not a battlefield.

Thank you. Rajat Ghai.

You are right Rajat. All of us Indias are proud of what Laxmi Mittal, the Birlas, the Tatas, the Godrejs, Naresh Goyal, Rahul Bajaj, Ambanis, Sabeer Bhatia(Bhatia), Memons, Bohras, Khojas have achieved. They are an inspiration to us all.--Vikramsingh 17:53, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

Boycott the Khatri Baniyas

I call upon all honest Indians to boycott all khatri businesses. This will teach them not to cheat and fraud on us. Harpreet Dhillon

AHHHHHHHHHHHH YEA, OK BUDDY!......keep dreaming

Khatris and other communities

There has been a significant amount of frivolous discussion relating to Khatris and other communites in the region.

Khatris are proud Indians. They are naturally proud of their heritage. They also respect other communities like Rajputs, Jats, Banias, Brahmins etc.; they acknowledge their contributions to the Indian culture and civilization.

All the communities need to work together to build a greater society. That does not mean that members of a community should not be proud of the achievements of their ancestors and fellow members of the same community. --Vikramsingh 17:47, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

Well said, Sir. I am happy that there is at least one sane person in this brazen throng. Rajatjghai 17:25, 1 June 2006 (UTC)


The Khatris are a actors community that originated in the Potwar Plateau region of Punjab.They are reffered to as kshattri in hindu scriptures.According to Manushmriti Ch.10th verse 16 From a Sudra spring in the inverse order (by females of the higher castes) three base-born (sons, apasada), an Ayogava, a Kshattri, and a Kandala, the lowest of men; Hence they are among lowest of men according to scriptures ranking with chandal in caste hierarchy.

THE ABOVE PIECE WAS FOUND ON THE KHATRI MAIN PAGE. MODERATOR, WHAT IS THE DEAL, WHY WOULD YOU ALLOW AND ACCEPT SOMEONE TO WRITE THIS ABOUT KHATRIS WHEN YOU KNOW ITS NOT TRUE. IN FACT, THE PERSON THAT WROTE THIS ABSCURED THE FACTS regarding the true definition of a "Kshattri". A "KSHATTRI" IS THE PRODUCT OF A KHATRI/KSHATRIYA MALE MARRYING OR PRODUCING A BABY WITH A SHUDRA FEMALE, HENCE, ALLOWING THE WOMAN OR THE BABY TO MOVE UP IN THE CASTE SYSTEM RANKING. This was usually done if or when a Khatri/Kshatriya would have children with Shudra women, and depending on the relationship with that particular Shudra women, the women and the offspring had an opportunity to move up in caste, but never as true Kshatriya/Khatri, most were then considered to be at the top or near the top of Shudra caste, or if they were lucky, at the bottom of the Vaishya caste (3rd in order). However, going forward with their lineage, many would always claim to be of an even higher caste, so through many generations, many claim to be of the Vaishya or even Kshatriya caste, which is totally false.

Remember, the caste system is full of crap, its worthless, however, we cannot deny the history of India and its impact on it.

Hi Mr Noble eagle.
This Idiot(as you say) is Lord manu himself I was just quoting it.Whatever you wrote above is not in conformity with accepted principle.ManushmRITI SAYS kshattri is born of Shudra Father and Kshatriya mother and not vice versa as you want to put it.This was highly objectionable to accepted norms of caste hierarchy.The vernasankara were not supposed to be higher than the producing father .Hence Kshattris were considered even below shudra.Manushmriti categorically says---among lowest of the low.And remember there never was any fifth caste manushmriti says this too.I am rolling back your edits.Holywarrior 07:47, 3 June 2006 (UTC)

Um...I don't know why these comments are directed at me...If you want my opinion, Khatri's are Kshatriya in Punjab along with Arora. Full Stop. Nobleeagle (Talk) 07:54, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

Nobleeagle don't try to be what you are not.I had clicked on the anon user and was notified wiki has identified this person to be you.You have made your opinions clear but otherwise too we knew.So give up these lowly tricks.Holywarrior 11:27, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

It is true, it was not me that did these edits. Why would I believe Khatri are Sudra? Please show me the diffs so that I can sort out this problem. I did not add these comments. Nobleeagle (Talk) 10:11, 6 June 2006 (UTC)
Please, prove me wrong, I am mystified by this newfound accusation method. Pick up a random user and accuse him/her of vandalism. Nobleeagle (Talk) 04:41, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

Click and explain this to everyone.[1]Holywarrior 06:50, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

 :) Thats funny. It's a misunderstanding, read it, it's a Welcome From Nobleeagle. I was welcoming new users. To do this I use a template that you can find here User:Nobleeagle/Welcome, I have welcomed many users using this template. Recently I welcomed Jasonxxs. Check out User talk: or User talk:, they are welcomes FROM me, not TO me. See, your accusation was baseless. Nobleeagle (Talk) 06:55, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

Hi Holy warrior. Ok, what ever the case may be.....fine, its a Khatri/Kshatriya woman with a Shudra male.....that makes a kshattri. So what does that have to do with being a Khatri? You see, you originally had that piece I pasted above in italics in my previous message as the origins and background of Khatri know, I know, and every knows Khatris do not have any origins from the Shudra caste.....they are the bono fide original and purest of the Kshatriya caste....they however, did mix with other outside invaders as those different groups entered the Indian subcontinent....

Anon. Kshattri can become khatri as is evident from pujabi people's way of speaking .They often pronounce ksha as kha .Besides these khatris have no martial history.Hoiw can you deny that.Holywarrior 05:34, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

Holywarrior, you are stating the obvious with the Punjabi pronunciation of the 'Ksha' as 'kha'. Let me ask you something, I know most of us don't follow the caste system this day in age, but what caste would you fall under, just out of curiosity? Also, tell me this, if Khatris were not a part of the Kshatriya caste, then how would 10 Gurus (whom all belonged to the Kshatriya/Khatri subcaste) be able to create and lead the Sikh religion? If Khatris were of a lower caste, do you think in any way possible that they would even be heard, or be able to manifest a religion that would be followed by people of higher caste even.

Pleae answer my question then.........if Khatris were from a lower caste, how were 10 Gurus of the Khatri caste able to gain respect and create a religion if this were true? I'll tell you why, its because in the caste, no one from a higher rank would ever show respect to a lower ranking this only concludes (which I know I don't need to prove) that Khatris were of a higher caste......why are you so bored in life that you keep arguing this? - Jay3

Anon. first of all let me put it very frankly---I have no respect for Anon. editors.Even after 3 exchanges you have chosen to be Anon. with changing IP adresses (I wonder how you manage it????).Even the comment on my user page using IP adress of someone else. (is this not a sufficient proof of your cowardice).After all this is a khatri page why discuss Rajputs here.Even though the questions asked by you may not be answered because it does not in any way relates to caste status of khatris,I have chosen to answer them for your sake only.You say---How come 10 gurus of sikhs(Sorry your nos. are wrong)come from khatri/kshatriya caste.First of all be very clear term Khatri has nothing to do with Kshatriya.It is undeniably a corrupt form of Kshattri.Next part of question requires some analysis.Are you aware that Mahabharata has recorded Punjab as abode of highly irreligious people.It was abode of sakas-who damned brahminical system and had their own religion called saka saura.They were liberal people with no regard for caste hierarchy and just because of this these Kshattri escaped religious sanctions.They became traders and amassed wealth which was sufficient to lure Brahmanas whose clan system they copied(khatri clans matches with sarswata brahmins and has nothing to do with known kshatriya clans).Sikhism grew because of patronage from these valiant sakas and not brahmanas.It was because of these sakas that Khatri has rose to prominence in Punjab,but with regard to caste system they are Shudra.I am rolling back the page again.And warning to you don't leave absurd comments on my user page.Holywarrior 09:46, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

Which idiots respect so-called gurus which tried to divide Hinduism. Only backward people and muslims!!!

- - - - - - -

Holywarrior........first of all, the only coward hear is you because you are so afraid to admit that Khatris are the true Kshatriya caste......why does it bother you so much? I mean, were you screwed over by a Khatri in your life or something? I mean if you were, I'm sorry bro, but you cannot change history because of that

......second of all MY NUMBERS ARE RIGHT WITH THE NO. OF GURUS, 10 WERE HUMAN (of Khatri/Kshatriya stock), AND 1 WAS THE GURU GRANTH SAHIB (BOOK). NOW, what was that about my numbers being wrong??? HOW DARE YOU knock the Sikh Gurus......I was born in a Hindu family, and always respect all was the Sikhs who protected your weak ancestors during many battles against you better pay some homage to them you ignorant coward. So here's a question that will put the salt on the wound for you.....I hope you're ready for claim Sikhism grew because of partronage to the valiant sakas and not brahmins, if that were the case, then why would people who are descendents of the Sakas follow a religion created by Khatris who had nothing to do with Sakas in the first place according to you? Why would decendants of ancient sakas follow a religion created by Hindu Khatris if according to you, they had their own religion back in the day called saka saura?? I know Holywarrior, it kind of hurts doesn't it, your tongued tied and probably don't know how to answer my question....

I left no comments on your user page, so stop trying to instigate a fight/debate that you will lose......if you look closely, I closed my last message with the user name, just because I didn't sign up for a wiki account, doesn't mean I don't have a user name to close my comments with. You argue and make comments that will embarass you and make a jackass out of yourself

And what the hell caste are you anyways Holywarrior? You claim this is a Khatri page, if you are not a Khatri, then why they hell are you even making edits or comments on this page? I am a Khatri, so WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO MAKE THE PAGE WHAT IT IS!.....the whole point your trying to do is piss people off, however, in case you haven't noticed, you my friend, have been bitter and pissed at Khatris for God knows how must really enjoy your suffering and envy towards Khatris, you're probably just use to it....

-JAY3 So quotations from Manushmriti makes you piss off.But don't grumble here. Ask those Saraswat Brahmanas who wrote this version of Manushmriti but you people seems to have accepted them as your mai---Baap.Holywarrior 06:21, 7 June 2006 (UTC) - - - - - - -

Vikramsingh and others

Plz talk to me regarding any confusion on kshatriya/shudra claim,don't edit without reasons.Holywarrior 12:15, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

Vandalism by Holywarrior

What he is inserting is vandalism. --Vikramsingh 22:36, 6 June 2006 (UTC) What I am inserting is nothing but quotes from manushmriti.It is not vandalism.Holywarrior 06:19, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

Text inserted by

He is inserting:

"and in northern areas of Afghanistan and Tajikistan areas (in ancient times these areas were known as Bactria and Sogdiana."

Which in my view, nonsense. What is the basis of this statement? --Vikramsingh 22:36, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

Vikram Singh, please read up on history of Khatris/Kshatriyas and you will see that the certain Khatri subcastes that make are a part of the merchant/business industry, throughout time have occupied areas along the Silk Road, including areas in ancient Kandahar, Sogdiana, and Bactria....even into areas in the Caspian Sea. just read up on some history, and then we can talk...

posted by -JAY3

Comment: See Fire Temple of Baku, Hindu temples of Kabul. I know about Khatri merchants in Bactria and even St Petersberg (but not in Sogdiana yet, let me know if you have sources), but they were all migrants from India (including Pakistan and Kabul region). --Vikramsingh 01:58, 9 June 2006 (UTC)

Origin of the Word

khatri has as much to do with kshatriya as, possibly, with kshetra ('field')> khéti ('tiller').--BobClive 08:01, 7 June 2006 (UTC) Why To rule out Kshattri it too has relation with all the above said words including the most important one--KhatriHolywarrior 09:02, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

About High and low; On the discusion on Varna

I can discuss the question of Varna. But before that let me present some thought on the "high" and "low" concepts.

It is true that that the Khatris are regarded to be "high caste". However the Sikh gurus were respected not because they belonged to a high caste, but what they preached.

Should I encounter Sant Raidas, who was born a chamar, I would not mind touching his feet. He is said to have been a guru of Mirabai; who am I compared with the noble Mirabai?.

Let me give some facts about the Khatris, and then some details.

1. Yes, they are indeed descendants of the ancient kshatriyas.

2. The many regions of India were ruled by Kshatriyas of several different clans, there are many communities that are descendants of Khastriyas.

3. In a sense, Kshatriyatva is today vested in all Hindus; because India is a democracy and thus everyone is a ruler, it is everyone's duty to protect the nation and preserve the dharma.

Let me mention some facts.

  1. The Saraswat Brahmins have served as the priests of the Khatris by tradition. Their association with the Khatris is a close one. Give me evidence!
  2. The Khatris have been traditionally invested with the yajnopavita (janeu). That's because they are conidered Baniyas by most priests (and Sudra by some)
  3. The Khatris are among the rare non-Brahmin Hindu communities that have had a tradition of studying the Vedas. Baidiya means medicine man, fool. It is also found among the Kayasth.
  4. As an example, most of the Sikh Gurus had Brahmin scholars and managers of the institutions (belonging to the Chhibber Brahmin clan), they even had Brahmin cooks. As Guru Gobind Singh wrote in his autobiography Vichitra Natak, his father, Guru Teg Bahadur gave his life to preserve the honor of the tilaka and the yajnopavita, when he was approached by persecuted Brahmins. Sick ..i mean Sikh religion is full of crap.
  5. Manusmriti chap 10, v, 16, refers to a community named "kshattaa", not Khatri, even if we were to regard the text involved an non-interpolated. Kshattaa is an extinct community. We Khatris are Kshattri.

More later.--Vikramsingh 01:40, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

Further details:

Here is the exact shloka from Manusmriti for your reference. adhyaaya 10, verse 16

आयोगवश्च क्षत्ता च चण्डालश्चाधमो नृणाम.
प्रातिलोम्येन जायन्ते शूद्रादपसदास्त्रयः ||

in itrans it is:

aayogavashcha kshattaa cha chaNDaalashchaadhamo nR^iNaam.h |
praatilomyena jaayante shuudraadapasadaastrayaH ||

Note that the word is "क्षत्ता" and not "Khatri".

The rules of transformation from Sanskrit to Prakrit will not result in derivation of Khatri from Kshatta.--Vikramsingh 06:22, 8 June 2006 (UTC) Hi Vikramsingh and others Lighten up boys .Kshatta and Kshattri has been used interchangeably and is not a mistake in translation.even different versions of Manushmriti and even Mahabharata uses both the terms interchangeably see these two links.[2]and also [3] and try to apply ur senses.It is not a mistake even devanagiri script has both the terms meaning the same.Shudra connection is undeniable.Holywarrior 05:28, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
shrimad Bhagwatam calls vidura Kshattri [4]

To whosoever is reverting the page

Dear editors
I have no intention of engaging in slanging match with anyone here.I am not going to revert the page even.But remember.
Only truth has existence and lie does not exist at all,so truth should be embraced in all its form.Only this can help you.By Lord Krishna in Bhagwad Gita.Holywarrior 09:02, 9 June 2006 (UTC)


Moderator, Holywarrior is deleting my topics on this discussion...



jay1,2,3 etc. Are You Mentally Sick???? Read well nothing remains unanswered and blv it the last version will be mine.Holywarrior 13:20, 10 June 2006 (UTC)


-JAY3 Hey Jay or Jaya I am not a khatri hater blv me.Come on give up this caste debate for some time.If you are feeling Fatigue see my edits on Mamta Kulakarni,Mandakini and Dimple Kapadia.I may do similar edits to Karishma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor.Would you like to join me and then return back to Khatri article.Have a nice day Holywarrior 11:18, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

Historically unsuported claims

These are not supported by history:

"and in northern areas of Afghanistan and Tajikistan areas (in ancient times these areas were known as Bactria and Sogdiana"

I know of no historical connection. The Shahi rulers of Kabul did rule Bactria, but their home was Kabul region. The Khatris as a community emerged in the Gandhara valley.

I have noted that some people in India (and more often in Pakistan) feel superior by claiming affinity to some external groups, even though the claim is not historically justified. Ultimately though all human races are interlinked.

"It was the Khatri king Porus (Puru), of the Kukhran / Kukhrain subcaste of Khatris, that battled with the Greek-Macedonian Alexander the Great in the year 326 B.C. and the other Greco-Bactrian rulers."

It is possible. But how do we know that the descendants of Porus are specifically Kukhrain, and not Khatris in general? --Vikramsingh 01:10, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

VIKRAM SINGH, (see the page: Kukhran/KUKHRAINS) ARE KHATRIS....THEY ARE MADE UP OF 8-9 SUB FAMILIES of the KHATRI Caste, of whom some include Chadhas, Anands, Bhasin, etc. etc., WHO THROUGHOUT TIME USUALLY MARRIED WITHIN THEIR CIRCLE.. -JAY3

Kukhran Khatris

Someone has suggested that the Kukhran page be merged in the Khatri page. Actually since the Khatri page was too long, it was necessary to move to details of the Kukhran Khatris to another page. To preserve readability, the pages should not be merged.

Kukhrain are a regional section of the Khatris, the name refers to the region ruled by Khokhar Rajputs.--Vikramsingh 00:35, 15 June 2006 (UTC) a very boring & dull person...

WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR ISSUE HOLYCOWARD? YOU INSISTENTLY KEEP CHANGING THE KHATRI PAGE, AND YET THE MODERATOR DOES NOTHING ABOUT IT.....HOLYCOWARD, WHY HAVE YOU STILL NOT BEEN ABLE TO ANSWER ANY OF MY QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR CASTE? WHY CAN YOU NOT ANSWER SUCH A SIMPLE QUESTION? -JAY3 Ummmm. I know ur concerns I am a shudra,born Chandal who are higher than khatris.If Khatris are Kshtriya than Chandals are Brahmanas .No.Why same logic doesn't apply here.I have never changed any content of Khatri page since my declaration.Holywarrior 07:47, 14 June 2006 (UTC)