Khalai Caste

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The Khalai Caste are the working class of the Protoss in the fictional StarCraft universe. They form the great majority of the Protoss population.

The other two Castes are the Templar Caste (the warriors) and the Judicator Caste (the leaders).

Khalai is also a term which refers to Protoss who follow the Khala.

Most Khalai have no interest in fighting, but there are exceptions. The Furinax Tribe is one of them (and the only Khalai Tribe known to players of StarCraft). Furinax weaponsmiths and technologists construct and test psionic weapons for the Templar Caste. Its Tribal Color is purple.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The presence of the Khalai Caste is not felt very strongly in the game, but they do seem to be conformist. The Furinax Tribe fought for the Protoss Conclave against Fenix and Jim Raynor when they tried to free Tassadar from his trial for treason in StarCraft Episode III. Downtrodden but exceedingly loyal, they worked hard to please their Judicator overseers.

In Brood War, Aldaris managed to convince an entire Legion of Khalai troops to fight on his behalf against the combined forces of Artanis and Zeratul.

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StarCraft by Blizzard Entertainment
StarCraft Universe Gameplay of StarCraftPsionic technology
Species TerranProtossZergXel'NagaHybrid
Factions and Organizations Judicator CasteKel-Morian CombineKhalai CasteProtoss ConclavePirate MilitiasRaynor's RaidersSons of KorhalTemplar CasteTerran ConfederacyUmojan ProtectorateUnited Earth DirectorateZerg Brood
Locations AiurAntiga PrimeBraxisCharChau SaraKorhalMar SaraMoriaShakurasTalematrosTarsonisUmojaZerus
Characters AldarisArtanisGerard DuGalleEdmund DukeSamir DuranFenixSarah KerriganArcturus MengskNovaRaszagalJim RaynorAlexei StukovTassadarZeratulZerg OvermindMinor Characters