Key clustering

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In cryptography, key clustering is said to occur when two different keys generate the same ciphertext from the same plaintext, using same cipher algorithm. A good cipher algorithm, using different keys on the same plaintext, should generate a different ciphertext, irrespective of the key length.

Assume that there is a plaintext P, two different keys, K1 and K2, and an algorithm A. Ciphertexts C1 and C2 with the two keys are generated as follows:

P → A(K1) → C1

P → A(K2) → C2

C1 should not equal C2.

[edit] Importance

If an 'attacker' tries to break a cipher by brute-force (trying all possible keys until it finds the correct key) then key clustering will result in an easier attack on a particular cipher text. If there are N possible keys with out any key clustering then the attacker will on average need to try N/2 keys to decrypt it and a worst case of trying all N keys. If there are two keys that are clustered then the average number of keys to try is reduced to N/4 (worst case is N-1 keys). If three keys cluster than average attempt is only N/6 attempts.

[edit] External links