Kevin Carroll

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24 character
Kevin Carroll
Gender Male
Jobs held Special Agent, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Affiliation Ira Gaines
Andre Drazen
Family Kevin Carroll Jr. (Son)
Brian Carroll (Son)
Spouse Cynthia Carroll (Ex-Wife)
Current status Deceased
Portrayed by Richard Burgi
Seasons 1

Kevin Carroll is a fictional villain, played by Richard Burgi, from the first season of the television series 24.

[edit] Before Day 1

While working as a DEA agent in Florida, he had one troublesome witness eliminated within twelve hours of receiving the notice. Two years prior to Day 1, he had federal narcotics charges against Dan Mounts and Greg Penticoff dropped.

[edit] Day 1

During Day 1 Kevin was a mercenary in the employ of Ira Gaines in a conspiracy against then-Senator David Palmer and Jack Bauer. After Jack's daughter Kim Bauer and her friend Janet York ran off to meet some boys, Kevin assumed the identity of Alan York, Janet's father (the real Alan had been murdered an hour earlier, possibly by Kevin himself), and called Jack's wife Teri Bauer. The two then headed out to find the girls together.

In truth, the boys, Rick Allen and Dan Mounts were involved as well and were supposed to bring the girls to Gaines while Kevin kept a close watch on Teri. While Kevin and Teri drove around the city looking for the girls, Kim and Janet escaped from Dan and Rick. Janet was hit by a car and taken to a hospital but Kim was recaptured.

Kevin and Teri made their way to the hospital where they met up with Jack. While Jack was called away, Kevin went up to Janet's room and murdered her.

Kevin then left the hospital with Teri, supposedly to continue search for Kim. Teri, however, got a call from Nina Myers at CTU relaying information on a body they'd discovered. The body was that of the real Alan York, tipping her off to the fact that the man she was with was an imposter.

Teri managed to knock Kevin out and tie him up. She then called Jamey Farrell at CTU to summon help. Unfortunately, Jamey was working for Gaines as well and sent Gaines' men to capture her as well.

While Teri was taken Gaines' compound, Kevin went to meet Ted Cofell, a man who worked for Gaines employers. When he entered Cofell's limo, however, he found Cofell dead and Jack in the driver's seat. Jack then forced Kevin to take him to the compound where Teri and Kim were being held. When Kevin told him he didn't have a chance of saving his family and taunted him about he and Teri's marital difficulties, Jack knocked him out.

Kevin, Gaines, and the rest of his men pursued Jack and his family, though Kevin, realizing reinforcements from CTU would arrive soon, urged Gaines to cut and run. Gaines, however, refused, saying his employers had made it clear that wasn't an option. Despite their efforts, the Bauer family were saved by CTU forces. Gaines and several of his men were killed. Several more were captured. Only Kevin and a handful of others escaped.

Kevin and the men stopped at a storage shed outside of the city, where Kevin called Gaines' employer, Andre Drazen. Blaming the failure of the plan entirely on Gaines, Kevin asked for another chance, and insisting he could do better than Gaines had. Andre, however, told him "Plan B" was already in effect. Andre's brother Alexis Drazen then blew up the storage shed with the other men inside. Wounded but still alive, Kevin cursed Alexis before Alexis shot and killed him.

Terrorists & Antagonists on 24
Mandy | Ira Gaines | Kevin Carroll | Andre Drazen | Alexis Drazen | Victor Drazen | Nina Myers
Syed Ali | Marie Warner | Peter Kingsley | Max | Ramon Salazar | Hector Salazar | Michael Amador
Stephen Saunders | Navi Araz | Habib Marwan | Mitch Anderson | Walt Cummings | Vladimir Bierko
Christopher Henderson | Charles Logan | Graem Bauer | Abu Fayed | Phillip Bauer
Dmitri Gredenko | Anatoly Markov | Minor characters