Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal

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Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Image: Kennedy institute of ethics journal.gif
Discipline Medicine, Health, Philosophy, Religion
Language English
Abbreviated title KEN
Publisher (country) Johns Hopkins University Press (USA)
Publication history 1991 to present
Website Publisher site
ISSN 1054-6863

The Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal is an award-winning academic journal founded in 1991. It focuses on questions of bioethics such as those relating to the research of and therapeutic use of human embryonic stem cells, organ donation, and genetic manipulation. Each issue includes a section describing recent activity in bioethics at the American federal level. The senior editor is Dr. Robert M. Veatch of Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics.

The journal is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. Circulation is 1,457 and the average length of an issue is 120 pages.

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