Kelimutu National Park

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Kelimutu National Park
IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location: Flores,East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Area: 50 kmĀ²
Established: 1992

Kelimutu National Park is located on the island of Flores, Indonesia. It consists of a region with hills and mountains, with Mount Kelibara (1.731 m) as its highest peak. Mount Kelimutu, which has the three coloured lakes, is also located in this national park. Famous for this unique natural attraction, these three coloured lakes are a destination for torurists from many regions.

This national park protects some endagered plant species, such as: Toona spp., Anthocephalus cadamba, Canarium spp., Diospyros ferra, Alstonis scholaris, Schleichera oleosa, Casuarina equisetifolia and Anaphalis javanica.

Some endangered animals can also be found here, such as: Cervus timorensis, Sus sp., Gallus gallus, Elanus sp. and Dicrurus sulphurea.

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