Kedu Plain

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Kedu Plain Is the high ground that lies between the volcanoes Mount Sumbing and Mount Sundoro to the west, and Mount Merbabu and Mount Merapi to the east on Central Java, Indonesia. It has been a significant location in Central Javanese history for over a millenia -as it contains traces of the Sailendra dynasty, as well as Borobudur and associated locations. In the last couple of hundred years it has been the location of the important Dutch East Indies military settlement of Magelang and that status carried on into the Indonesia era. It is also the location of the hill that has been associated with the notion of the nail of Java at Mount Tidar in Magelang.

[edit] See also

[edit] Indonesian language further readings

  • Suroyo, A. M. Juliati. (1900) Industri perkebunan dan dampaknya perkebunan kopi di karesidenan Kedu, 1850-1900 [S.l.] : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional, Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Sejarah Nasional, (Seminar Sejarah Nasional V, Semarang, 27-30 Agustus 1990).
  • Suroyo, Agustina Magdalena Djuliati. (2000) Eksploitasi kolonial abad XIX : kerja wajib di Keresidenan Kedu 1800-1890 Yogyakarta : Yayasan untuk Indonesia. ISBN 9798681568