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Firecrafter is a service organization within the Crossroads of America Council, Boy Scouts of America. Formed in 1920, the Firecrafter Organization is dedicated to providing service to Scouting and to the three cardinal values of Friendship, Leadership, and Service. Firecrafter mainly operates within the Crossroads of America Council, Indiana, but has been known to exist in other areas throughout the Midwestern United States. The organization celebrated its 85th anniversary in August of 2005.

All members of Firecrafter subscribe to and work in support of the Firecrafter Creed:

  • We believe that leadership ought to be fostered and its high trusts and responsibilities cultivated.
  • We believe that a Scout becomes a better Scout when he exhibits unselfish friendship to others.
  • We believe that Firecrafter's service to Scouting aids both the Firecrafter and every scout in building better character and citizenship.


[edit] History

With the post-war explosion of youth and camping following World War I, Francis Oliver Belzer (or F.O. Belzer) was named the first Scout Executive of the young Central Indiana Council in 1915. Belzer noticed the three-tiered rank system in place at Daniel Carter Beard's Culver Woodcraft Camp. Belzer wanted a program to move emphasis from athletics to scoutcraft skills, so in conjunction with Stanley L. Norton, assistant executive, and Rex Pruitt, Scoutmaster of Troop 46, Belzer created the Camper and Woodsman ranks in 1919 at Camp Chank-Tun-Un-Gi.

In the summer of 1920, the "third and highest" rank was introduced, unnamed. Four young men of Woodsman rank completed the requirements that year, and during the closing awards ceremony at camp, they thought that they would be recognized in all due form and fashion. The ceremony concluded with Stanley Norton's instructions to those four Woodsmen to stay behind after the Scoutmaster's benediction. As everyone else filed back to camp to retire, Belzer, Norton, Pruitt, and P. D. Hoelscher (the camp's physical director) put the four to the "Unknown Test" and Firecrafter as it is known today was born.

Minisino, the honorary camp rank, was introduced in 1921 to recognize those who went above and beyond in service to Scouting and Firecrafter itself.

At one point in time, many Midwestern councils had a Firecrafter program in operation. Sadly, after the adoption of the Order of the Arrow on a national level, many of these programs were closed completely or merged into the Order's program. It was the sole honor camping program in the Central Indiana Council until 1972, when Central Indiana Council was merged with Delaware County Council, Whitewater Area Council, and Kikthawenund Council to form the new Crossroads of America Council. Concerned Firecrafters and Arrowmen met to settle their differences, and both programs were allowed to continue.

Before 1972, all Firecrafters wore a pocket flap patch on the right pocket, indicating where the member was from within the council. He also wore a 3-inch pocket patch on the right pocket, indicating his Firecrafter rank. After the merger, the Order of the Arrow was given exclusive right to the pocket flap, while Firecrafter kept its right to the temporary patch position on the pocket itself.

[edit] From 1990 to Today

Firecrafter mainly exists today only in the Crossroads of America Council. Units that visit Crossroads' long-term camp, Ransburg Scout Reservation, also have youth and adult members active in their troops. A charter has also been extended to the Sagamore Council (headquartered in Kokomo, Indiana) to conduct summer camp operations as of June, 2005. Candidates from Sagamore will attend the Crossroads Ritual.

There is also a Southern Illinois Firecrafter organization around the Flora, Illinois area operating separately of the Crossroads Fire organization which conducted a Ritual as recent as 1997, who plays an important role in the history of Firecrafter today.

Throughout 1997 and into 1998, there were discussions between various Council Committee members, advisers, and members of the Crossroads Firecrafter organization (on an informal basis only) to formally recognize the Southern Illinois Firecrafter organization and join the two Fires into one. This was not accomplished due to several major differences between the two associations:

  • The Southern Illinois organization is not sanctioned by the Okaw Valley Council in any way, shape, or form. The Council does not sanction the use of the 3-inch pocket patch as temporary insignia, nor the pocket flap that is used to identify the member's home ember (most of the members use velcro and switch between their ember flaps and Order of the Arrow insignia).
  • The Southern Illinois organization's requirements for Minisino are significantly different than the Crossroads organization's, creating dissention on grandfathering Minisino between the two. Illinois Minisinos generally as a rule did not wear Indiana Minisino insignia but Indiana Minisinos were permitted to wear the Illinois insignia.
  • There were significant operating differences between the two organizations' ritual codes.
  • The Royal Order of Hi-Bark remained at that time, an active part of the Southern Illinois program. There are several Indiana members who were inducted into the Royal Order of Hi-Bark in Illinois in 1993 and 1997 on an honorary basis as a token of fraternal bonds between Illinois and Indiana, and their status as Hi-Barks is not widely known except to their close Scouting friends and family.

While Indiana members were invited to the Southern Illinois Rituals between 1993 and 1997, their direct involvement in the induction process there was strictly limited to an observation role only, and the invitations and knowledge of the Illinois ritual were controlled by a small group of Indiana Firecrafters. This group ensured that only Indiana Firecrafters who were willing to comply with the unspoken "no participation" rule were permitted to make the trip to Flora for the Ritual.

In 1999, there were several conditions added to the Minisino Code which explicitly prohibited the wear of Southern Illinois insignia at Crossroads functions or even within the Crossroads boundaries and considered violations of the policy punishable by a council Minisino Disciplinary Committee, a controversial body composed of the Council Chief and his appointees (without appropriate representation from the Council Committee or Alumni Association). This was due to the fact that the Council Chief that year was not invited to the Southern Illinois Ritual at the request of several prominent Indiana members who held membership in both associations who felt his involvement at the Illinois ritual would be inappropriate.

In addition, the 1999 Minisino Code revision made a few other changes to the Minisino program without approval by the Council Committee, specifically to administrative succession and the nomination and approval of adults for Minisino. The changes were written by the Council Chief, the Minisino Chairman, and the Minisino Adviser, without comment from any other members of the organization. This lead to a temporary crisis within Firecrafter and an overhaul of its governing documents.

The 1999 amendments to the Minisino Code led to a major review of the Firecrafter Constitution and By-Laws, including the Firecrafter Code and the Minisino Code. The 2000 revision of all four documents clarified inconsistencies in the administration of the program, made all language gender neutral, and provided for Firecrafter's growth into the next century.

[edit] Rank system

Firecrafter is divided into two Cub Scout ranks, three Boy Scout ranks, and one honor. Each rank is established so that advancement through the system is a process of building upon knowledge that a boy learned in his last camp rank and increasing his skill in scoutcraft. It is also designed to teach the boy personal responsibility and serve as a tool to encourage advancement and attendance at summer camp.

  • Webelos Camper is the first Cub Scout camp rank of Firecrafter, designed to be the introduction for a First-Year Webelos Scout to Boy Scouting. It is administered at either a council day camp or Webelos Adventure Camp by staff Firecrafters to a group of scouts.
  • Webelos Firelight is the second and final Cub Scout camp rank of Firecrafter, designed to serve as a foundation for the Arrow of Light and the young man's transition into Boy Scouting. It is only administered at Webelos Adventure Camp as the last requirement is to participate in the Spark of Interest Trail, which introduces Firecrafter in true form. Firelight is the most recent rank added to the Firecrafter rank system.
  • Camper is the first Boy Scout camp rank of Firecrafter. Camper is designed to supplement and support the programming for a young man's first year of camp. It is a basic review of the Tenderfoot requirements and introduces the new scout to long-term camp.
The Woodsman pocket insignia.
The Woodsman pocket insignia.
  • Woodsman is the second Boy Scout camp rank of Firecrafter. Woodsman is designed to give the young man a taste of Firecrafter at its best, as well as serve as a review of Second Class requirements and reinforce Firecrafter's core values to him. Woodsman is slightly harder than Camper, naturally. The scout must build a fire which will burn for fifteen minutes without the addition of any new wood and with only two matches. He must also be able to tie several knots used around camp, and fix a meal for himself without using utensils.
  • Firecrafter is the third Boy Scout camp rank. Firecrafter is the mountain top experience for the third year camper in which his attentiveness to the core values of Friendship, Leadership, and Service will be put to the test. Firecrafter requires preparation before camp - a scout must have several elements of his candidacy planned prior to that point. It is designed to encourage a Scout to continue up the mountain to Eagle, and therefore, serves as a critical element of any Scouting program within the Crossroads of America Council. A young man has five days to complete the Firecrafter card, and the requirements provide a learning experience unique to each young man's characer and skill level. Firecrafter carries with it several prerequisites: the scout must be 13 years of age, he must hold First Class rank, must have earned Camper and Woodsman, and he must not be 21 years of age by the time of the Firecrafter Ritual. There are several requirements for Firecrafter that serve to provide long memories for the Scout. He must make a fire-by-friction unassisted, pass five successive uniform inspections, and plan, lead, and execute a campfire program of specified format and design. At the conclusion of the in-camp candidacy, the Scout is invited to attend the inductions weekend, the Firecrafter Ritual, which is similar in form and fashion to the Order of the Arrow Ordeal and is discussed briefly below.
The Minisino pocket insignia.
The Minisino pocket insignia.
  • Minisino is the honorary camp rank of Firecrafter. Named from a Miami word meaning "Tried and Proven", a Minisino is a Firecrafter selected for the honor based upon his service to Firecrafter and to Scouting. As the beginning to the Minisino crowning ceremony states, "To him alone, who by his service, devotion, and achievements, proves himself worthy of high trust, comes recognition. Many may aspire, but the Gifts of Manitou are precious and descend only upon those who most nearly meet his requirements..." The specific requirements for the honor are known only to Minisinos and Minisino candidates, but it is publicly stated in the selection ceremony that the candidate is on trial for two camping weeks to prove himself to the Minisinos in camp and his fellow Scouts.

[edit] Becoming a youth Firecrafter

The process for becoming a Firecrafter as a youth often serves as one of Scouting's many memorable events. After earning the Camper and Woodsman ranks, a young man is often encouraged to candidate for Firecrafter in his third year at summer camp. He is prepared for his candidacy by other youth and adult Firecrafters in his home troop, who instruct the candidate on what is expected of him throughout his candidacy and after he becomes a Firecrafter.

At summer camp, a young man declares his candidacy for Firecrafter by notifing the Firecrafter Coordinator, or Consul of the Fire, of his intentions. The Consul adds the candidate to the list of candidates for the week, issues the candidate his requirement card, candidate's handbook, and fire-by-friction log. On Sunday night of camp, the candidate takes part in an induction ceremony, which explains to the candidate the expectations that he will be held to during the next week. The candidate is then free to complete his requirement card as he sees fit. All candidates meet once a day for a full field uniform inspection and brief candidate's meeting with the Consul. Three major events are part of the candidate's card. Most often, these are the events which will hold a Scout back from completing his card:

  • Building a fire-by-friction, unassisted, which must burn for fifteen continuous minutes.
  • Leading a campfire program, a form of campwide entertainment featuring skits, songs, stunts, a Scoutmaster's benediction, and a major theme.
  • The Firecrafter overnighter, where the Scout must demonstrate basic First Class Scout skills in preparing for an overnight camping trip.

The most important requirement of the Firecrafter candidacy at camp is Requirement #1. All ranks in the Firecrafter system share this requirement, and it is most important at this step in the program:

Understand and demonstrate the high standards of Firecrafter in personal attitude and example, showing respect for your fellow campers and your environment. Discuss the ideals of Scouting and Firecrafter with your Scoutmaster.

In this requirement, the Scoutmaster is given the ultimate and final decision as to whether the young man will be permitted to undertake the Ritual. The Scoutmaster usually makes this decision in consultation with the rest of the Firecrafters in the unit after the Friday evening activities in camp, but this is not required.

If the candidate is not successful in meeting the first twelve requirements by the time the unit leaves camp on Saturday morning, the candidacy is terminated and the candidate is not invited to the Firecrafter Ritual. Should the candidate complete his requirements card, and it is properly endorsed by the Firecrafters in his unit and the Consul, the candidate will be invited to the next Ritual for examination and induction.

[edit] Firecrafter ritual

The Ritual is, simply put, a period of testing, a period of reflection, and a period of induction. In keeping with the standards of the Boy Scouts of America, the Ritual is safeguarded and not secret, and there is nothing contained therein that would challenge a young man's ideas or place him in danger or harm. Hazing is not permitted or tolerated during any part of Firecrafter's program.

After the creation of the Council Committee in the early 1960s, it has become tradition to hold two rituals every summer; The Mid-Summer Ritual which usually lands in July and the Grand Ritual which is held in mid to late August. The Ritual locations rotate between the five Council camps (Bear Creek, Belzer, Kikthawenund, Ransburg and Red Wing). A formal rotation is no longer in existence because of the introduction of the Wabash Valley Council, service needs at certain camps, size of camps and scheduling conflicts with other groups. There are some general rules that have developed though. Belzer is the site for the Grand every 5 years on the significant Anniversaries. In the past, Red Wing and Bear Creek have served as primary locations for the Mid-Summer Ritual because they do not interfere with summer camp activities at the camp, though Belzer was the site for the Mid-Summer Ritual in 2005. Should the Council Committee decide to host the Mid-Summer Ritual at one of the operating summer camps, portions of the Ritual are held in a part of camp widely secluded from campers that weekend.

The Mid-Summer Ritual is generally the "dress run" for the larger Grand Ritual in August. Usually less than forty candidates participate in the Mid-Summer Ritual, with the bulk of candidates (sometimes well over a hundred and twenty) participating at the Grand Ritual.

Officers are also elected at the Grand Ritual. Adult Alumni Association officers are elected on Friday night at the Alumni meeting, with youth officers elected on Sunday morning at the Council Committee meeting.

[edit] Organization

Being that Firecrafter is a Scouting organization, it follows standard organization of a BSA Council. Troops operate their own Firecrafter programs supplemented by Firecrafters both in their own troop and experienced camp staff members during long-term summer camp. Members are organized at the district level into Embers. A group of Embers form a flame at the section level. There are three Flames which comprise the Fire, or Council. Officers of Firecrafter at the Ember, Flame, and Council level comprise the Firecrafter Council Committee, the policy-making body of Firecrafter. Any youth member of the Boy Scouts of America that has earned a camp rank of Firecrafter is a member of the Firecrafter Organization, however, most events that take place are for those who hold the Firecrafter rank.

Adult volunteers and professionals above the age of 21 who were not members as youth may become Firecrafters upon nomination by a Firecrafter and become members of the Firecrafter Alumni Association. Those members who were inducted as youth keep their rank upon their 21st birthday and likewise become part of the Alumni Association. However, all members of the Alumni Association are required to pay yearly or life dues; youth members do not pay any form of yearly dues whatsoever.

Members generally continue to participate in Firecrafter for their entire lifetime. There are former youth officers that have become adults that serve as officers in the Alumni Association or as advisers to the Council Committee.

[edit] Summer Administration

Within the Firecrafter By-Laws are two separate documents, the Firecrafter Code, and the Minisino Code, which govern the day-to-day administration of the program. The Firecrafter Code is the requirements for Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter; supporting documents; the Fire Administration Manual, the Scoutmaster's Administration Manual, and the Ritual Handbook. All are widely available except the Ritual Handbook, which contains every component and portion of the Ritual from the arrival of the Ritual Staff to the conclusion of the induction ceremony.

The Minisino Code contains the requirements for Minisino, the program's support documents, and the rights and responsibilities of a Minisino. It is shown to Minisinos only, and its distribution is tightly controlled to one copy per camp, one copy to the Minisino Chairman, and one copy to the Minisino Advisor.

Each council camp which operates a Firecrafter program is referred to as a Fire, stemming from the days when there was one council camp at Chank-Tun-Un-Gi (now called Belzer). The Fire actually consists of all in camp who hold a Firecrafter rank. Each Fire elects a Chief, Vice-Chief (also called the Consul), and a Secretary-Treasurer. Only Firecrafters vote in these elections, however. The Vice-Chief of the Ransburg Fire is actually hired by the Council and employed as the Firecrafter Coordinator during summer camp. It is the Vice-Chief's responsibility to administer the Firecrafter program within his camp. The Council Committee approves the individual camps for participation in the program.

In addition, a Troop that conducts long term, lone troop camping operations may be certified for a lone troop Firecrafter program, providing that enough Firecrafters are on hand to administer the program. This is only granted for Crossroads units by the Council Committee after the Troop makes such a request in writing.

[edit] Into the 21st Century

Firecrafter continues to grow year after year as Scouts and Scouters take the Unknown Test. The early years of the 21st century will usher in the third, and in some cases, fourth generation of Firecrafters to the Firecrafter Scroll.

Controversies striking the Boy Scouts of America also made their touch on Firecrafter. There was a series of years between 1996 and 1998 when the maximum age to earn a Firecrafter rank was moved several times in an attempt to ensure that female camp staff members did not earn Firecrafter camp ranks. There are no prerequisites on earning Camper or Woodsman rank, however, Firecrafter itself requires that the candidate be 13 years of age and hold First Class rank.

[edit] Identity and Traditions

Being that Firecrafter is a camp rank organization, many different traditions have been started and continued from generation to generation, and these traditions have contributed to the identity of Firecrafter, making it a unique part of the Scouting experience in Central Indiana.

  • Firecrafters have a unique signature used for Firecrafter and Scouting business. Any person that holds the rank of Firecrafter is permitted to sign their name with three capital X letters immediately following: John Scout XXX. Further, Minisinos are permitted to sign their name with an underlined M immediately before their name: M John Scout. The signatures are often used on documents relating to Firecrafter only.
  • Part of the Woodsman and Firecrafter rank requires that the candidate build a fifteen minute fire. At the conclusion of the fire, all Firecrafters present sign the candidate's card as witnesses to the candidate's ability. After the card is signed, an ember from the fire is used to burn two holes in the side of the card for Woodsman candidates, and three holes in the middle of the card at the fire-by-friction requirement for Firecrafter, as an attest to the candidate's completion of the requirement.
  • The campfire program requirement for Firecrafter entails a grading process at which the candidate's program is critiqued. Three candles are used during this process. If the candidate is successful, the graders will sign the candidate's card and then seal their names with wax. It is also tradition to present the candidate with a wax ball from the three candles used, signifying Friendship, Leadership, and Service.
  • As part of the induction process, Firecrafter candidates are usually guided to the final step of induction by members of their Scouting unit or members of their own family. It is considered bad taste for a candidate to be guided during this step by a complete stranger if a friend is present at the Ritual.
Back of the insignia rounder, signed by fellow Firecrafters
Back of the insignia rounder, signed by fellow Firecrafters
  • In the earlier years of the organization, the new Firecrafter was presented with a leather backing for his Firecrafter pocket patch called a rounder by his guide at the induction ceremony. Usually made of two pieces of leather laced together with colored lace and a fob for attaching to the right pocket button of the field uniform, the rounder's lace generally identified where the new Firecrafter completed his candidacy. In present-day Firecrafter, the candidate usually either picks the colors of his rounder, it is made for him by a fellow Firecrafter, or his troop wears the same colored rounder.
  • Still pertaining to the patch rounder, Scouts or Scouters who are close to the new Firecrafter or helped him or her attain the rank are usually expected to sign the back as a sign of welcome and passage into the organization.
  • As Firecrafter was and is a camp based organization, the different Crossroads camp staffs maintain their own separate identity within the organization and usually compete with each other on a regular basis. Higher ranking Council officers and officer candidates are usually affiliated with a camp staff (or Fire) organization, leading to fierce but healthy competition between the Ransburg and Belzer Fire organizations.
  • Members of the Ransburg Fire usually gather immediately after the induction ceremony at the Firecrafter Ritual and carry out their own traditions. Normally, these traditions include singing of the camp hymn and various spirit chants.
  • Adults selected for the Minisino Honor are almost always crowned (officially recognized) immediately following the end of the induction ceremony at the July (Midsummer) or August (Grand) Rituals. It is custom to name the oldest new adult Minisino as the 'Baby Minisino' and bestow upon them a baby's pacifier for wear at events throughout the year.
  • There is a Ritual flag that is flown during the inductions weekend, and the senior members of the Ritual staff (Chief Trail Guide, Assistant Chief Trail Guide, Ritual Coordinator, and Adult Chief Trail Guide) sign the flag as a mark of their service to Firecrafter. However, this is a more recent tradition dating back to the 1970's or 1980's.

[edit] External links