Kazahstanskij Institut Menegžmenta, Ekonomiki i Prognozirovanija

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The Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research


Motto "Education to Change Society"
Established 1992
Type Private
President Chan Young Bang
Students 3,048 (undergraduate)
420 (graduate)
Location Almaty, Kazakhstan
Website http://www.kimep.kz/

The Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research(KIMEP) was formally established on January 1, 1992 by resolution of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev. President Nazarbaev, acutely aware of the Republic’s needs for trained personnel to support a market economy, asked US scholar, Dr. Chan Young Bang, to create a new educational institution in Almaty. This new institution was to be staffed by a mix of foreign and national instructors and was to operate according to the high academic standards of North American and European academic institutions. Dr. Bang was appointed as the fist Executive Director.

The purpose of the Institute is to confer upon the people of Kazakhstan the skills and knowledge to pursue prosperity for the nation through leadership in business and government. Since its establishment, KIMEP has contributed enormously to the growth and development of the Republic Kazakhstan and its people, by challenging men and women to draw upon standards of excellence and to contribute to the society after graduation.

In August 1992, the first class of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and Masters of Arts (MA) in Economics programs commenced with their studies. Despite the scope and complexity of administering the MBA and MA programs, KIMEP continued to take the initiative and expanded into other areas, which were also vitally important for the development of the Republic. In August 1993, KIMEP created the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program. The mission of the program was to provide Kazakhstan with civil servants equipped with the skills, knowledge and values necessary to render competent and ethical leadership. The program also aimed to address governmental problems during the economic and social transition.

In August 1994, the European Union nominated Dr. Hartmurt Fischer of the University of San Francisco, USA, as the second Executive Director of KIMEP. The European Union, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Soros Foundation, the Eurasia Foundation, the British Overseas Development Agency, and the British Know How Fund provided support critical to KIMEP’s survival. In addition, local businesses began to contribute valuable assistance to the Institution. Because of this support, KIMEP was able to enhance its academic resources, and substantially improve its English language program. Moreover, KIMEP renovated the Library by expanding book holdings and upgraded the Computer and Information Services. These services are now among the best in all of Kazakhstan.

KIMEP has continued its policy of expansion. During the 1999-2000 academic year, KIMEP introduced four-year bachelor programs in the fields of Business Administration & Accounting, and in Social Sciences (International Relations, Public Administration and Political Science). The following year KIMEP opened a word-class bachelor program in Economics. Due to high standard and popularity of these new programs, the number of students enrolled in KIMEP has more than tripled since 1992. Currently over 2,5000 students are enrolled in KIMEP’s bachelors and masters programs. An additional 250 professionals study in the institution’s evening MBA program. Other vocational programs provide short-term and seminar training to executives in the areas of management, accounting, finance, banking, computer skills and English language. Hundreds of corporate executives continue to participate in these programs through an established and ever-expanding corporate clientele, which cooperates with KIMEP to enhance business operations.

The 1999-2000 academic year witnessed major and rapid changes in the Institution’s academic and administrative structures. The Government of Kazakhstan transferred the Institution to the trusted management of Dr. Chan Young Bang for a period of three years. Dr. Bang was appointed as the first President. Under his leadership, KIMEP introduced control and management structures which are practiced at higher educational institutions around the world. Under his leadership, the Institution grouped academic programs under distinct departments and devised a Faculty Code of Practice. These measures have ensured the full participation of faculty members and administrators in day-to-day affairs.

At present time, KIMEP continues to grow and develop in order to meet the educational needs of the growing student population. In 2002-2003, KIMEP launched two new Masters Programs: Master of Arts in International Relations (MIR) and Master of Arts in International Journalism and Mass Communication (MIJMC). In 2003-2004. the undergraduate program in Journalism was launched.

Under the Entrusted Management of the President, KIMEP has developed a five-year plan (2001-2005), which has been completed in stages. The first phase (2001-2002) called for the rapid expansion of classroom facilities, computer laboratories, library facilities, on-line services, office space, and seminar and conference rooms. Due to heavy investment from the Entrusted Manager, the administration of KIMEP completed these projects in a timely manner. The former United Nations building located within the campus has been renovated. Construction and renovation began in the Fall of 2000 and was completed by the Fall of 2001. The second phase (2002-2003) was mostly devoted to faculty and staff development and the recruitment of high quality faculty from Kazakhstan and overseas. The third phase (2003-2004) has been devoted to the renovation of the academic and administrative buildings. The fourth phase (2004-2005) continued with the faculty and library buildup, and renovation of the student center. Center for Executive Education and sports complex. The state of the art Center for Executive Education has been completed at a cost of one million dollars. This Center will host such programs as Advanced Management Program, Executive Master of Business Administration, Master of International Business and American Management Association (AMA) certificate programs.

Kimep has launched another “Strategic Plan” of development for the next five years 2005-2010. Under this plan, amongst other things, a modern library will be built at a cost of around $ 3 million and facilities for a new department of law will be created. These facilities, once fully completed, will be instrumental in the creation of a state of the art campus for the twenty-first century.

On July 7 2004, KIMEP was transformed into a Joint-Stock Company (JSC) in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.