Kavanagh College

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Kavanagh College
Image:Kavanagh College Logo.gif
Motto Ipsa Duce
(Latin: 'With Her As Our Guide')
Type Secondary (Year 7-13)
Year established 1989
Address Rattray Street, Dunedin
Principal Paul Ferris
School roll 918
Socio-economic decile (10 is high) 8
Ministry of Education Institution no.
Website www.kavanagh.school.nz

Kavanagh College is the only Catholic Secondary school in Dunedin, New Zealand. It has 900 students and was founded in 1989 as a merger between St Pauls High School, Moreau College and St Edmunds School. The founders of the school were the Dominican Sisters, Mercy Sisters and Christian Brothers. The first Principal was Brother Jury, a Christian Brother who left the role in 1991.

Kavanagh College has four main blocks of classrooms: the Mercy Block, the Dominican Block and the Bodkin Block, along with the Science block. Kavanagh is located near the centre of Dunedin and close to many facilities . The Otago Polytechnic is across the road.